Pedro Lérias 😷 Profile picture
Médico (mas não aqui). A COVID continua a matar demasiadas pessoas. Todos têm direito a recorrer aos cuidados de saúde em segurança. Usem 😷, por favor.
2 subscribers
Oct 6, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
The US is fighting a proxy war against Russia to the last Ukrainian and is now fighting a proxy war against Russia and China to the last Israeli. That is what Israel is there for. Netanyahu is the Zelensky of Israel and is being used by the US to do their bidding. 1/ The US Deep State uses AIPAC to control the democratic will back home but it is the US that controls AIPAC and Israel. Don't buy into the argument that the US is trying to restrain Israel. The US has no friends and is now asking Israel to destroy itself for their master. 2/
Jun 7, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The Portuguese (pseudo)Health Authorities have come up with a 'cunning' way to keep people from accessing Paxlovid. Check it out.
First, restrict access to the usual 'risk groups', leaving most of the population out, particularly the working population and children. 1/ Second, further restrict access to most of those that overcame hurdle one to those who haven't been vaccinated or previously infected within the 6 months prior, despite the immune protection from either the vaccine or the infection being at most 3 months. 2/
May 11, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I would like to stress how this mines the ability of us doctors to do a rational management of antibiotic prescription. To be confident that someone has a viral infection and does not need antibiotics, I need to trust I have all the epidemiological information necessary. 1/ I'm now second guessing myself if I left patients with pertussis untreated because I trusted Public Health to warn that it could be the case and they didn't. Initial pertussis symptoms are just like a myriad of viral infections, difficult to differentiate. Epidemiology is key. 2/
May 10, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
It turns out I had whooping cough (pertussis). 🤯 In medicine what is common is common and what is rare is rare and inexperience with the disease and a lack of timely epidemiological warning meant this wasn't top of my differential diagnosis. A 🧵 on this crazy situation. 1/ A colleague from Spain thankfully reached out to me at the time to warn me about pertussis, as he was seeing many cases in Spain. 🙏🏻. But here in Portugal there was complete radio silence from Public Health. It turns out they were quietly sitting on a scary explosion of cases. 2/
Mar 30, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Watching academia and scientific institutions fully embrace or be slowly made to conform to the minimizing of the SARS² pandemic has been one of the most disheartening aspects of the ongoing Pandemic. Here I present one saddening example of the subtle ways they do it. 1/
Life Expectancy from 1980 to 2021: for every world continent except Oceania there is a 2 year substantial drop in Life expectancy of around 2 to 3 years. Oceania had a zero Covid policy until middle 2021 and so no drop in 2020. The image puts the same graph side by side: on the left, as it was before, the y axis adjusted to the year selection and changed to start at 50 years, better showing the differences since then. This is this image. On the right, as it is now, the y axis starts at zero and doesn't adjust to the numbers, making the changes less obvious. That is the next image.
Life Expectancy from 1980 to 2021: for every world continent except Oceania there is a 2 year substantial drop in Life expectancy of around 2 to 3 years. Oceania had a zero Covid policy until middle 2021 and so no drop in 2020. The image puts the same graph side by side: on the left, as it was before, the y axis adjusted to the year selection and changed to start at 50 years, better showing the differences since then. That is the other image. On the right, as it is now, the y axis starts at zero and doesn't adjust to the numbers, making the changes less obvious. This is this image.
Our World in Data has been a huge resource during the pandemic. I've spent countless hours checking and interpreting their data, so I got to know the site pretty well. I have noticed some minimizing changes the last year, but this one really got to me. 2/…
Mar 7, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Like Mycoplasma, Chlamydia (Chlamydophila) psittaci is an aerosol spread, intracellular bacteria. Many are asymptomatic carriers. The immune system relies on lymphocytes to fight it. SARS² kills lymphocytes weakening the host defences. The quiescent bugs explode. People die. 1/ Out of the 5 deaths, 4 were in 'let it rip' Denmark. But every country is 'let it rip' now so Denmark is probably just doing a better job diagnosing it. The deaths coincided with the last COVID wave in Europe, but they are blaming birds and maybe soon avocados (/s). 2/
Feb 23, 2024 21 tweets 5 min read
This is what 'You do you' means to me as I prepare to attend a dinner party inside a restaurant today.
