148.10/ #YomYerushalayim Sameach everyone! I wasn't alive when the clearest miracle in recent history occurred, but I'm happy to live in the world after it.
148.11/ Have a great Shabbas everyone. Stay safe and #ShabbatShalom!
[Alt-video/image: Outfielder dives for the ball, it pops out of his glove, flies in the air, falls on his head, rolls down his back, down his arm, and back into his glove]
145.03/ Ya know how you used to believe in [literal and/or impossible thing about fundamental aspects of life] when you were a kid but then discovered the truth as you got older & more educated? Well the M*sk/Tr*mp years showed us many adults have never reached that milestone.
144.02/ I have both allergies & a head-cold (thanks Pesach!) and the amount of caffeine that I would require to make me halfway functional is enough to poleaxe a yak.
144.03/ First rule of media literacy - from listening to storytellers in 3000 BCE to reacting to online posts in 2023 CE - is knowing how you can be baited and then NOT TAKE THE BAIT. This also entails knowing your biases & your appetites.
143.03/ It really seems like M*sk is doing everything possible to destroy the Bird Site. If he were a rational actor, then he's laser focused on sabotage. But he's a pathetic, fragile narcissist & so these are his *best* ideas.
142.02/ The Sunday after Shabbat HaChodesh is when you go Pesach shopping, the Sunday after HaGadol is when you turn your kitchen over. That's why those haftarot are on the calendar. Them's the rules.
142.03/ @pptsapper is an excellent read, especially when the neo-Confederates start to get puffy and arrogrant.