Arbor has modified >$1b of loans in the last 2 months.
Despite modifications, many delinquent loans are not being cured and are falling further into delinquency. 90+ day deliquencies are at their highest point ever at $414m. $ABR 3/
$ABR PIK appears to have grown about $83m this quarter alone, comprising 29% of its interest income and almost 150% of net income. Given Arbor's collateral assets are almost exclusively loss-making (DSCR < 0.5x), these amounts are non-recoverable.
Note: PIK is in other assets. Other assets have shrunk y/y as Arbor break out Real Estate Owned from this figure. $ABR
MPW engages in marked-up uncommercial sale-leaseback deals with European tenants, paying up to 4.3x fair value, in order to finance tenants’ loss-making operations.
In Q2 2023, MPW engaged in significant uncommercial round-trip transactions with its European tenants, Median and Priory Group, via sale-leaseback transactions. Both tenants are owned by Waterland Private Equity, with minority interests from $MPW. 2/
MPW consistently claims Priory Group, its third-largest tenant, is a well-capitalized and profitable machine. This is a lie. Priory Group has been operationally loss-making for years and relies on the proceeds of sale-leaseback transactions to remain solvent. $MPW 3/
$MPW has consistently claimed Priory Group, its third-largest tenant, was a well-capitalized and profitable machine. This is a lie.
Priory Group has been operationally loss-making for years and relies on the proceeds of sale-leaseback transactions to remain solvent. 1/
Priory Group made an operational loss in 2023.
Priory’s rent is actually included in “finance costs”. Why this is not included as operational expenses baffles us.
EBITDA is further bumped by the exclusion of recurring “one-time” costs (including right-of-use assets). $MPW 2/
Priory’s working capital ratio is 0.9x, meaning there is currently $0.9 of current assets to every $1 of current liabilities. Of these current assets, 50% appear to be zero-interest working capital loans Priory makes to related parties. $MPW 3/
Globe Life – SEC Enforcement Confirms Active Investigation
The SEC Division of Enforcement has confirmed that Globe Like is subject to a formal, active, and ongoing investigation. $GL 1/…
The FOIA office responded to a Viceroy-instigated appeal to disclose any investigation and communication records between the regulator & $GL. Our appeal was unsuccessful on the basis that $GL is under formal, active & ongoing investigation by the SEC’s Division of Enforcement 2/
The SEC nevertheless confirmed the existence of responsive records in relation to our request, and that the release of this information could reasonably be expected to interfere with an active and ongoing investigation. $GL 3/