When more than 95% of the broadband users are on Mobile then any disruption to Mobile services will definitely impact the overall Internet services in the country. #Pakistan#KeepitOn
@CloudflareRadar reported the drop in services in the country on Tuesday.
While there was a clear traffic drop observed by Mobile operators. There was a massive traffic hike in PTCL (AS17557) and Cybernet (AS9541), top 2 fixed mobile broadband providers in the country.
Lets look at the tier 2 fixed broadband providers in the country, Nayatel (AS23674) who predominately serves the capital city (Islamabad and Rawalpindi) and surrounding areas along with Wateen Telecom (AS38264) which serves predominately Lahore. Both saw a big jump in traffic
Now, the question is how well these fixed broadband providers responded to the 30%-40% extra traffic? How all the caches responded to extra traffic? How much issues we saw of SM slowness and irresponsiveness were because of congestion in these networks?
Unfortunately, out of the ASNs mentioned above in the thread only Nayatel (AS23674) has an active RIPE Atlas Probe to check if there was any high latency during the peak extra traffic.