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Helping men get lean & transform their bodies sustainably • Coached 200+ to permanent transformations • DM me “reset” for coaching
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Sep 24 11 tweets 4 min read
Low testosterone is linked to stomach fat, erectile dysfunction, and depression.

Give me 2 minutes and I'll give you 7 steps to boost your testosterone (backed by science): Image Stop Eating Like Crap

Your diet is the foundation.

But you don't need to go keto or starve yourself.

Just focus on:
• Healthy fats
• Lean proteins
• Fibrous veggies
• Complex carbs

And cut out processed junk. It's that simple.
Sep 17 14 tweets 4 min read
Harsh truth:

Cardio is a stupid way to lose fat.

If you have 30 pounds of stubborn belly fat to lose by Christmas, read this: Image Cardio doesn't burn as many calories as you think.

A 30-minute jog? About 300 calories. That's one cookie.

Plus, your body adapts quickly, making cardio less effective over time.
Sep 13 14 tweets 5 min read
After losing 37lbs of fat, here's every piece of fat loss advice I can think of:

1. Buy a good pillow
2. Everything in moderation is fine—including the occasional glass of wine

3. Lifting weights 3-4 times a week is the best thing you can do for your masculinity Image
Sep 12 14 tweets 5 min read
A hill I'm willing to die on:

Cardio is a waste of time if you want to lose fat.

Here's why (science-backed): Image Don't get me wrong.

Cardio burns calories. So yeah—it'll help you lose weight. In theory.

The problem starts when you realize how brutal it is for beginners.

Gasping for air, knees in pain, feeling like you're gonna pass out.

This isn't fun. And there's more... Image
Aug 27 9 tweets 4 min read
No amount of exercise will make up for a sh*t diet.

Here are 8 simple meals to make you leaner than 98% of the population:

(cook in 15 minutes or less) BREAKFAST

1) Eggs with Avocado & Vegetables

→ 1/2 avocado
→ Slice of tomato
→ Sea salt and pepper
→ 3-5 pasture-raised eggs
→ Cook in grass-fed ghee or tallow
→ Large serving of dark, leafy greens

Cook the eggs and greens in separate pans. ~8min total. Image
Aug 19 9 tweets 2 min read
If I woke up 30lbs overweight and exhausted, this is how I’d get lean & healthy fast.

My nutrition, training, and lifestyle blueprint: Nutrition:

• 5g of creatine daily
• 3 meals, 1 snack per day
• 3-6 fruits + veggies a day
• 40g+ of protein per meal/snack
Aug 1 11 tweets 3 min read
Visceral fat is America's most deadly threat, and most people don’t even know what it is…

But it’s causing heart disease, diabetes, and numerous cancers behind the scenes.

A thread on losing your visceral fat (this might just save your life): Image What is "Visceral Fat"?

Visceral fat is the deep belly fat that surrounds your organs.

Unlike surface-level belly fat, it releases toxic chemicals and massive amounts of inflammation.

It's the hard "beer belly" that pushes out your belly. Image
Jul 25 15 tweets 3 min read
Heart disease is the #1 killer

But it’s chronic inflammation that causes it, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's

Since your doctor won’t help you reverse it, here are 3 simple steps that can: Do you deal with anxiety daily?

Do you wake up with aches and pains in your joints?

Do you battle constant fatigue, even if you slept well the night before?
Jul 6 13 tweets 3 min read
Insulin resistance is making America fat, and most people don’t even know what it is…

It’s also causing heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's.

A thread on reversing the effects of insulin resistance (bookmark this): What is this “Insulin Resistance?”

Insulin is a hormone that works like a key, putting sugar into your cells.

With insulin resistance, the key doesn’t fit right.

The sugar can't get into your cells, so it builds up in the blood.

It's like a door that's jammed. Image
Jul 1 10 tweets 2 min read
If I woke up 30lbs overweight and miserable, this is how I’d get shredded fast.

My nutrition, training, and lifestyle blueprint: Image Nutrition:

• 5g of creatine daily
• 3 meals, 1 snack per day
• 3-6 fruits + veggies a day
• 40g+ of protein per meal/snack
Jun 24 11 tweets 4 min read
I regret to inform you that sitting in front of a computer for 6 hours a day is literally destroying your posture and health.

