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May 23, 2023 • 84 tweets • 41 min read • Read on X
🚨🚨MEGA THREAD: Missouri v. Biden

Many of you have heard me discuss this case in detail, as I have been reporting on it diligently for the past year. However, some of you are unsure of why it is important, or what it all means. This thread will serve as a summary to this point,……
Missouri v. Biden was filed on May 5, 2022. Since it was initially filed, it has taken quite a trip through the court system. The complaint has been amended 3 times, with the most recent amendment being to transform the case into a class suit - this due to the overwhelming……
The complaint alleged that the US Government was not only threatening and coercing social media companies to censor Americans on social media, but they were also working WITH social media companies to accomplish that goal.

It alleged that topics surrounding COVID-19, the……
The Plaintiffs in the case (the states of Missouri and Louisiana, along with several other private plaintiffs) moved for expedited discovery to be able to obtain a limited set of evidence as well as depositions of certain officials. This evidence, they argued, would allow them to……
Unlike what many have come to expect, the judge GRANTED the motion for expedited discovery and depositions. A struggle ensued between the Government and Plaintiffs, with the government fighting against the judge in this case (Judge Terry Doughty) to stop discovery and certain……
At the appellate court level, the government argued really that NO ONE should have to leave their government jobs to sit for long depositions in this case, but certainly not the HEAD of CISA, for example.

The appellate court wouldn’t play ball with the government, and remanded……
One particularly interesting exchange came with the deposition of former WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki. She made threats to social media companies from the podium. They sought to depose her about those threats. She left the office. The government said they had no responsive……
The court agreed and ruled that now private citizen Psaki needed to testify. The government and Psaki- represented by Rhee - went to a court in VA to try to get THAT judge to stop the deposition.

The judge in that case laid into both the government and Psaki. It was so stunning……
This went back to LA after the VA judge essentially said “you won’t like how I rule on this and your argument is terrible so I’m sending it back to the judge who SHOULD be making this decision. The judge in LA again decided Psaki should be deposed IF the government didn’t have……
All along the way the government has lost- over and over again. They were also caught hiding discovery materials - the judge rapped them and ordered them to produce or else - which they did.
And then came the motion to dismiss, which the government had once withdrawn and then refilled.

The judge ruled against the government and said the case will continue. He also remixed the government that this was LIMITED discovery - and that discovery will widen significantly……
Another interesting tidbit - once Fauci was deposed the government sought to seal all depositions and video - along with discovery materials arguing that the government “employees” were being threatened and harassed and faced imminent harm . . .

But couldn’t produce any……
So far I’ve only really discussed the procedural happenings — however what limited expedited discovery in this case has exposed (separate and apart from the Twitter files) is both unprecedented and abhorrent. 

The most widespread and troubling discovery? CISA has designated YOUR……
They argue they can regulate what you think as they consider it under their purview. Here are just a FEW other troubling discoveries:…
One character of particular importance was WH director of digital communications and strategy Rob Flaherty. Flaherty was ABUSIVE to social media companies — like they were his battered wife. Many of them resisted the calls for censorship until threats forced them into action. I……
Recently the Plaintiffs filed their motion in support of the temporary injunction - a hearing we have been waiting on for nearly a year because of the governments delays and obfuscations. It was 1,200 FACTS about government coordinated censorship.
The government responded with a 1200 page monstrosity plainly arguing they did it all - but because of foreign actors and the “safety” of the American people - lest they be exposed to harmful “misinformation.” Then they asked the judge to give them another week and postpone this……
The judge told them he wouldn’t be postponing this hearing again. A few days ago Plaintiffs filed their response - and it really is an encyclopedia of their expedited and limited discovery so far. I will be threading it below for you in just a bit. But first I want to explain why……
The judge has done the right thing the entire time. The appeals court has done the right thing the entire time. The depositions were granted, the discovery was granted, the motion to dismiss was denied - the judge has expressed SEVERAL TIMES his shock at what has been exposed.……
This isn’t what we are used to — a weak judge capitulating to the government. In fact, the judge hasn’t capitulated ONCE. Neither has the appellate court and neither has a DC court.

