Cameron Vale Profile picture
CEO of Biocarbon Amalgamate (Founder of subsidiary ®Biocarbanate Amalgamate) Creators of ©Ephemerol; Chair of Scanner Control Group; #research
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Jul 24 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨 ASSASSINATION REEDUCATION #11: Sniper's Nest With Sniper On Left👇 Image 2/2 The roof ridge is behind the bottom of the sniper's nest roof panel - which is flipped up - and camouflaged by the back right building, which the panel is meant to blend into. But the bottom of the panel is in front of the infamous ridge👇

Jul 20 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 For 3 days we were told the shooter had clear line of sight to Trump. Experts analyzed a fake angle. We made them move the body about 25 yards over. Line of sight now includes bleachers and screen.



Don't be distracted. Focus👇 Image 2/5 ABC News was gaslighting the world by publishing fake graphic computer animations showing shooter on left edge of AGR building with a clear line of site to Trump. @EverythingHomeT & I forced the entire world media to move the body over. ALL Ballistic analysis is useless now👇 Image
Jul 13 5 tweets 3 min read
1/4 NOV 8 REEDUCATION: Bill Gates admits MC conducted illegal recount⚠️

MC admitted commingling Door 3 ballots with tabulated ballots so Blake Masters demanded a recount of all Vote Centers. Gates then told CNN it was illegal to do a recount👇Yet days later MC recounted 44 VC's.
2/4 MC BOS Chairman Gates is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT that Arizona law FORBIDS a recount of previously tabulated/counted ballots without a court order as per ARS 16-662👇All 223 Vote Center ballots had been tabulated at VC's & counted at MCTECH & results published by SOS/MC on Nov 9👇:

Jul 11 8 tweets 3 min read
🚨1/4 When the AZ Supreme Court reversed lower courts in Lake v Hobbs, it VACATED 5 paragraphs from AppCt opinion. ALL 5 concerned ARS 16-550(A) signature verification, FRAMING a SINGLE issue of law: whether @KariLake could show Maricopa County illegally APPLIED sig ver POLICY... Image 2/4..."and establish that 'votes [were] affected ‘in sufficient numbers to alter the
outcome of the election’ based on a 'competent mathematical basis to conclude that the outcome would plausibly have been different..."

The KEY App Ct paragraph vacated is #28👇which stated... Image
May 21 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨Somebody ask the Judge Cannon cheerleader named Julie Kelly - NOT AN ATTORNEY - to explain WTF is good about Cannon AND Trump's attorneys ignoring §2205(3) of the PRA, and the federal precedent in COOK V NARA which COMPLETELY EXONERATES him. Cannon REFUSES to acknowledge law👇:

What part of the 2d Circuit holding isn't clear to Trump's lawyers, Judge Cannon & her cheerleader Julie Kelly?

"Indeed, the President and his designated representatives
are the only persons afforded unrestricted access to these records under the PRA. See 44 U.S.C. § 2205(3)." Image
Feb 2 5 tweets 4 min read
1/4 NOV 8 REEDUCATION: 14 PBR's Fail To Report Tabulator Count on BOTH Machines

Since MC prevents Poll Workers from counting ballots - which is actually required by ARS 16-564(A) - and MC also PREVENTS them from comparing check-ins to tally tape results as required by 16-602...

2/ is absolutely CRUCIAL that Poll Workers properly report - on the PBR - the # of ballots counted by each tabulator as indicated by the "Public Counter Screen" after polls close. But the Precinct Ballot Reports from 14 Vote Centers are COMPLETELY BLANK for BOTH Machines...

