So. It seems people don't realize that military industrial complex tracking programs were integrated into family court, child support and foster care systems.
This was in the 70s.
Strategic Hamlets / Phoenix --> Igloo White --> NSA / Promis --> GE Aerospace --> Maximus
In the original legislation of Title IV D was a often overlooked aspect of the program : the Federal parent locator service. .
Igloo White used an iteration of PROMIS to track and target various aspects of that war..
I was going to wait on the Child support thread til the weekend until @StellarFox16 seemed to think it appropriate to talk smack to me about what child support is or isn't.
Sit down. The adults are speaking now.
1.) Child support .
We call it Title IV D funding.
It's origins come out of the Church Committee hearings in the early and mid 70s.. an addendum to the 1975 Social Security Act and was written / sponsored by :
Russell B Long , Louisiana senator and Walter Mondale.
2.) The same year as IV D , IV -E was written..that is the SSA designation for Foster Care funding.
Maximus began offering services in 1976.
It was founded in 1975.
Maximus privatized them both with ALEC years later.. but I digress I'm getting well ahead of myself.
1.) I'm just not quite sure where to begin with what I'm about to post.
I've theorized for a long time that besides the obvious , nuclear secrets..
The use of radioactive isotopes in food ( Fernald ) , Manhattan and MK experiments was and is...
2.) The basis for a self-sustaining welfare program.
What I've been reading over the past few days is infinitely worse.
3.) I will provide screen shots of an excerpt from a document that was released , retracted ,then reclassified as top secret .
I've searched multiple countries and sources for a link to the original at no avail.
I doubt a FOIA will yield any results.
It's that horrific.
1.) This thread is to help anyone who is interested in learning about #MaximusInc . Questions can be posted when we're done.
For those familiar , there's still a tremendous amount of information , with @wishfulldreamz own observations.
She's very keen and knowledgeable.
1A.) #MaximusInc has had a stranglehold on the American people without anyone being fully aware.
There have been many researchers besides myself exposing them over the years :
However , none as extensive as myself and my fam helping me .
It's absolutely necessary .
2.) Most people know about the IBMs , RANDs , MITREs and so on.. Tavistock..
Thr major think tanks that are the spawns of the Military Industrial Complex..but not nearly enough are familiar with or have even heard of Maximus Inc.
Today is a special day.. My daughter's 21st birthday. Also meaning , nearly a full 14 years since I last spoke with or spent time with her in person.
She is the impetus behind the Maximus Inc research.
I fully believe I was called to do this....
2.) Unlike many parents who get stagnated and downtrodden in the their trauma from the family court systems in its various forms , I believe The Lord saw me heading down that same path.
For some time , I was deeply depressed.
3.) For a significant amount of time, I was doing this all alone without much feedback from anyone. Save a handful of people whom at the time like myself , didn't fully comprehend the scale of what I've discovered.