I will be flying to LA Thursday to attend this hearing in person, thanks to a generous donor who……
What is the remedy sought? Well, if the temporary injunction is granted (I am nearly certain it will be) the remedy is to bar the government from working with social media companies to flag and censor posts. They will also be barred from working through NGO’s to do the same.……
When I return from a brief meeting j will share more. Stand by!
Now that you have had some time to digest, let’s get back into this thread. What will follow is going to be a relatively detailed breakdown of the latest filing- an answer to the governments excuses for why:

A. What they did isn’t really censorship (mainly that they didn’t……
Here is the link to the filing we will be detailing:…

I will likely break this into sections..
They begin with a hypothetical, and they do this because the government tried to make all of this behavior “Ok” by claiming that the Trump administration did the same thing.

That is an exercise in futility- the Plaintiff’s don’t care WHAT administration did it, only that it…… Image
The defendants “Statement of Facts” is rife with “disinformation,” a term they have used as a guise to trample the 1st amendment rights of Americans… Image
In the very first sentence of the brief the government filed to argue for why there should NOT be a temporary injunction halting their communication and threats to social media companies- they hide behind the “Foreign” assaults on critical election infrastructure.

However…… Image
The Virality Project, the “medical bureaucracy” portion of the censorship apparatus, admits that for supposed COVID misinformation, the majority of the “misinformation” came from domestic actors.

An important thing to remember is this: Even though what many of us were saying…… Image
The government admits in their brief that they brought attention to posts they didn’t like on social media. And Plaintiffs made the argument that if not for the government taking an active role in flagging “wrong think” no action would have been taken- as more times than not this…… ImageImage
As the evidence proves, there was conspiracy behind the censorship. The WH campaign integrated with the Surgeon General, the CDC and Census Bureau campaigns drew directly from WH pressure. NIAID and NIH censorship efforts draw from the CDC. CISA, FBI, DOJ, ODNI and other agencies…… Image
And if you thought it stopped with just agencies, you would be wrong. High level congressional staffers coordinated with the FBI and social media in secret meetings. The partnership between the WH and congress gives coercive force to the censorship activities, and there are texts…… Image
And that is what they did- CISA became the hub for many other government agencies to filter their censorship requests through— sort of a censorship “help desk” if you will. I argue that this was the reason they attempted to stand up the “Disinformation Governance Board” several……
The government argued “but this happened before us!” It’s actually somewhat untrue. The Trump WH had no involvement in any of this— the bureaucracy was acting on its own. In fact, there was a secret text between Collins and Fauci where Collins stated the WH would disapprove of…… Image
Literally 3 days after Biden took office, the operation was flying. The WH immediately launched a pressure campaign on social media platforms to suppress supposed “COVID misinformation.”

The Surgeon General launched his signature “disinformation” initiative at a Virality…… Image
The government claims that the injuries from this censorship are “far outweighed by the governments interest in speaking and taking action to promote the public interest”

This is completely antithetical to everything America stands for. This philosophy isn’t “the consent of the…… ImageImage
The governments first claim is that social media companies are economically incentivized to create policy that seeks to censor speech. But then the Plaintiff’s went on to cite *just* 19 examples of censorship that never would have happened if the government hadn’t prompted them…… ImageImage
The brief goes on to state that the depositions from government witnesses dispute the “economic incentive” excuse. As a matter of fact, many of the witnesses testified that social platforms weren’t doing *enough* to censor and needed to do more to adjust their policies. Twitter…… Image
Chan testified that pressure from congress, the HPSCI and SSCI - including threats of adverse legislative action - prompted social platforms to make changes and censor more and be more “aggressive in account takedowns.”