Checking my privilege at the door: the risk involved, even with mitigations, is simply too big for many to take; these mitigations are expensive and out of reach to many. 1/ Photo with far UVC lights Nukit Torches, CPC mouth wash, VirX nasel spray, ffp2 mask, Aranet4 CO2 reader and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Emtricitabibe pills. But this is what I am doing tonight, and I want to share it to help move the discussion forward, always. What is different tonight is that I will be eating with a big group of people that won't test, inside a restaurant I have never eaten in. So here are my 'cheese' layers: 2/
Jan 8, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The Portuguese Health Minister, when faced with an extraordinary wave of excess deaths due to infectious respiratory illnesses, says there is STILL no reason for a widespread obligation of mask wearing in health care settings. I wonder how many excess deaths they need? 1/ Pizarro says “there is still no reason for a widespread obligation” of wearing masks By Pedro Zagacho Goncalves 12:12, 8 Jan 2024  The Minister of Health Manuel Pizarro removed, for now, this Monday the mandatory use of a protective mask, in the face of the pressure that occurs on the National Health Services, with rush to the emergency, unresponsive hospitals, waiting times above 12 hours and several units and above-normal mortality levels. While denying the need for widespread masking in Healthcare, the Portuguese Health Minister shed some crocodile tears and said he is concerned about increased hospitalizations in intensive care, so concerned that he is prepared to do absolutely nothing to prevent them. 2/ Minister of Health calls for vaccination and is concerned about increased hospitalizations in intensive care  MotherMedia / Lusa 8 Jan jan2024 12:37  The Minister of Health was now concerned about the increase in hospitalizations in intensive care and called on the Portuguese to vaccinate against influenza and covid-19.
Jan 6, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
The usual pundits are trying to say that the flu is killing as many people in Portugal now as COVID killed in the worst periods. This is blatant COVID minimising lie. 1/
THE FLU IS KILLING A LOT OF PEOPLE IN PORTUGAL  The real of Portugal: flu outbreak is killing as much as covid  Published in 06/01/2024-12:56  Economics  Vicente Nunes  The National Health System (SNS), the SUS of Portugal, has entered into high alert. A strong flu outbreak is killing as much as in the more acute periods of the covid-19 pandemic. Mortality in Portugal is very high at the moment (black line), with around 500 people dying daily, an excess mortality of 15-20%. But as the graph below shows, at the height of acute COVID deaths (grey line) over 700 people were dying daily, 80-90% more than expected. 4x more. 2/ Image
Jan 1, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Europe prefers to waste millions of boxes of the COVID antiviral drug Paxlovid instead of trying to save people's lives. I have never known of anyone in Portugal receiving Paxlovid and despite being a doctor I can't prescribe it, it is locked away in hospital pharmacies. 1/ COVID-19  Europe has wasted more than a billion on covid-19 drugs  By the end of February, 3.1 million Pfizer tablet cycles are expected to expire, bringing the cost to 2.2 billion dollars.  PUBLIC  January 1, 2024, 15:34 European Governments have so fully embraced the denial that a deadly pandemic is ongoing that they have chosen to let people die undiagnosed and therefore untreated. Because for Paxlovid to be prescribed, people would need to be tested. 2/
Dec 22, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Today I tried - and failed - to get permission to place this HEPA air purifier in the shared hospital room where my loved one has been moved to while waiting urgent surgery. They hadn't received such a request before and the usual bureaucratic arguments/excuses prevailed. 1/
Image of a Winix air purifier on the floor I had a positive discussion with the most senior person present, who nevertheless wasn't prepared to take responsibility for authorising it. I never intended to be confrontational about it, and actively sought permission, aware that it would probably doom my purpose. 2/
Dec 8, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. It's a prevention strategy that works for HIV infection where people use a 2 antiviral cocktail continuously or intermittently so that if they are exposed to the virus they are not infected. There is a caveat, though. You MUST be HIV-. 👇🏻 If you are already HIV+, your virus will become resistant to the 2 antiviral cocktail.
Treatment for HIV is normally based on 3 antivirals. Also, if you are knowingly exposed to the virus you can make Post Exposure Prophylaxis to try and prevent the infection from taking hold. 👇🏻
Dec 3, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I had a scary dream last night where I tested + for SARS². That second line frightened me. I retested and it was still there.
