As I’ve always pointed out on this street, we’re egalitarian and if elections are free and fair in most SE States, many parading themselves as Politicians from the SE won’t even win their wards
Late Chief Nzeribe was a Senator representing Orlu for a long time but everyone knew
at that time he never for once, won in Oguta.
I recalled in one of the elections, he was up against Rev Egesionu, a freshly minted man of God from the US
Chief Nzeribe was so scared that Rev Egesionu would defeat him that he drove to the Rev’s house one early morning
Rev asked Chief of the sudden visit after pleasantries. Everyone understands how Chief Nzeribe was larger than life and to have visited that early was a very big deal
Chief said he visited Rev as a brother and to tell him to step down for him
When I say crazy, widest but definitely true things do happen, it actually does
For me, it’s Americans who voted for DJT, Russians believing Putin, British being dumb enough to vote for Brexit and above all educated Nigerians and lawyers voted and supporting @officialABAT
Let’s also see something similar.
A thread >>>
Willie and George Muse were two African American albino brothers who were born in Virginia in the late 19th century.
In 1899, they were kidnapped by sideshow agents who were searching for unique and exotic
individuals to showcase in their traveling shows. The brothers were taken from their home, and their mother was told that they had died.
The sideshow agents claimed that the brothers were actually from Ecuador and were members of a cannibalistic tribe.
The Mau Mau fighters were mainly drawn from Kenya's major ethnic grouping, the Kikuyu.
More than a million strong, by the start of the 1950s the Kikuyu had been increasingly economically marginalised as years of white settler expansion ate away at their land holdings.
Since 1945, nationalists like Jomo Kenyatta of the Kenya African Union (KAU) had been pressing
the British government in vain for political rights and land reforms, with valuable holdings in the cooler Highlands to be redistributed to African owners.
But radical activists within the KAU set up a splinter group and organised a more militant kind of nationalism.
This morning, let’s X-ray what happened Boer Concentration Camps, by the British in South Africa
It’s British concentration camps and 43 in total, set up during the Second Anglo Boer War between 1899 to 1902. They house women and children that were rounded up from the farms.
It started when Lord Kitchener introduced a scorched earth policy to burn farms and homesteads as well as all kill livestock in an attempt to bring a quick end to the Anglo Boer war
The Anglo Boer war was supposed to be a quick operation against the unorganised and untrained
Boer fighters
As the Boers employed tactics like guerrilla warfare, the war became increasingly more expensive and with no end in sight.
Kitchener’s scorched earth policy was seen as a way to disrupt the Boer supply chain but
1. Whatever happens, it must be brought within 3 months.
These are the two rules.
However the court adopts a very liberal approach by ensuring the application was brought promptly. If it was, the court goes on to consider the substantive claim.
However, if the application was not brought promptly but within 3 months, there must be cogent reason why it wasn’t brought promptly.
If the court is persuaded by the reason it wasn’t brought promptly, she goes ahead to consider the substantive claim.