Raise your hand if this is you. ImageImage
Even Psaki and the WH didn’t believe the “economic incentives” theory, as she lamented that social media companies weren’t doing enough to censor speech. Facebook removed 18 million pieces of COVID “misinformation.” That wasn’t enough for peppermint commie. Image
I highly recommend you take the time to read the entire 125 pages, because if I threaded them all we would be here well into tomorrow, but the behavior of Rob Flaherty from the WH was particularly egregious.

The Plaintiffs make sure to remind us that the 1st Amendment doesn’t…… Image
Biden even accused Facebook of “killing people” and the next day threatened section 230 action on social media companies who didn’t comply with their demands. Image
Social media companies acted in direct response to the WH calling out the “Disinformation dozen.” Evidence in the case proves that they acted to deplatform those branded within 24 hours of the WH publicly identifying them. Image
One of the very first actions the WH took was directing social platforms to REMOVE the content that insinuated that Hank Aaron died because of the vaccine.. Flaherty then went on to demand social media companies remove OTHER posts and people from their platforms. These weren’t…… Image
Rob Flaherty legitimately did what I have highlighted here. He cursed at, screamed at, patronized, and generally abused the execs at these companies. When they did not do what he told them to, he treated them like a battered spouse and threatened them— harshly. Just an evil way…… Image
Please read these. He curses at, threatens, demands, sarcastically berates, and more. A lot is detailed here. There was more. I did a deep dive in my pinned tweet. ImageImageImageImage
Hey @TomiLahren! You were a hot topic at the White House. They didn’t like that you speak your mind and tell the truth. Same goes for @TuckerCarlson (SURPRISE!) None of this is allowed in a free country with rights enshrined in the Constitution and bestowed upon us by OUR…… Image
There is A LOT more to this filing, and I will pick it back up tomorrow and continue until I am finished. I will work on this up until the hearing on Friday if I have to. This case is of VITAL importance and I wont stop talking about it until every American understands what our……
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🚨Missouri v. Biden - DAY 2:

In one of the more immoral and heartbreaking exchanges, Meta letting the government know that they heard their calls for more censorship; they decided that in response to WH pressure they would remove content that in their words was “often true.”…… Image
They also assured the WH they would limit message forwards on WhatsApp, gave detailed reports on censorship to government bureaucrats, and would censor “non violative content, such as dissuading the choice to vaccinate in terms of personal or civil liberties,” and “concerns…… Image
“We hear your call for us to do more, and as I said on the call we are committed to working towards our shared goal” said Facebook..

This after a triple punch of threats were lobbed at social media companies in mid July 2021.. By the next day the Disinformation dozen were…… ImageImage
The government maintains in its arguments that they never “forced” social platforms to do anything— however even their argument against all of this proves the Plaintiffs point- the government shouldn’t be *assisting* social media platforms with censorship activities against…… Image
The government then goes on to argue that they’ve backed off of all of this— no more COVID censorship- that isn’t a problem anymore. However, they’ve moved on to OTHER topics based on evidence uncovered in the lawsuit- Climate change, “gendered disinformation,” abortion, and…… Image
The Office of the Surgeon General under Murthy got involved too, coordinating with the White House. They ran a lot of their censorship through the Virality Project, but they also acted directly with socials in meetings etc. Eric Waldo, the right hand of Murthy was deposed in his…… ImageImage
The Surgeon General demanded a set of actions in regards to censorship- and the platforms responded - under duress.