Here are 5 exercises to reverse the damages of sitting: Image Sitting the new smoking. It leads to:

• Bad posture
• Aches & pains
• Obesity & fat gain
• Diabetes & Insulin Resistance
• Bad mood, depression & anxiety

Below are 5 simple exercises that will reset your body and reverse these problems:

(Do these daily)
Jun 13 12 tweets 3 min read
Your doctor won't help you heal your gut, but I will.

If you want to fix your gut health, here's every tip I could come up with:

1. Stop drinking alcohol. Image 2. Eat plenty of prebiotic fiber. Examples:

• apples
• berries
• avocado
• bananas
• seaweed
• pistachios
• asparagus
• mushrooms
• sprouted oats
• garlic and onions
• Jerusalem artichokes
May 28 10 tweets 2 min read
Your doctor won’t help you get healthy, but I will.

Every fat loss tip I could come up with after 9 years in the gym and 4 years of coaching:

1. Stop drinking alcohol. 2. Stop Intermittent Fasting. It's making you lose muscle and whither away.

3. Stop drinking your calories. Sugary drinks are your worst enemy.

4. Carbs don't make you fat, too many calories do.
May 16 13 tweets 5 min read
No amount of exercise will make up for a sh*t diet.

Here are 8 simple meals to make you leaner than 98% of the population:

(cook in 15 minutes or less) BREAKFAST

1) Eggs with Avocado & Vegetables

→ 1/2 avocado
→ Slice of tomato
→ Sea salt and pepper
→ 3-5 pasture-raised eggs
→ Cook in grass-fed ghee or tallow
→ Large serving of dark, leafy greens

Cook the eggs and greens in separate pans. ~8min total. Image
May 8 18 tweets 4 min read
The tragedy of modern men:

They’ll work 40+ hours for their family,
but won’t get healthy for them.

Meanwhile 1/4 die from heart disease.

7 steps to prevent an early death (even if you don’t have time): Image Heart disease is the #1 killer.

But it’s insulin resistance that causes it.

And modern life is to blame:

→ stress
→ sugars
→ desk jobs
→ processed foods
→ sleep deprivation

Creating the ultimate recipe for IR and chronic disease. Image
May 1 17 tweets 4 min read
I’m 24.

I wasted 11 years trying to build muscle with exercises that were keeping me small.

Then I learned the truth.

Here’s 7 dead-simple exercises that ACTUALLY build muscle: Image I spent 11 years doing:

Olympic lifts, KB swings, and CrossFit workouts.

I trained hard but was always skinny as a stick.

One of the key reasons was the exercises I was doing.
Apr 30 16 tweets 4 min read
One pattern I’ve noticed in all miserable men:

They don’t keep promises to themselves.

Do this to completely transform your body, even if you “have no time:”

1) Stop relying on cardio to burn fat. Image Cardio is great for your brain, heart & lung health.

It's shitty for fat loss.

Always prioritize strength training + nutrition > cardio.
Apr 26 18 tweets 4 min read
Heart disease is the #1 killer.

But it’s insulin resistance that causes it, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's.

Since your doctor won’t help you reverse it, here are 7 simple steps that can: Do you deal with hunger pangs even if you just ate?

Are you battling an expanding waistline no matter what you try?

Do you experience brain fog so bad it feels like you can’t even think?

Are you fighting constant fatigue daily, even if you slept well the night before?
Mar 28 14 tweets 3 min read
Heart disease is the #1 cause of death.

Since your doctor won't help you avoid it, here are 7 simple steps that will:

1. Stop drinking alcohol. Image Excessive alcohol intake leads to high blood pressure and heart failure.

Make sure to:

• have alcohol-free days
• limit alcohol to 2-3 drinks/week
• use mocktails when you're out socializing

Don't believe the hype:

In no way, shape, or form is alcohol healthy.
Mar 19 10 tweets 3 min read
If you're a man over 15% body fat, read this: Image Men over 15% body fat are at greater risk for:

• brain fog
• low energy
• a shortened life
• decreased motivation
• heart disease and diabetes

But to get leaner and healthier, you only need these 3 simple steps:
Mar 15 11 tweets 2 min read
Your doctor won't help you heal your gut, but I will.

If you want to fix your gut health, here's every tip I could come up with:

1. Stop drinking alcohol. Image 2. Eat plenty of prebiotic fiber. Examples:

• apples
• berries
• avocado
• bananas
• seaweed
• pistachios
• asparagus
• mushrooms
• sprouted oats
• garlic and onions
• Jerusalem artichokes