▪️ 63.0% of households were single family households
▪️ 30.2% were one person households
▪️ 6.8% were other household types, such as households with multiple families or where unrelated adults lived together
▪️ 17.1% of families had only non-dependent children, up from 15.8% in 2011
▪️ 41.5% of families had dependent children, down from 43.0% in 2011
▪️ Of all couple families, 41.3% had no children unchanged from 2011
In 2021, 5.0% of children (aged 0 to 17 years) had a second parent or guardian address that they stayed at for more than 30 days per year, up from 3.2% in 2011.
Most (77.7%) lived within 15.0 kilometres from their second parental address in the UK.
In 2021, 52.4% of children with a second parent or guardian’s address usually lived in a single-family household that contained a female lone-parent family, an increase from 44.8% in 2011.
Latest economic activity and social change data shows the estimated demand for fuel per transaction was 5 percentage points above the level in the previous week ⛽
12 percentage points above the level seen in the equivalent week of 2022.
According to @Springboard_ weekly retail footfall in the week to 26 March 2023 was:
🛍️ 97% of the previous week
🛍️ 80% of the equivalent week of 2019
The System Average Price of gas fell by 12% in the week to 26 March 2023, according to National Gas Transmission 🔥
This is:
▪️ 55% below the equivalent week of 2022
▪️ 79% below the peak level recorded on 28 August 2022
▪️ the tenth consecutive week-on-week decrease
There were 824,983 conceptions for women of all ages in England and Wales in 2021.
At the time of the #COVID19 pandemic when lockdowns and restrictions may have affected behaviours, this is the first increase seen in the last six years.
Women aged 30 to 34 years had the highest number and conception rate for the fifth year in a row.
This age group also had the lowest percentage of conceptions leading to abortion.
The latest data suggests that for the first time since records began, women outside of marriage or civil partnership have a higher conception rate than those within marriage or civil partnership.
This may be an effect of the differences in population estimates used.