Murthy described disfavored viewpoints as “an imminent and insidious threat to our nations health” and said of social platforms “We are asking them to…… Image
They literally threatened social media companies with legal and regulatory measures should they not police and remove and censor Americans sharing health information they didn’t approve of. Image
The list of ways the government colluded with, threatened, and acted as an arm of social media companies when it comes to censoring speech is MILES long. Here is another example. Murthy/Waldo et al reach out to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, AND GOOGLE with demands, and…… Image
Murthy even went so far as to put out an official RFI (Request for Information) to the social media companies demanding information on their censorship policies and how they were enforced, as well as detailed information on disfavored speakers. This is unbelievable, but their…… Image
All throughout this brief is detailed documentation of the partnership between these institutions and the private, tax payer funded orgs they used to do their dirty work. Of particular interest here is the Virality Project and Stanford Internet Observatory— I am mentioned in the…… Image
Here we learn more about the absolutely tragic web of public/private partnerships executing this censorship enterprise. The government is trying to argue they closed up shop- again- but public testimony and other information obtained during discovery begs to differ. Image
And not to be outdone, of course the CDC gets involved. It is the same laundry list of issues, every agency doing the same thing- censoring you for sharing your thoughts and information on social media.

What I didn’t have on my “Censorship BINGO” card was the CENSUS BUREAU. Image
Understand- the purpose here wasn’t to provide the public with information for informed consent- the sole purpose - the ONLY purpose of this push was to stop “vaccine refusal.”

They wanted EVERY SINGLE PERSON vaccinated.

When Facebook asked the CDC for information in regards to…… Image
The CDC even used the platforms OWN TOOLS to report accounts for censorship. They had accounts and could log on to report things they wanted action taken on… How the government tried to weasel an explanation of this one?

“We no longer really meet with these platforms very much…… Image
Here they discuss CISA and its “Switchboarding” activities, where multiple employees would simultaneously “intern” or vice Vera’s with EIP and Stanford, and take an active role in censorship via this “help desk.” Image
The government continuously tries to argue that all of this behavior has “stopped..” Except what we KNOW ABOUT only “stopped” after this groundbreaking lawsuit was filed.. Image
The government also claims that CISA had nothing to do with the EIP (Election Integrity Project) - but through discovery in this case we learned that the EIP was FORMED to be the “gap” between what the government could get away with after pushing the envelope, and what a private…… Image
Additionally, while they claim (again) they have shut all of this down, high level CISA officially Brian Scully testified in a deposition that they have WIDENED their net to even conversations happening about the US banking system, war in Ukraine, and racial justice.

A truly…… Image
Jen Easterly, head of CISA actually said the following - this is a direct quote - it is “really, really dangerous if people get to pick their own facts.”

She wanted to organize CISA to act as the coordination point for ALL agencies- hence the disinformation governance board that…… Image
The next section is a DEEP DIVE into the nations largest LAW ENFORCEMENT agency which is now acting, as @RealStevefriend said, as an “intelligence agency with LE powers.”

I am going to resume the thread with the deep dive on the FBI tomorrow as I travel to the hearing. Long day……
🚨Missouri v. Biden: Day 3

We will now spend some time delving into the FBI role in domestic widespread censorship. The FBI tries to hide behind of the guise of “fighting back against foreign information warfare” as it censors Americans.

They engage in mass flagging operations…… Image
The FBI uses an encrypted app called “Teleporter” to communicate with social media companies. They send censorship lists 1-5 times a month (likely more, IMO.) Each one of those lists could contain hundreds of accounts for censorship. The FBI demands that 7 major social media…… Image
The FBI doesn’t care who gets swept up in its censorship of supposedly “foreign” accounts. I started the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag and they pretended I, and all of you, were Russian.

The FBI made platforms take down a supposedly Russian “Secure the Border” post, a pro second…… Image
The FBI also runs a “Command Post” around Election Day that specifically flags domestic “disinformation” for removal. The FBI has a 50% success rate getting content removed from platforms, as per evidence produced in this case. Image
Here, FBI Agent Elvis Chan, who the government fought to keep from being deposed, testified that there was no basis to think there was any impending “Hack and Leak” operations coming from Russia- but it didn’t stop them from using that to stop the Hunter Biden laptop story during…… Image
The government STRONGLY leans on the congressional testimony of Yoel Roth about the Biden laptop story— but his testimony actually corroborates the Plaintiffs pleadings— the FBI pressured Twitter and other social media companies to remove the Hunter Biden laptop story and ban…… Image
Back to the “#ReleaseTheMemo” incident— @mtaibbi exposed this during the #TwitterFiles:

