Around the world, governments are working to erase data showing there's a deadly pandemic going on. First they stopped testing, and the number of cases 'declined'. Without dignoses, people dying with or after COVID also 'decreased'.
Now they are going after Excess Deaths. 👇
The most straightforward way of counting excess deaths is simply by comparing the number of a year with the average of the 5 previous years. Changes in the size and structure of a population change slowly year on year and have minimal effect on this comparison.
Due to the pandemic, this comparison has so far been made with the last 5 years before the pandemic, so 2015-2019.
But this is becoming a problem because we are still witnessing substantial excess mortality in 2023 and this undermines the whole 'the pandemic is over' brainwash.
The solution: normalise excess deaths by incorporating them into the basal numbers. If you make the pandemic the new normal you will be unlikely to see substantial excess mortality numbers.
How do you do this? You change the years you use for your baseline!
This is exactly what the UK is doing! So, for example, in the last "Monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales" by the UK Office of National Statistics, the 5 years used for the baseline now include 2 two pandemic years: 2021 and 2022.
So: 1. Are we trying to calculate the number of deaths had there not been a pandemic, that is to say estimate the impact of the pandemic on mortality? (Actually calculate excess mortality!)
2. Or are we trying to calculate the number of deaths given there has been a pandemic, i.e. to inform us about what is happening now? (meaning, make the pandemic the new normal).
No prizes for guessing which one they chose...
This is the last frontier of the general public understanding what is happening. The general public gets cases, gets deaths and gets excess deaths. The first 2 were blown into smithereens over a year ago. Now they are obfuscating excess mortality by changing the goal post.
The change in the baseline average from 2015-2019 to 2017-2019 and 2021-2022 automatically (they had no intention...) decreases excess mortality. The Media will keep referring to Excess Mortality as if nothing changed, leaving the changing goal post (aka technicalities) out of it
Next year, 2023 will replace 2017 and in 2026 the baseline of deaths will be calculated during the pandemic 2021-2025.
And this is how you make a pandemic go away by magic!
How it must upset them then that despite this blatant manipulation, 2023 is still showing substantial excess mortality in the new metric...
So they have to keep on lying about the causes like in the article I wrote about in the thread below.
"Professor David Coleman, Emeritus Professor of Demography at Oxford University, told the Mirror that no one knew for certain what had caused so many deaths throughout last year."
Well, he can speak for himself, I do know, as many others do: COVID.
"He pointed out that, post Covid, the UK’s population had been changed through the deaths of a significant proportion of elderly due to the virus."
I'm sorry, what? Post what? Are you taking the piss?
And the number of people over 65+ in the UK actually increased!
Just a reminder that if COVID-19 was 'just like the flu' and the people dying were 'gonna die anyway' there wouldn't be a WORLDWIDE, unprecedented in modern times, DROP in LIFE EXPECTANCY.
Notice that Africa, the Continent with the youngest population, was not spared the drop in life expectancy. It is not only the 'old and frail' that are dying.
Also, China opened up only in late 2022, so the drop in Asia is despite China having no drop in life expectancy due to its responsible but much maligned in the West 'dynamic zero covid' policy. Compare it to India where Delta killed millions of people. Look at that 2021 drop. 😱
If you look at the EuroMOMO Excess mortality for all ages since the start of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 2020 in Europe, you can't really say that things improved. The first 3 years of the pandemic show very similar levels of excess death at the end of the year. 1/
If 2023 seems to be looking better, remember that delayed reporting will increase those last few weeks apparent drop in numbers.
Here is a look at weekly mortality along the years. Looks like an improvement? Not to me, the weekly peaks since 2020 go from 90 to 110 thousand. 2022, the year of peak vaccination, looks a bit better, with deaths more spread in time. But 2022/23 winter is back to terrible. 3/