1. The real catatrophe that occured when the Arabs failed to wipe out the Jewish state.
2. The mythical narrative that they remember on Nakba Day 2/13
They build their story on several pillars:
That the Palestinians welcomed the Jews
The Palestinians were innocent victims
The Jews planned to expel them
It was a one-sided slaughter
The demographic weakness of the Jews
The Arab armies had to save the Palestinians 3/13
And we can therefore prove that Nakba Day is based on nothing more than fiction - because each and every one is a lie. 4/13
The Jews were welcomed by the Arabs is an easy myth to dispel. The Arabs violently opposed the Jews arriving. There were riots and attacks and massacres - such as these examples from 1929 and 1938
Which means the founding pillar is a lie 5/13
Innocent? They rejected the partition and within hours of the partition Jews were attacked. 10,000s of irregular forces invaded as early as January 1948 - and there were massacres of Jews throughout the land. Such as this one in Feb 1948.
They were not innnocent victims. 6/13
Pre-plan? This one is wrapped up in antisemitic ideas of Jewish power. The Jews couldn't pre-plan anything and for a while they thought they might lose. An intelligence report from the British in April has it the other way around - with the Arabs trying to get the Jews out. 7/13
The myth of a one sided slaughter is easy to dispel too. This nugget from the British archives shows that just a few weeks before the Arabs invaded - there were equal casualties on both sides. It was a bloody civil conflict. 8/13
The myth of the demographic threat (the motive for expulsion) is just them clutching at straws.
The Jews did not have a number problem. 100,000s of Jews were still stuck in Europe - just waiting for the doors of Israel to open. Israel's population doubled - quickly. 9/13
The Arab states didn't need to invade anything. The Arabs could have accepted Partition, nobody would have got hurt - and the Palestinians would have had their state. The Arabs had long been promising they would invaded- just to destroy anything the Jews built. 10/13
Which means all of the pillars that the Nakba Day is built on are lies. They are pushing myths.
Their narrative is nothing but deception and antisemitic propaganda. 11/13
worse still - the myth has become like a religion. They say that to question it is as bad as Holocaust denial.
This belittles the industrial genocide of the Jews - inverts the Holocaust by implying the Jews act like Nazis and equates the Holocaust with a Palestinian myth. 12/13
In short - the Arabs wanted the conflict - they started the conflict - and they lost - badly. Their 'Nakba' is their failure to wipe out the Jews. 13/13
As the rockets on Israel stop and the radical Islamic terrorists agree to a cease-fire, Israel is once again demonised in the media. It is worth remembering a few key points: 1/10
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In the early 1990s Israel tried to make peace with the Palestinians. They naively legitimised Yasser Arafat (mainly due to international pressure) and allowed Arafat to bring in a police force.
In the hope of making peace Israel gave power and weapons to terrorists. 2/10
Israel wanted to give the Palestinians the opportunity to rule themselves and so started with Gaza and Jericho. The Israeli right wing warned that Palestinians would fire rockets from Gaza. Rabin mocked them - promising their would be no rockets. 3/10
Go into any newspaper today and you will see this type of nonsense - tales of a wonderful 19th Century 'Palestine' - with this example coming from the @nytimes 2/13
And you have to wonder whether today's journalists even have access to their own archives. These examples are from the @guardian that ran an obit about a man born in Akko (Acre), Palestine in 1910 - when ITS OWN ARCHIVES from 1910 would tell them Akko was in Syria 3/13
On Friday 27 January 2023, at about 8:15pm, a Palestinian terrorist murdered seven people outside a synagogue in a neighbourhood of Jerusalem.
Within hours international media started rolling out excuses. Whenever there are dead Jews, somehow Jews are to blame.
We were told it was because of Israel's actions the day before - or a grandfather who had been killed - or the death of another relative - rationalising the actions of a terrorist in a way that is never done when the targets are in London, New York or Paris.. 2/19
So I want to go on a journey. And you will see that every time Jews are slaughtered - the media rolls out the excuses..... Although attacks took place everywhere - I will only talk about attacks in Jerusalem. 3/19
One of the biggest lies in anti-Zionism is that Jews and Arabs lived in 'harmony' until Zionism came along.
It is a disgraceful rewrite of history that denies centuries of brutal persecution.
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I have even seen academics suggest it is true - using a silly argument that Jews had it better in Islamic lands than in Europe.
Is the industrial slaughter of 6 million Jews really the bar we want to measure things by?
That's just twisted.
When you study the actual history you soon realise that Jews 'knew their place' and were suffering under numerous special Islamic laws - They weren't just 3rd class citizens - they were defenceless and vulnerable to vindicitive accusations and frequent mob attacks.
The story of Israel and Zionism is under attack by orwellian inversions of history. Politicians, media and even left wing Jews - have forgotten the truth - and have begun to spread a false narrative that demonises the Jews.
A thread reminding people about actual history
All the images in this thread are from newspaper articles of the time (1820 - 1949). They address the pillars of the anti-Israel narrative. If you want to see more examples follow the link at the end to the article on my website.
Read and learn - Retweet so others can too.
They say that Jews and Muslims lived happily together in peace before Zionism. It is a bare-faced lie. Attacks were often part of Jewish life. But sometimes news did get out. Like this distressing eye-witness account of a brutal attack by Arabs on Jews in Jerusalem in 1834.
Yesterday a lot of anti-Israel threads went viral. To highlight how bad this propaganda was I will focus on one thread full of lies and ommission. 3,500 retweets! Not because it held truth but because lies have gone mainstream + the enemies of the Jews are numerous.
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The thread was written by a Josh Reubner - an anti-Israel propaganda activist. He once co-founded an anti-Zionist Jewish group (of course) and has Exeter university (of course) attached to his name. Exeter is the homebase of Ilan Pappe and is a factory of misinformation
He starts by clouding the mind. He says Jews are 'settler colonials'. From where exactly?
Jews in Judea and Samaria dig into the land and find their own history. Some may not like the Jews having their own homeland - but you cannot rewrite history. The Jews are from this land.