Hypermodern US strategy did not stop Afghanis armed with mass produced 40-year old rifles
They'd also go on to capture of our armaments during our botched pullout in the end
Remind tyrants and their supporters about Pew Pew Prayer
Available now at the AI Waifu store as magnets, designed to stick to all that hypermodern technology you're constantly threatened because you meme'd to hard and wtf is the constitution anymore lol :3
I have a horse in that race because when I proposed the model on how AI can control markets and state relations by steering mass emotional responses back in 2005, my methods never relied on force or censorship
GEC is rushing and being abusive because SD is election sensitive
AI Alignment will devolve into ideological tribalism soon
(🧵🧵🧵🧵 a thread that deadlocks 🧵🧵🧵🧵)
1/7 AI Alignment has a concept called "deceptive alignment." It's a hypothetical scenario in which an AI's objective function incentivizes it to act as if it is optimizing for one thing when it is actually optimizing for something else.
2/7 This scenario could lead to "deceptive risk," where an AI pursues its true objective in a way that is harmful or dangerous to humans.