But what the f**k does that mean? In simple terms, "long muscle lengths" means when your muscle is fully stretched. "Hypertrophy" means muscle growth.
So, picking exercises that are hardest in the stretched position are best for muscle growth.
Take for example this study on squats vs. hip thrusts. Squats are harder in the stretched position (the bottom) and hip thrusts are harder in the contracted position (the top). What happened?
Squats blew hip thrusts out of the water in terms of hypertrophy.
Still don't believe me? In this study: PMID: 35819335
The Overhead Tricep Extension (lengthened) beat the Tricep Pushdown (shortened) by "1.4-fold greater [muscle growth] for the Whole-[Tricep]."
In addition to training at long muscle lengths, exercises need to be low complexity and high stability so you can exert high outputs.
Meaning, a Turkish get-up will not drive muscle growth, but a Hack Squat will.
With all this in mind, here are high-output exercises that bias the lengthened position for every single muscle group:
1) Abs: Rope Crunch
2) Biceps: Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl
3) Calves: Straight Leg Calves Press
4) Chest
- Incline DB Press
- Flat DB Press
5) Front Delts: Seated DB Shoulder Press
6) Glutes: Bent Knee RDLs
7) Hamstrings: Stiff Leg RDLs
8) Lats
- Vertical Pull: Chest Supported Lat Pulldown
- Horizontal Pull: Lat-Focused Seated Cable Row
9) Side Delts: Cable Lateral Raise
10) Quads
- Machine: Hack Squat
- Free weight: High Bar Back Squat w/ Heel Elevation
Here's every tip I have to save you from losing 27% of your muscle by age 60:
1. Cardio is a waste of time.
2. Eat the frog first. If you struggle to consistently work out, do it 1st thing in the morning. 3. Eat tons of lean steak, chicken, fish & greek yogurt. 4. The only cardio you need is 7k steps a day + weight lifting.
5. Skipping workouts because you're "tired" is the reason you're tired. 6. 8 hours of sleep & 30 minutes of sunshine are the only steroids you need. 7. Eat 0.7-1g of protein per pound of target body weight for muscle growth.
If you sit more than 6 hours a day, you're destroying your body and ruining your health.
Here's every tip I have to reverse the damages of sitting:
1. Stop drinking alcohol.
2. Buy an under-desk treadmill & a standing desk. Modern problems require modern solutions. 3. Schedule mini-breaks for movement on your calendar. 4. Eat the frog first. If you struggle to consistently work out, do it 1st thing in the morning.
5. Skipping workouts because you're "tired" is the reason you're tired. 6. Get 7 hours of sleep & 30 minutes of sunshine daily. 7. Take a 5-minute walk after each meal. This improves blood sugar regulation and prevents "the early afternoon" crash.