1. The real catatrophe that occured when the Arabs failed to wipe out the Jewish state.
2. The mythical narrative that they remember on Nakba Day 2/13
They build their story on several pillars:
That the Palestinians welcomed the Jews
The Palestinians were innocent victims
The Jews planned to expel them
It was a one-sided slaughter
The demographic weakness of the Jews
The Arab armies had to save the Palestinians 3/13
And we can therefore prove that Nakba Day is based on nothing more than fiction - because each and every one is a lie. 4/13
The Jews were welcomed by the Arabs is an easy myth to dispel. The Arabs violently opposed the Jews arriving. There were riots and attacks and massacres - such as these examples from 1929 and 1938
Which means the founding pillar is a lie 5/13
Innocent? They rejected the partition and within hours of the partition Jews were attacked. 10,000s of irregular forces invaded as early as January 1948 - and there were massacres of Jews throughout the land. Such as this one in Feb 1948.
They were not innnocent victims. 6/13
Pre-plan? This one is wrapped up in antisemitic ideas of Jewish power. The Jews couldn't pre-plan anything and for a while they thought they might lose. An intelligence report from the British in April has it the other way around - with the Arabs trying to get the Jews out. 7/13
The myth of a one sided slaughter is easy to dispel too. This nugget from the British archives shows that just a few weeks before the Arabs invaded - there were equal casualties on both sides. It was a bloody civil conflict. 8/13
The myth of the demographic threat (the motive for expulsion) is just them clutching at straws.
The Jews did not have a number problem. 100,000s of Jews were still stuck in Europe - just waiting for the doors of Israel to open. Israel's population doubled - quickly. 9/13
The Arab states didn't need to invade anything. The Arabs could have accepted Partition, nobody would have got hurt - and the Palestinians would have had their state. The Arabs had long been promising they would invaded- just to destroy anything the Jews built. 10/13
Which means all of the pillars that the Nakba Day is built on are lies. They are pushing myths.
Their narrative is nothing but deception and antisemitic propaganda. 11/13
worse still - the myth has become like a religion. They say that to question it is as bad as Holocaust denial.
This belittles the industrial genocide of the Jews - inverts the Holocaust by implying the Jews act like Nazis and equates the Holocaust with a Palestinian myth. 12/13
In short - the Arabs wanted the conflict - they started the conflict - and they lost - badly. Their 'Nakba' is their failure to wipe out the Jews. 13/13
Just want to dispose of a few of the weak and transparent excuses being put forward to defend @bbcnews @channel4news and the documentary. Here are seven.
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1. 'It is difficult to verify news coming out of Gaza'.
If you know this then how can you justify spending £400k on a documentary knowing you will likely produce unverifiable Hamas propaganda? In other words the BBC is contradicting its own decision making.
2. 'There are no foreign journalists in Gaza - so we couldn't check the information. We did ask nicely several times if the family was Hamas.'
The information was found by a bloke living 10 miles from BBC HQ who had nothing more than a computer and motivation to find the truth.
We all know that @bbcnews put on a documentary that was fronted by the son of a senior Hamas official. The BBC was caught, took it down - and had its reputation shattered.
So now I want to talk about @Channel4News
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But I start in Gaza - before October 7.
I go back to at least 2022, when Abdullah the son of the Hamas official - must have been just 10 or 11 and was already in training.
Practicing speaking propaganda points to camera about how Gazans 'would never surrender'.
The Palestinians are masters in propaganda. And after the October 7 atrocities Hamas urgently needed to change the narrative - so these children were deployed. 1000s of cameras were activated and everyone became a 'journalist'.
An @BBC news thread - for those who do not understand JUST HOW BAD the BBC Hamas propaganda documentary was. There have been several key scoops - and I thought I would bring the issues together.
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First of all the big one. The BBC used the son of a Hamas official as its star performer - the narrator of the documentary. A catastrophic failure of editorial standards. For months - BBC's crew follow this child - but doesn't know who the father is (in image below)? No way.
In addition - one of the camera crew - who followed the kid around - posted celebrations of the October 7 atrocities. These pro-Hamas agents are the people the BBC paid and relied on for the 'integrity' of their documentary.
Dear @bbcnews. No I am not finished. We have yet another problem with your Hamas propaganda documentary.
You know the young chef and her elder sister Nourhan - who appear as one of the subjects in your piece?
We already know that their father was a Captain in the police force (you know - the people who enforce the laws of Hamas). And we also know he spent two years in an Israeli jail during the first Intifada...
Well now it turns out that the sister Nourhan Attallah (playing all sweet in your documentary) posted this on the evening (19:30) of 27 January 2023.... It was a post liked and loved by family and friends.