Maximus Disclosure 2.0 w/ Toni Triano and Pamela Olson : FENSOC //
Family court , MIC , big pharma
4 subscribers
Feb 23 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
So. It seems people don't realize that military industrial complex tracking programs were integrated into family court, child support and foster care systems.
This was in the 70s.
Strategic Hamlets / Phoenix --> Igloo White --> NSA / Promis --> GE Aerospace --> Maximus
In the original legislation of Title IV D was a often overlooked aspect of the program : the Federal parent locator service. .
Igloo White used an iteration of PROMIS to track and target various aspects of that war..
I was going to wait on the Child support thread til the weekend until @StellarFox16 seemed to think it appropriate to talk smack to me about what child support is or isn't.
Sit down. The adults are speaking now.
1.) Child support .
We call it Title IV D funding.
It's origins come out of the Church Committee hearings in the early and mid 70s.. an addendum to the 1975 Social Security Act and was written / sponsored by :
Russell B Long , Louisiana senator and Walter Mondale.
Nov 22, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1.) I'm just not quite sure where to begin with what I'm about to post.
I've theorized for a long time that besides the obvious , nuclear secrets..
The use of radioactive isotopes in food ( Fernald ) , Manhattan and MK experiments was and is...
2.) The basis for a self-sustaining welfare program.
What I've been reading over the past few days is infinitely worse.
Sep 22, 2024 • 22 tweets • 4 min read
1.) This thread is to help anyone who is interested in learning about #MaximusInc . Questions can be posted when we're done.
For those familiar , there's still a tremendous amount of information , with @wishfulldreamz own observations.
She's very keen and knowledgeable.
1A.) #MaximusInc has had a stranglehold on the American people without anyone being fully aware.
There have been many researchers besides myself exposing them over the years :
However , none as extensive as myself and my fam helping me .
It's absolutely necessary .
Sep 4, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Today is a special day.. My daughter's 21st birthday. Also meaning , nearly a full 14 years since I last spoke with or spent time with her in person.
She is the impetus behind the Maximus Inc research.
I fully believe I was called to do this....
2.) Unlike many parents who get stagnated and downtrodden in the their trauma from the family court systems in its various forms , I believe The Lord saw me heading down that same path.
For some time , I was deeply depressed.
Jul 22, 2024 • 18 tweets • 5 min read
1.) Today, we are going to look at the origins of #FEMA.. and by now , if you've been following me for any amount of time , know that #MaximusInc has and is still very entrenched into that system.
But most aren't aware of just how Much they are involved.
2.) Initially #MaximusInc was and still are involved with #TitleIVDFunding and #TitleIVEFunding.. but they also were writing and creating assessments that directly influenced law both public and private.
Maximus is a product as it were , of the military industrial complex.
Jul 2, 2024 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
About to go full #AlexJones on this shit...
Pardon the language but I've Been exposing this.
#MaximusInc created the app for #OSHA and the #DOL in conjunction with the #CDC
That's the Backbone for the illegals.
They're using #WhatsApp #VisionPointSystems and the #NOAA
Did anyone happen to see the video at the border of the illegal receiving GPS coordinates through their smartphone ?
#NOAA satellites are being used for GPS coordinates through an app designed by #MaximusInc for OSHA .. additionally, #WhatsApp is being used through the #CDC
Jun 29, 2024 • 34 tweets • 9 min read
The Global Impact of #ChattanoogaTn , #OakRidgeNationalLab and #S_M_A_R_T technology : a brief thread 🧵🪡
1.) This isn't meant to be all encompassing nor exhaustive in scope :
My opinion is that threads should serve as a succinct resource for further research , examination and debate.
Many volumes can be written about the particular subject matter we're about to look at.
Jan 12, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
@letshearthetru @laralogan @tobeycakes @realaudratoop @GraniteGrok @TSWBeyond @MeghanWalsh_ Soros also..
@letshearthetru @laralogan @tobeycakes @realaudratoop @GraniteGrok @TSWBeyond @MeghanWalsh_ Oh I forgot. The Rothschilds invest in Maximus' IT Department..
Dec 1, 2023 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Did anyone happen to see the video at the border of the illegal receiving GPS coordinates through their smartphone ?
#NOAA satellites are being used for GPS coordinates through an app designed by #MaximusInc for OSHA .. additionally, #WhatsApp is being used through the #CDC.
Sep 24, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The Jesuit Order controls the CFR..
The CFR controlled , at the time called the Department of Health ,,Education and Welfare which became HHS ..
HEW partially funded the MK experiments..
The founder of #MaximusInc was in both HEW and HHS ..
SRI , West Point 2nd gen
Aug 18, 2023 • 29 tweets • 7 min read
#Nashville #Tennessee #surveillance
Welcome to the Volunteer State : a thread on what happened and why.
1.) When we think of high technology , Tennessee isn't mentioned nor even thought of by most people.
However , when #OakRidgeNationalLab was built for the #ManhattanProject , resources , tech and German Nazi Scientists poured in courtesy of the #DeptOfDefense
Aug 4, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Jul 25, 2023 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
1.) I will always tell people to cite their sources for many reasons .
The biggest being respectful of those who do the deep dives to provide people with accurate information and research .
We literally spend years on this work .
2.) Now , that being said , sources provide a history of the information thereby allowing the reader to find the original information for themselves .
Think root-cause analysis .
Jul 8, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
A short thread on my background
1.) In the early 2000s , I worked as a batch process chemical operator and compounder for DuPont. I know first hand how toxic the forever chemicals are : my health has been declining from the constant exposures we endured.
2.) From the early 2000s up until 2017 or so, I worked in the same position for 1 additional chemical company and 2 pharmaceutical companies :
-Accella Polyurethane Systems ( automotive industry )
-Chattem Chemicals ( Sun Pharmaceuticals )
-Chattem Drugs ( Sanofi)
Jul 6, 2023 • 31 tweets • 11 min read
Let's begin . 1. ) My threads should serve as , a starting points for those out there who research like many of us do .
Saving Our Children is why many of us are on social media exposing the horrors and absolute evil that it is .
Tennessee has escaped the public eye for too long.
Jun 24, 2023 • 13 tweets • 8 min read
1.) It's occurred to me multiple times that people in general don't realize or understand what kind of power big data / health-care / big tech companies have .
Nor do they realize the scope of the #MaximusInc databases : fort they are at the nexus of the aforementioned.
2.) This thread isn't meant to be all encompassing , as it would take 24/7/365 monitoring of the contracts , companies , people and additional data sets generated.
This will be a good overview of what they've done in their now , 50 year history.
Jun 15, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Not my research but Accurate although some things are a bit dated .
1. ) The Black Nobility Papal Bloodlines
The True Rulers of Us All
I get really tired of people that are supposed to be top conspiracy leaders & teachers saying that the Rothschilds are the richest family.……2. ) Part 2
The Black Nobility Papal Bloodlines
The True Rulers of Us
Second Tier Bloodlines
House of Alba
House of Bathory (Dracula, Order of Bath, Prince Charles and Blood Bath Ritual)
House of Bonaparte
House of Borromeo
House of Bourbon
Dreyfus family (Julie……
Jun 14, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
I can't possibly make this any more clear than I've previously stated but I will continue to teach everyone about #MaximusInc.
The atrocities in child support , foster care , welfare, all family court systems are because of this single company.
2. ) The aforementioned is predicated byt the fact #MaximusInc is a military industrial complex company , funded by the taxpayer's Social Security funds.
Just as normal people have networks for employment , child predators and pedophiles do as well.