When OpenAI launched...it sought "to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity..., unconstrained by a need to generate financial return."...to save us from AI, they first had to build it.🙄
by @meliarobin & @mjnblack businessinsider.com/sam-altman-ope…
But then to be "unconstrained by a need to generate financial return" they hat to get that $10B right?
So much rationality and saving humanity by these people.
""It's Sam's world," said Ric Burton, a prominent tech developer, "and we're all living in it."
Which prompts the question: Is it a world we want?"
I already know the answer to this but I believe the rest of the article is going to elaborate.
"He's constantly hosting, "trying to pull smart people together," according to the Worldcoin cofounder Max Novendstern."
All those smarter than then world white dudes in Silicon Valley.
"On any given weekend, Altman is flying groups of friends and colleagues to Napa and Tulum or having pizza dinners at his San Francisco home,"
As one does when one is saving humanity....
"Altman says even OpenAI was born out of a series of dinners."
@emilychangtv's book Brotopia is very relevant here. Thats how the techbros get $$ & invest in eachother. Dinners, parties & such. You & I have to have receipts & track records.
""Sam's number one question is, 'How can we do this faster?'""
Move fast and break things am I right?
"Worldcoin...combines three...feats into a single venture: distributing basic income, popularizing a digital currency, & logging billions of eyeball scans in a database...Altman pitched the idea to Alex Blania...over cappuccinos as his house." How fun! technologyreview.com/2022/04/06/104…
"Zooming out, Altman has created a harmonious ecosystem; when one entity creates a problem, he introduces another one to solve it."
I have always marveled at their ability to both get money for "the problem" and even more for "the solution."
"As for the threat that superintelligence will surpass human capabilities? Altman has supported human-enhancement startups that promise to help mere mortals stay in the game."
Its been amazing to see how the whole world can be persuaded to be a playground for these clowns.
"As a teenager, Altman dreamed of working at Google and so he went to Stanford, like its founders."
And a whole string of Stanford stuff for a while.
Those close to him say he found his Jedi master in Graham.
As I mentioned, read Brotopia.
""There's usually earthquakes when they talk," said Ron Conway, an angel investor some call the godfather of Silicon Valley, who has known the pair for decades."
So maaany fathers and godfarthers and such...
""The good case is just so unbelievably good that you sound like a really crazy person to start talking about it," Altman told an audience at a StrictlyVC event in January. "And the bad case — and I think this is really important to say — is lights out for all of us.""
The AGI utopia & apocalypse scenario: two sides of the same coin that enable our fathers & godfathers and manchildren of sillicon valley to make so much money while saving the world. Meanwhile: time.com/6247678/openai…
"he warns that AI poses a massive threat through "accidental misuse." There is a surrealness to his candor — like if an oil executive had been first to spell out the dangers of climate change"
Umm, more like an oil exec talking about aliens to drown out noise of climate change
""People tend to underestimate just how historically disruptive and wild things could get," said Holden Karnofsky, the chief executive of Open Philanthropy, a foundation that funded OpenAI..."
Great, lets bring in #TESCREAL ists to seem like a balance to chief #TESCREAL ist?
"One former OpenAI employee,...said they worried that the company wasn't making it sufficiently clear to ChatGPT users that by interacting with the consumer product, they're effectively giving the model free training."
Well that's a failure of our regulatory landscape. The way things are going, the government might create a new agency headed by Sam Altman himself ordering users to handover free data for training...
""If I believed that you could slow things down, that might actually be a good idea," said Anders Sandberg, a senior research fellow at Oxford's Future of Humanity Institute,...
Oh hey lets cite the guy who said saying the N word wasn't so bad in the 90s. WTF is going on here?
Lo and behold, and its the racists who complain about cancel culture, with every single one of them platformed before the ink even dries.
Oh and lets cite the Future of Humanity Institute, no problems at all there. Smh. What do these people need to do for them to face any type of consequences?
""If we listened to you, we'd never get product out." Eliezer Yudkowsky, the AI world's chief doomsayer"
Quoting dude who doesn't even know what a loss function is, as someone "AI" cause he calls himself a "theorist" & has a cult that idolizes his self described "high IQ"?
"Eleven employees, many of whom were affiliated with the AI-risk-obsessed effective-altruism movement, defected to start their own AI company, Anthropic, in 2021."
This is the only time I've seen them described accurately in the press.
"Despite launching its own rival chatbot in March, Anthropic claims to distinguish itself from competitors like OpenAI by creating "safer, steerable, and more reliable models.""
Remember, one needs an all white team in Silicon Valley to do this and save humanity. Always.
Of course one also needs hundreds of millions of dollars from SBF + friends. That's how one saves humanity, one crypto billionaire fraud at a time.
"(It remains to be seen whether the company, which aims to raise $5 billion over the next four years, will be able to resist the same market pressures its founders argue corrupted OpenAI.)"
One obviously needs this much $$ centralized in Silicon Valley to save ALL of humanity
"A few years ago, according to one investor friend, Altman began to talk about "the light of consciousness." It's a phrase that's grown popular within the "longtermist" contingent of Silicon Valley, including Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey."
