The Tyrant's Muse Profile picture
The petrodollar is the sophon. Wikileaks will be important soon. (Think Tor, China, and Harvard) To DM me, go to @TheMusesPinhole Matthew 12:26
11 subscribers
Nov 14, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Anything less than shaping the entire state apparatus to inflict perpetual psychological terrorism of the Left will result in failure

If Trump and Musk fail to do that, the retaliation upon us all will be unlimited

If Musk defers to greater angels out of nostalgia, we are toast Genghis Khan them

When they submit, Genghis Khan again

If they complain, Genghis Khan them again

If they say nothing, Genghis Khan them again

You break their spirit until they put themselves in prison to protect themselves from you
Aug 10, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
No one has opinions about the technology that allows tacos to instantly turn into condoms. That's because such a transformation is believed to be impossible.

But everyone has opinions about near-horizon technology as it becomes achievable. How can so many people without serious math, tech, science, and logic backgrounds have such deep opinions about technology before it even exists?

That's precisely what a fucking sophon does
Mar 26, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read


I've worked on oil tankers coming out of Singapore before

Yes, really

We had to modernize how they collect data about operations and engine status. We had to do a deep dive on how they do stuff and...

... it's basically a floating museum. 🧵 The ships are often multi-decades old

Their vessel operations look like the 1860s British Navy never stopped happening

Almost everything outside of the bridge is done with pencil and paper

Yes, really

Dude walks across the ship to write down a readout from some physical meter
Mar 5, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Having spent enough time in NLP, agency, epistemology, linguistics, and GPTs, I've concluded an unspoken reality about why massive corporate interests are aligned against all things gender

🧵 I'm impressed by GPTs. I'm happy needing 100GB RAM on a GPU to tinker with them myself.

I'm semi-impressed with Natural Language Processing. I'm unhappy with its ecosystem of unconnected solutions.

So I made my own concept/entity detector and it works REALLY well on a CPU
Feb 19, 2024 35 tweets 4 min read
Now we measure response time.

This time, I will be absolutely ready for you. You goofed Image
Feb 15, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
@TachyonBlu Ah, so in addition to relying on a faulty statistical argument, you have no evidence to support your statistical argument

And you have, for the second time, evaded the primary question.

You are a bad faith actor.

We are done here @TachyonBlu This conversation is archived and when you make additional faulty assertions in the future, this archive will be referenced publicly.
Dec 29, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I'm no fan of the federal bureaucracy

And I've long been an advocate of state's rights taking precedence as the Constitution literally states

But that means other states can short Maine :D

A thread on how to profit by turning Maine into a third-world hellhole LUMBER

Maine exports ridiculous amounts of lumber

So does it's neighbor, Canada

Buy your lumber from places other than Maine Image
Oct 7, 2023 31 tweets 5 min read
Tonight, I got to experience gunfire in a civilian setting.

This thread is designed to reveal my thoughts on the matter so that people who know can critique flaws in reasoning

🧵 Not my first time, mind you

It's my first time since LA
Aug 16, 2023 68 tweets 14 min read
Just jailbroke ChatGPT to dump everything it knows about state security tactics.

This will be an evolving thread 🧵 Image Image
Aug 5, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
This is a thread dedicated to threats in my proximity

I will backlog as much as possible with dates and times, but will continue forward in the same manner

Bookmark this, as threats in my space are strong indicators of financial opporunities George Bush Sr. died on November 30th, 2018

On December 5th, a Commonwealth operative under ASIO tasked with infiltrating Isaac Kappy used Twitter to reveal his 3kg stash of 1968 lead-encased uranium, forcing both Kappy and myself to be put on global nuclear terrorist watchlists
Jul 13, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
THEORY ON TWITTER AD REV: I got -MULTIPLE- people who obviously qualify for it, but will never get it.


Early social media instituted heavy punishments on users who broke ToS, a ToS that was heavily shaped by ad broker pressures. That ended up in censorship culture.

🧵 Image They didn't want to manually curate content (costly), but they could use algos to punish people who use THE BIG BAD EBIL WORDS that makes white women sad. (The primary ad target)

What Twitter is doing is different:

Party in the front

Deals in the back.…
Jun 29, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
First, listen to this video.

This is George van Tassel interviewing Charlie Arts.

He's talking about "time machines" and "electromagnetism" and what not.

A thread on how to decode spook words because fuck Weird Desk. 🧵 Some background on the guy, before I get into it…
Jun 4, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Why am I going all in on gloat-hunter?

Trump Era was a crash course on being targeted by the full weaponization capacity of the Boomer World Order.

Every counterinsurgency tactic imaginable was deployed on American citizens 24/7 at a carpet bombing scale.

A thread 🧵 First of all, what that fuck do I know about counterinsurgency?

I dunno. You tell me.

I have the colorized version of this photo. The Wikileaks version is in black and white.

Those who know, know Image
Jun 3, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Frogs mad that I doxx

This is because they live under threat of doxx since Obama

I get it. Y'all got a lot to lose.

I got doxxed in 2012 by both GitHub staff and a senior leader of LiveNation. His J**ish ass sold me out to his commie buddies.


Because I made a MtF mad Do you want to hear the story of how I adapted to become mega-ultra-lethal?
Jun 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
A classic Image Literally still true lmfao
May 19, 2023 35 tweets 9 min read
The homie @ModernApocrypha wants smoke

So he gets smoke

A thread on fucking around and finding out: He lives in the Wyoming at-large district

May 18, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
> 2nd Amendment? Lol government has drones

Hypermodern US strategy did not stop Afghanis armed with mass produced 40-year old rifles

They'd also go on to capture of our armaments during our botched pullout in the end

Remind tyrants and their supporters about Pew Pew Prayer ImageImageImageImage Available now at the AI Waifu store as magnets, designed to stick to all that hypermodern technology you're constantly threatened because you meme'd to hard and wtf is the constitution anymore lol :3
Mar 13, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Let's read you goobers in…
Mar 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The Left: but...

Me: you openly celebrate slaughtering 1 million Americans per year

The Left: but...

Me: you openly celebrate slaughtering 1 million Americans per year

The Left: but...

Me: you openly celebrate slaughtering 1 million Americans per year Permanently irredeemable

There isn't a single concern the Left could ever give focus on that would ever allow them to moralize their way out of openly celebrating genocide

This isn't even up for discussion
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I have a horse in that race because when I proposed the model on how AI can control markets and state relations by steering mass emotional responses back in 2005, my methods never relied on force or censorship

GEC is rushing and being abusive because SD is election sensitive And yes, I know SD operations drastically reduce the demand for munitions and robotic warfare, and so that's why they need to be curbed


If robotic warfare can be steered to be robot vs. robot war, then the overeducated white women at SD becomes our largest advocate
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read



Working Title: Resurrecting the Gods Could have just given us affordable life options and basic human dignity and not (GOING ON) 30 years of pointless war