I have dreamed before of being unmasked amongst unmasked people but this was the first time I remember dreaming of being infected. And I was scared. 1/ I had this dream because I was in a not ideal situation a couple of days ago. So I am apprehensive. In the dream I remember warning everyone to mask around me and being masked myself, of opening windows, of telling people to test. But the 'shit, I'm infected' dominated. 2/
Oct 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I would like someone to write about the role of high impact scientific journals like The Lancet, BMJ and even Nature in the COVID minimizing narrative. It has been apparent to me that minimizing papers have been held to lower standards for publishing and have been fast tracked.👇 While non-minimizing papers have been rejected or have seen their revision process delayed.
And then we have the invitations to write some astonishing editorials/opinion pieces that were/are aligned with political powers to minimize COVID.👇
Sep 26, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The play book for minimizing a pandemic is the same accross diseases, decades and governments:
1. Say it only affects a group of people that we don't really care about (old, sick, gay, migrant);
2. Say we have an effective vaccine that will save you from inconvenience. 👇 This is what they did to minimize both COVID and monkeypox, now mpox.
In the case of mpox they repeat ad nauseum that:
1. it only affects gay men.
2. we have an effective vaccine.
Both are lies. As a airborne disease, mpox affects anyone that breaths. 👇
Sep 19, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
Information on the COVID Vaccination Campaign for Autumn/Winter 2023/24 in Portugal

The rules for access are out and can be consulted (in Portuguese) on the link below. I will try to explain to the best of my knowledge the main points. 👇… - Vaccination starts on the 2nd of October 2023.
- Only the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine adapted to the XBB.1.5 variant is available in Portugal.
- Everyone 60 or over years of age is elegible and those at least 5 years of age and older included in a list of "Risk Pathologies".
Sep 17, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Study: Long COVID in a highly vaccinated population infected during a SARS-CoV-2 Omicron wave – Australia, 2022 (preprint)

1. 18% reported Long COVID symptoms;
2. of these, 17.9% reported reducing/discontinuing work/study;
3. more vaccine doses reduced the risk. 👇 ‘Long COVID’ was defined as reporting new or ongoing COVID-19 illness-related symptoms or health issues 90 days post diagnosis. Out of total of 11 697 people, 2,130 (18.2%) study participants were classified as having Long COVID at 90 days post diagnosis.
Sep 16, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
We are going to watch a worldwide increase in Tuberculosis (TB) active cases and the WHO-World Health Organisation explains why in a straightforward way in its dedicated TB pages. 👇… Not everyone who is infected with TB goes on to develop active disease. It is estimated that as low as only 5 to 10% of infected people will do so. And it is thought that only people with active disease are infectious.
Sep 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
As a doctor, people tell me stuff. Friends and acquaintances phone when a dear one isn't doing well and they want an opinion or reassurance. My patients tell me about their families/friends.
So much death and suffering. Cancers exploding out of nowhere, sudden deaths, sepsis... My mind keeps screaming inside "Covid is doing this." But then I look around and I feel alone. Noone wants to think about it. Noone wears masks. Doctors' organisations in Portugal are totally connivent with what's happening.
Sep 4, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
'Harrisson's Principles of Internal Medicine' is a global reference book. I revisited my own copy of the 18th edition, published in 2013, over 6 years before the SARS² pandemic, and would like to share what it says about how influenza and SARS¹ are/were transmitted. 👇 First an interesting piece of information. Anthony Fauci has been a long-term editor of this textbook, since its 11th edition, and had been editor-in-chief twice by the time the 18th edition came out. He is not only familiar with it but fewer people would know its content better. 18th Edition HARRISON'S PRINCIPLES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE  EDITORS  Dan L. Longo, MD  Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School:  Anthony S. Fauci, MD  Chief, Laboratory of Immunoregulation: Director Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  Editor, Editions 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 Editor-in-Chief, Editions 14, 17
Aug 6, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read

It's time to revisit how untreated HIV infection evolves to better understand what increasingly looks like is happening to people after COVID.…
Graph showing stages of untreated HIV infection. 1. Acute phase leads to high viral load and decreased CD4+ lymphocyte count. 2. Asymptomatic phase sees CD4 cells rebound but start slowly decreasing after while viral load stays low. 3. AIDS stage sees very low and decreasing CD4 cells and viral load explode. In the acute phase of HIV infection people have a self-limited flu like illness of varying intensity that lasts up to 2 weeks. In this period there is high viral load and CD4+ lymphocytes take a first hit, decreasing in numbers.