1. Thread. BBC pedophile statue attacked again by same man, this time with Spiderman mask. BBC had helpfully put scaffolding up to repair the statue from the last time over a year ago... #EricGill#BBC#pedobeeb#pedoBBC#ArielandProspero#spiderman
2. Last year I compiled a thread which covered this issue comprehensively
8. Protester in Spider-Man mask who launched hammer attack on BBC statue is arrested: Father targeted memorial carved by 'evil' paedophile Eric Gill - who sexually abused his own daughters - just days after Beeb announced it would be restored dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…#bbc
10. This time the man was more effective as he had a chisel with him, so was able to take more corrective action against the pedophilic statue by pedophile Eric Gill commissioned by pedophile BBC founder Lord Reith #lordReith#bbc#pedophiles#ericgill
11. The BBC needlessly to say never took advantage of a man on their doorstep attacking their statue to do an interview, instead have a short article today with Katie Razzall once again supporting Eric Gill web.archive.org/web/2023052101…#bbc
12. The BBC also blurred out Spidermans banner and one of the wall graffiti, so we will try and reconstruct what was written...
13. Banner says "BBC Epicentre of Propaganda Paedophiles and Bullshit. Police Corrupt to the core only serving and protecting Corporations and Elites"
14. The wall graffiti on the left looks like
Nonce Monument Bye Bye,
Repair x Remove tick,
Spiderman 123 Go Fund Me
15. On the right
"BBC Nonce Factory - Reith, Gill, Savile, Hall, Harris, Glitter and on and on"
"Jan 22 [? ?] How will the nonce brigade, (state filth and BBC) play it [this?] time"
16. One of the best photos to work out words was this one - but the Mail blurred out the word "bullshit" - the weird priorities of these people. @MailOnline
17 The BBC on the other hand blurred out the whole banner and the words BBC ( I agree, filthy words) and the word "nonce" which in Britain is a word for pedophile.
18. Ok on reviewing more, I think it is "BBC Nonce Factory - Reith, Gill, Savile, Hall, Harris, Glitter and on and on" and
"Jan 22 No change. How will the nonce brigade, (state filth and BBC) play it this time"
19. Lets have a vote. Should the BBC repair or remove this pedophile statue representation of Ariel and Prospero, sculpted by pedophile Eric Gill, commissioned by pedophile BBC founder Lord Reith?
21. On closer examination, what is particularly duplicitous about the BBC report and photo used on the front of the video is there are two levels of censorship - one the obvious blurring and more that they have not obviously blurred... #bbc#bbcpropaganda
22. These are fairly obvious blurrings... and i have highlighted them albeit poorly...
23. They made an "obvious blur" of the banner. which I have covered and the word "nonce" - slang for pedophile in Britain . The word they blurred out obviously was Nonce
24. But the BBC also made some non obvious censorship, which I will call sneaky censorship. They deliberately took out some graffiti, but did not want people to realise... These included "nonce monument bye bye" and spiderman 123 gofundme #BBC#bbc
25. On the other side the BBC have secretly censored the words "BBC Nonce Factory, Reith, Gill, Savile, Hall, Harris, Glitter and on and on" #bbc#bbccensorship#bbcpropaganda
26. So why the two levels of censorship? Why not make it clear that there are words that the BBC are censoring? Why the two levels, if not to deliberately give a false impression - to deliberately mislead the audience - the public... to propagandise ? Secret censorship in purple
27. The words that BBC secretly censored and did not want you to know that they had censored... #BBCpropaganda
28. Its just possible that the BBC took an early photo, and that the missing graffiti was added later... and that the BBC could not be bothered to take a later photo, even though they did not run the story until next day...
29. But when the Mail published the story on the day with nearly all the words ( except the word bullshit) then it is at the very least highly manipulative and misleading for the BBC to publish a photo next day with the main parts criticising the BBC not in that photo. We'll see
30. I am not even sure that there was not some manipulation in the Mail shot, with what appears to be tampering below the word Remove...
31. On closer inspection, the BBC just "obviously blurred " Nonce not BBC as well as i said in 17.
32 but also BBC "obviously blurred" the whole banner... and did it in a strange manner, making the blur box considerable bigger than the banner, covering ladder as well...
33. Was this so at a glance it looked like the scaffolding cover?
34. Mail just made whole banner difficult to read but blurred "bullshit"
36. Incestuous, child abusing, bestiality practitioner commissioned to decorate BBC. Savile must have walked through those doors and thought to himself ‘I’ve arrived’. Naked boy submissively leaning into the raised leg of a wizard is simply a metaphor for broadcasting, says BBC
37. What are we to make of ‘Ariel piping to the children’ another Gill creation adorning the inside of Broadcasting House which features a naked pied piper playing his phallus-pipe in a sea of children? cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/01/17/ped…#bbc#ericgill#ariel
38. Like the wizard standing over the en-trance brandishing his little sex-slave like a trophy, we also see Savile in, not only the pied piper which represents Pan, but The Sower character too which represents Saturn. cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/01/17/ped…#thesower#saturn#savile
39. “Was the art of a paedophile that happens to feature the pied piper and a wizard as well as naked children in suggestive poses not at all influenced by the artist’s personal preferences and the culture of the corporation as a whole?" #bbc#ericgill#pedophiles#lordreith
1. Thread 🧵on British Nonces Series 2 British Pedophiles #BritishNonces #MeatyTrumps #pedo #paedophiles #pedophiles #csa #childabuse
2. Edward Heath was British Prime Minister and there were many reports that he was a pedophile. Here is one from MIchael Shrimpton. #tedheath #childabuse #pedophile cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/mic…
3. Fred Talbot ITV weatherman was jailed for child abuse whilst teaching at Altrincham Grammar School for Boys #FredTalbot #childabuse #csa dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
1. Thread 🧵on Dr. Guthries Child abuse. Follow and read thread thanks #drguthries #childabuse #csa #scotland x.com/GuthriesSu24583
2. Dr Guthrie's Boys School. Edinburgh. This video is dedicated to the hundreds, if not thousands, of abused and sexually assaulted children who attended Dr Guthrie's schools in Edinburgh. … #drguthries #csa #childabuse
3. Dr Guthrie's Ragged Schools - Scotland's elite abused children with total impunity. They gave children no education, very little food, and dormitories that mirrored the workhouses of the 1840s #drguthries #raggedschools #childabuse #scotland
1. Thread on pizzagate as twitter decimated my thread from 2020. #pizzagate #podesta #clinton #spiritcooking #hillary
2. This was before it was called pizzagate, I called this USA, Coups, Counter Coups and Child Sexual AbU$e … #Wiener #csa #podesta #Abramovich #SpiritCooking #childabuse #JohnPodesta #Wikileaks #AnthonyWiener #pizzagatecathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/05/usa…
3. Then Comey FBI Caves in. Clinton child abuse links #Podesta #Silsby #Haiti #FBI #Comey #ClintoNEmails #HumaAbedin #Wiener #csa #childabuse #pizzagate #SpiritCookingcathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/cli…