“The first thing to know about Project Blitz is that it was launched in 2015 by the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, the National Legal Foundation, and Wallbuilders. The latter is an organization founded by David Barton, … 1/ washingtonmonthly.com/2020/01/24/pro…
… the Republican operative and discredited historian who rejects the separation of church and state…” 2/
“This project seems to have maintained a low profile until Fred Clarkson, who has been studying the Christian right for decades, came across their 116-page manual of model legislation in early 2018.” 3/
“As Clarkson explains, Project Blitz is to Christian nationalists what the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) was to big business.” 4/
Stewart Rhodes has been flirting w/ domestic terrorism since the Bundy standoff in 2014. Everyone should have listened to Harry Reid who called it what it was. Today, Rhodes received a well-deserved terrorism enhancement. The arc of the moral universe is indeed long. 1/
3/ I wrote about the Bundy standoff and Roger Stone’s courtship of the Bundys and their supporters here. Stone has a special Oath Keepers friend, “Captain O,” who was Cliven Bundy’s bodyguard. jennycohn1.medium.com/the-oath-keepe…
“While Trump’s response to the [George Floyd] protests damaged his re-election campaign, his grotesque mismanagement of the Covid-19 pandemic obliterated it.”
“The first U.S. case of Covid-19 was reported in January 2020. From the start, Trump seemed more concerned about the pandemic’s impact on the stock market than with saving American lives, as detailed in Slate.” 2/
“Despite privately admitting to author Bob Woodward that the virus was ‘more deadly than your serious flus,’ Trump told the public that, ‘This is like a flu’ and ‘It’s going to disappear.’” 3/
Pennsylvania Capitol insurrectionist Sam Lazar is “getting out in September.” WTAF???!!!!!!!! (There has always been something unique about Sam Lazar. It was as if he was deliberately planted as an accelerant.) 1/
Why did a PA school district lease property to Wildheart Ministries, a branch of Life Center Ministries, which is affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). NAR leaders promote dominionism, the idea that Christian’s have a mandate to control all aspects of society. 1/
Roger Stone continues his courtship of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), a network of Christian extremist leaders who promote dominionism, the idea that Christians have a mandate from God to control all aspects of society. Steve Schultz of Elijah Streams is a NAR leader. 1/
Last year, I began warning about the NAR dominionist movement (including Steve Schultz) & the NAR’s alliance w/ Mike Flynn & Roger Stone (including via the Reawaken America Tour sponsored by Charisma News, which was founded by NAR leader Steve Strang). 2/ buckscountybeacon.com/2022/08/underr…
Reminder: Roger Stone was slapped with a gag order after he threatened the judge in his criminal case. Why wasn’t the same done to Trump given that he threatened DA Alvin Bragg by posting an image of himself wielding a bat near Bagg’s head??? 1/ buckscountybeacon.com/2023/04/roger-…