Is Jack Dorsey firmly in this camp now? I know he was talking about Elon being the singular person he trusts to "extend the light of consciousness" 🙄 @xriskology?
Altman has written about the influence Nick Bostrom, the founder of Oxford's Future of Humanity Institute and the "father" of longtermist thought, has had on him and his work. On his blog, Altman called Bostrom's book, "Superintelligence"..."the best thing I've seen"...
on the topic of AI risk. OpenAI even poached employees from the Future of Humanity Institute, according to Anders Sandberg, a senior research fellow at the Institute."
Riiiighht. And they fuckin come at us for calling them the eugenicists that they are.
"In their paper "Eugenics and the Promise of Utopia through Artificial General Intelligence,"....Timnit Gebru &...@xriskology wrote that Altman & others' attempts to bring about AGI "& build something akin to a god" were "inherently unsafe."
Umm this is not yet published....
"When Insider asked him to..articulate exactly how an average American could expect to see their life change as a result of the technology he's building, he offered...generalities: Education will change, productivity will increase, & science will develop faster than ever.: 🙄
That same year, he published a political manifesto called The United Slate, emphasizing "prosperity through technology," "economic fairness," and "personal liberty." 🙄
"...Altman identified himself as a fan of..a blog & online hub for the "rationalist" community, which believes in evaluating decision-making without regard for fairness or feelings" 🙄
Like idolizing self described "high IQ" of its founder & pulling #s out of asses? But go on.
"...Altman endorsed the belief that policing of racist & sexist language by the "internet mob" made it more difficult for entrepreneurs to innovate."
Aww "cancel culture" with the ppl who get fired for pointing out sexism & racim & the racists & sexists who continue to fail up
"Lift up the floor and don't worry about the ceiling," elaborating to Insider that our future abundance should entitle everyone to, at the very least, a middle-class life."
Page 15 of The Continent highlights our warnings for Africans not to fall into the hype & hand data to OpenAI + co., & instead support local efforts where $$ goes to speakers of languages whose data is being taken, @alienelf & @tamati_biskit talk about @LelapaAI's vision.
"“These programs are built by the West on data from the West..represent their values & principles,” said Abbott, who notes that African perspectives and
history are largely excluded from the datasets used by OpenAI & Google’s LLMs. That’s because they cannot easily be “scraped”.
"For Lelapa, this represents an opportunity. Because African data is so hard to access, OpenAI & Google will struggle to make its tools work effectively on the continent – leaving a gap in the market for a homegrown alternative. “The fact that ChatGPT fails on our languages...
Lets review some of the #TESCREAL institutes & people quoted in this article. The Future of Humanity Institute: founded & led by Nick Bostrom, you know, this dude "Blacks are more stupid than whites" guy, who also later uses the N word.
Oh and an even worse "apology" when he realized his email was about to be published. As if he hasn't been talking about "dysgenic pressures" as an existential risk. But minor things not to worry ourselves with while thinking about the whole of HUMANITIY. vice.com/en/article/z34…
And his fellow Sandberg who defends him with this gem:
"To spare them the embarrassment of dealing directly with Sudan’s war criminal dictator, the EU chose intermediaries to pass logistics and funds to Bashir’s regime. Those included ministries of interior of Italy, France, Germany and even...some UN organisations like UNHCR."
"Out of €1.2 Billion allocated through the trust fund, at least €250 million was paid to the regime, mostly in form of logistics, training and cash. The trust fund was deliberately designed to mix much-needed humanitarian aid with the goal of clamping down on refugees."
My friend said that Yoshua Bengio is on the NYT talking about how "AI systems" will be "fully independent" in a decade & such. I don't know what to say at this point. Maybe #TESCREAL influence + the arrogance among AI ppl who want to feel like they're working on a literal god.
Are there any consequences when in 10 years it doesn't happen? Like how Hinton said radiologists will be gone by 5 years (and that was 5 years ago)? Or the fact that "the singularity" hasn't happened and they just "update" their dates?
Or is it like the priests who talk about the end of the world every so often and it never stops?
"In a policy statement, the Commission said the agency is committed to combatting unfair or deceptive acts and practices related to the collection and use of consumers’ biometric information and the marketing and use of biometric information technologies." ftc.gov/news-events/ne…
Recent years have seen a proliferation of biometric information technologies. For instance, facial, iris, or fingerprint recognition technologies collect and process biometric information to identify individuals."
"Other biometric information technologies use or claim to use biometric information in order to determine characteristics of individuals, ranging from the individuals’ age, gender, or race to the individuals’ personality traits, aptitudes, or demeanor."
"Why would you, a CEO or executive at a high-profile technology company...proclaim how worried you are about the product you are building and selling?
Answer: If apocalyptic doomsaying about the terrifying power of AI serves your marketing strategy." latimes.com/business/techn…
"OpenAI has worked for years to carefully cultivate an image of itself as a team of hype-proofed humanitarian scientists, pursuing AI for the good of all — which meant that when its moment arrived, the public would be well-primed to receive its apocalyptic AI proclamations...
credulously, as scary but impossible-to-ignore truths about the state of technology."
This is why I was so angry when they were announced as such in 2015.