One. More. Time. #StarTrekPicard Episode 10. Brilliantly written & directed by the architect of this season, @TerryMatalas. But you knew that already. So I'll tell you a story you didn't know. I'm gonna bare my ass, so bear with me...
I was up for staffing Dec 2019. I juuuust missed writing on a huge series a month prior. Heartbreak doesn't even begin to describe it. So my hopes were sky high for Trek, one of my dream shows. Until my rep called: Picard was full. Barely missed. Again. Heartbreak deja vu. But...
My rep told me Terry and his incredible assistant @nicolefalsetti (now a writer too!) said to hold tight. "This isn't over." You hear that a lot in this town. A LOT. It's a nice thing to say, but people rarely follow up. No one ever calls back. Except... he did...