🚨 ASSASSINATION REEDUCATION #11: Sniper's Nest With Sniper On Left👇
2/2 The roof ridge is behind the bottom of the sniper's nest roof panel - which is flipped up - and camouflaged by the back right building, which the panel is meant to blend into. But the bottom of the panel is in front of the infamous ridge👇
3/3 The sniper (and nest hatch panel) came and went thru a punctured roof panel which attached on a swivel to the roof's peaked ridge. It flips up☝️as camouflage. He shimmies to ridge blending into white. Shoots. Escapes thru panel down into building-taking hatch panel with him👇
1/5 For 3 days we were told the shooter had clear line of sight to Trump. Experts analyzed a fake angle. We made them move the body about 25 yards over. Line of sight now includes bleachers and screen.
Don't be distracted. Focus👇
2/5 ABC News was gaslighting the world by publishing fake graphic computer animations showing shooter on left edge of AGR building with a clear line of site to Trump. @EverythingHomeT & I forced the entire world media to move the body over. ALL Ballistic analysis is useless now👇
@EverythingHomeT 3/5 It wasn't just ABC. FOX, CNN etc all piled on with ballistic "experts" analyzing a FAKE shooter angle. They did this to bolster the FAKE shooter angle on the edge of the building. Trump got shot but not from that newly discredited angle. Media knew where body was all along👇
1/4 NOV 8 REEDUCATION: Bill Gates admits MC conducted illegal recount⚠️
MC admitted commingling Door 3 ballots with tabulated ballots so Blake Masters demanded a recount of all Vote Centers. Gates then told CNN it was illegal to do a recount👇Yet days later MC recounted 44 VC's.
2/4 MC BOS Chairman Gates is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT that Arizona law FORBIDS a recount of previously tabulated/counted ballots without a court order as per ARS 16-662👇All 223 Vote Center ballots had been tabulated at VC's & counted at MCTECH & results published by SOS/MC on Nov 9👇:
3/4 Affidavits & Goldenrods👇documenting Nov 8 irregularities prove MC guilty of maladministration for commingling at least 11 Vote Centers. After tabulating, counting & publishing results for all 223 VC's, MC illegally RECOUNTED 44 VC's at CentralCount:
🚨1/4 When the AZ Supreme Court reversed lower courts in Lake v Hobbs, it VACATED 5 paragraphs from AppCt opinion. ALL 5 concerned ARS 16-550(A) signature verification, FRAMING a SINGLE issue of law: whether @KariLake could show Maricopa County illegally APPLIED sig ver POLICY...
2/4..."and establish that 'votes [were] affected ‘in sufficient numbers to alter the
outcome of the election’ based on a 'competent mathematical basis to conclude that the outcome would plausibly have been different..."
The KEY App Ct paragraph vacated is #28👇which stated...
3/4...that the EPM "directs elections officials to consult the voter registration form and
'additional known signatures... " #28 also notes the MC Election Plan allows comparison to other 'vetted' sigs.
This POLICY could potentially be APPLIED legally if sig comparison uses...
🚨Somebody ask the Judge Cannon cheerleader named Julie Kelly - NOT AN ATTORNEY - to explain WTF is good about Cannon AND Trump's attorneys ignoring §2205(3) of the PRA, and the federal precedent in COOK V NARA which COMPLETELY EXONERATES him. Cannon REFUSES to acknowledge law👇:
What part of the 2d Circuit holding isn't clear to Trump's lawyers, Judge Cannon & her cheerleader Julie Kelly?
"Indeed, the President and his designated representatives
are the only persons afforded unrestricted access to these records under the PRA. See 44 U.S.C. § 2205(3)."
You are going to see a lot of shiny objects in Florida...but you are NOT going to see a very mundane winning argument concerning PRA §2205(3) as interpreted by 2d Circuit in COOK V NARA. Judge Cannon was protected from dismissing case by Trump attorneys not filing it. PT Barnum🤡
1/4 NOV 8 REEDUCATION: 14 PBR's Fail To Report Tabulator Count on BOTH Machines
Since MC prevents Poll Workers from counting ballots - which is actually required by ARS 16-564(A) - and MC also PREVENTS them from comparing check-ins to tally tape results as required by 16-602...
2/4...it is absolutely CRUCIAL that Poll Workers properly report - on the PBR - the # of ballots counted by each tabulator as indicated by the "Public Counter Screen" after polls close. But the Precinct Ballot Reports from 14 Vote Centers are COMPLETELY BLANK for BOTH Machines...
3/4 Having no indication whatsoever as to how many ballots were tabulated at those 14 Vote Centers by the Election Board - that is the Poll Workers who actually ran the election at these locations - completely defeats every election integrity safeguard statutes are created for...