The @UyghurProject was in 🇨🇭 Geneva for the 🇺🇳 review of China's record on women's rights #CEDAW 👇🏽
We submitted a detailed 🧾 report for consideration by the Committee, including info on:
➡️ Dramatic drop in Uyghur birth rates
➡️ Forced & incentivized marriage
➡️ Forced labor
➡️ Torture and sexual violence in the camps…
The Committee raised issues with 🇨🇳 citing research from @UyghurProject and others.
As well as our own research on the Chinese government's tight control over passports 👇🏽
"Weaponized Passports: the Crisis of Uyghur Statelessness" by @henrykszad demonstrates how Uyghurs have—for years—been denied passports.…
See this thread for a detailed account of the Committee's questions and the Chinese government replies related to the review.