There was NO indication that this was something nefarious and foreign in nature- but that didn’t stop leftist politicians from writing threatening letters to Twitter about the hashtag.…… Image
The rest of this filing is legal argument- and it is super interesting, but I am not going to thread it all. Just understand that everything you have read here AND MORE will be in front of a judge tomorrow as he hears arguments on whether or not he should grant a temporary…… Image
This is the ultimate remedy sought in the case:

I look forward to hearing oral argument tomorrow, but what I am most looking forward to is the judges questions…. He takes no nonsense and it will likely be very entertaining… ImageImage
If you have hung in there this far, thank you. I know this stuff can get tedious but it is so import. I would be remiss if I didn’t do this one more time.

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Jul 22
🧵Princetons Global Consciousness Project

Stay with me for this thread. It’s super interesting and will give you some things to really think about.

You should read the link, but in short, the scientists at Princeton use random number generators to “map” how human consciousness affects “synchronicity.”
In other words, the scientists at Princeton have proven that human consciousness affects events and reality. It’s very powerful. So, when a large number of humans are focused on a particular event, their thoughts alone have the power to affect the outcomes.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 9
BEAUTIFUL: 🪡Found on Quora: I’m 14 and I feel as if my life is on repeat. I wake up, do school, and nothing else. I have many friends but I just feel like I do nothing. Same thing every day. I also feel like my life is moving way too fast. I don’t feel comfortable. Any help?
Dear heart,
I am 70 now, but I still remember being 14 pretty damn well.
I was a sophomore in high school, studying hard and beginning to party pretty hard as well as I remember it, but mostly reading and studying.
I had only three close friends - I have always been very particular about which people I let into my life - but my best friend and I were very active socially.
Read 20 tweets
Jul 9
🧵This is a message to Democrat/Independent Americans. We understand how you feel. Let’s talk human to human. You have been through it the past few weeks. You and I both watched the debate. You saw the condition Joe Biden is in.
The real questions you need to be asking right now, are why didn’t we KNOW this already. Why is this a shock to us? Why hasn’t the media reported this? You are probably shocked and stunned right now at the people who you trusted suddenly turning on the President.
You let these pundits and “journalists” into your HOME every night. You counted on them to tell you what was happening. More importantly you TRUSTED that they WERE.
Read 18 tweets
Jul 9
🫣🪡CONTROVERSIAL TAKE: Many conservatives are deeply hurt that the GOP has altered its platform to remove the staunch commitment to life, but few are thinking about the root of the problem.
There aren’t enough people who value life for the platform to be a no brainer. We should tackle that, and IMO, you can’t do it with anger, hatred, yelling, and screaming.
It’s societal. We have spent little time on the root cause, and a far greater amount of time trying to force others to agree. But you CAN NOT force someone who believes that murder is OK and justified to change their mind. Why? Because they have lost sight of who they truly are and the gift they are given each day.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 4
In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
Read 34 tweets
Jun 26
I want to make sure this is clear from the get - this is a terrible opinion. I am not happy about it. HOWEVER, this opinion had to do with the TEMPORARY INJUNCTION in this case. For details, please see my pinned tweet. The court is making a decision whether at this stage of the game, after limited (will get to that in a moment) discovery, the Plaintiffs have the right to an injunction that would halt the government from coercing and cooperating with social media platforms to censor speech.
The justices used whether the plaintiffs had STANDING at this stage of the game as their basis for decision. Which I ALSO think is utter nonsense. When this case went before them, they placed a stay on the injunction that was decided in the lower district court AND the 5th circuit court of appeals.
Read 50 tweets

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