This only scratches the surface. There are 15,000 posts on Childline’s Gender Identity Board.
It is filled with dangerous advice and opinions. This is even though Childline claim to ‘check every message’. Adults could easily access these boards.
This flag is currently hanging up inside Childline’s Counselling Room in London.
Childline is meant to be a neutral mental health service, free from bias.
Yet, this ideological symbol sends a clear warning to counsellors and children alike to not step out of line.
Childline staff have reached out to me in confidence to share that they feel pressure to ‘affirm’ children with gender dysphoria.
I have been told about Childline counsellors who announce their pronouns when speaking to a child and ask for the child’s pronouns in return.
I volunteered as a Childline counsellor for 5 years.
After I raised concerns about gender ideology within the organisation, including Stonewall’s influence on internal policies, I was removed from my position.
The Royal Society (@royalsociety) is considered the leading scientific academy in the UK.
Yet, it’s Young People’s Book Prize 2024 shortlist includes a book that tells children:
“You can feel like a girl, a boy, neither, both or a little of one and more of the other.”
The book even goes on to tell children:
“The hand you use to write with isn't something you decided, it’s just what feels natural to you. You are allowed to use the hand that feels comfortable. Gender identity can be the same.”
🚨The College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (@cosrtnews) are teaching therapists “don’t yuk someone’s yum” when it comes to “bestiality/animal play”.
Those arguing animals can’t consent to sex are told: “animals don’t consent to anything…so that isn’t argument enough”.
The trainer then brings up a man who had a sexual interest with chickens (“dead or alive”).
The sole concern was that he became a chef and was advised “don’t do anything with chickens at work”.
Therapists are then told that the most popular dog fetish is for golden retrievers.
Therapists are even encouraged to be affirming of practises that involve having sex with people while they are asleep (“sleep play”), on the basis that Sleeping Beauty didn’t consent to being woken up with a kiss.
Thread 🧵 - World Mental Health Day 2023 and Gender Dysphoria.
In aid of World Mental Health Day, here are some crucial facts about gender dysphoria, a globally-recognised mental health condition, and the unethical medicalisation of children who suffer from it:
There is no other mental health condition in which you can tell a doctor you have something wrong with you, with no objective test, and receive irreversible medication or surgery on your say-so.
This goes squarely against the Hippocratic Oath.
Gender dysphoria is the only mental health condition in which treatment affirms the highly distressing thoughts inside someone’s head or encourages them to physically change their body.
The treatment for anorexia or body dysmorphia is not liposuction.