Jan 30 4 tweets 2 min read
1/2 NOV 8 REEDUCATION: Recorder Richer Admits ARS 16-564(A) Must Be Obeyed At All E-Day Locations

He published an Election Reform Proposal in Jan '23 which states ARS 16-564(A) must be obeyed at all locations. Law MANDATES all ballots must be counted onsite AFTER POLLS close👇

2/2 Richer states clearly that a "poll location" is subject to ARS 16-564(A). That's why he couldn't retrieve ballots from dropboxes until after polls closed. A Vote Center is a "poll location" according to the Maricopa County Recorder. That law was VIOLATED at all 223 locations.
Jan 27 6 tweets 3 min read
NOV 8 REEDUCATION: Door 3 Ballot Interference #2

3 of 4 PBR's below are completely BLANK at "SECURITY SEALS" section. Compare to the Tempe PBR which has proper security seal entries👇

Attorneys in ARS 16-672 election contests should've entered such misconduct. But none did.

2/3 In our #1 tweet re Door 3 Ballot Interference-we presented 2 other PBR's with blank "SECURITY SEALS" sections-making the total 5 so far. And here are 3 more👇for a total of 8 Vote Centers with signed certifications by the Election Board re the content of the REQUIRED reports:

Jan 26 4 tweets 2 min read
NOV 8 REEDUCATION: @KariLake False Spreadsheet

In Jan '23 a tech on Kari's legal team issued false info re a tabulator used at Altrain VC which CONCEALED machine failure & replacement BEFORE any ballots were inserted. Serial # VAL21190165 did NOT have 143 votes-it had ZERO👇
2/2 See previous Tweet👇re Altrain Vote Center. @KariLake team - whether intentionally or otherwise - continues to file papers stating only 446 Tabulators were used. FALSE - we have documented that 28 were replaced with new machines:


Jan 23 4 tweets 2 min read
NOV 8 REEDUCATION: Door 3 Ballot Interference

We broke news re a Poll Worker being ORDERED not to count DOOR 3 ballots they are required to count, seal & certify. Here are 2 more VCs that didn't count. Yet at Gateway VC they counted 999 D3 ballots easy👇

@KariLake legal team?

2/2 Look at the attached Precinct Ballot Report from Church LDS Gilbert Vote Center, where the Poll Worker wrote & certified:

"Unknown - Audit - Hot Line Sally"

How is it possible not to know the number of Door 3 ballots that you literally removed from Door 3 by hand? @KariLake Image
Jan 19 4 tweets 3 min read

Ex#11 from Maricopa Cty Official Reply to AAG Jen Wright reports 661 Check-Ins & 661 Reported Ballots. But Tally Tapes record 688 ballots-PBR confirms & adds 10 Door 3 ballots: should be 698 ballots & 698 check-ins.

Commingling is smoke👇

2/2 It doesn't matter how many Door 3 misread ballots there are. Commingling is a bad ruse. There were only 661 Sitebook Check-Ins so there should only be AT MOST 661 ballots tabulated by the units. Yet Tally Tapes, Audit Logs & PBR confirm 688 ballots tabulated. BIG PROBLEM:🚨👇

Jan 15 4 tweets 2 min read
NOV 8 REEDUCATION: Dominion Manual Confirms Failure

"Protective Counter: A function of the ballot tabulator, which includes a
counter that records the number of ALL of the ballots tabulated since the
device was built"

At 100+ Vote Centers, 536+ ballots were NOT recorded by PC Image 2/2 It's MORE than 100 Vote Centers & 536 ballots affected by Dominion machines FAILURE to "record" "all" ballots tabulated on each machine's protective counter, but MC has only given us Audit Logs for 179 Vote Centers NOT the 44 where tabulator results were mysteriously trashed. Image
Aug 27, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
@CryptoLawyerz sounded alarm re DC Indictment & how it will be hard to get Constitutional issues to SCOTUS bf conviction. I lost sleep!But a STRONG idea came involving DECLARATORY & Injunctive relief in AZ to avoid YOUNGER abstention hurdle in GA. Trump MUST act fast! SPACE asap

2/4 It goes back to SCOTUS case before the Younger precedent - Dombrowski v. Pfister, 380 U.S. 479 (1965). Since Arizona is investigating same issues as GA & DC, there's a REAL threat of more prosecutions for constitutionally protected activities, which Trump has right to pursue.
Aug 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/3 Jack Smith's case in SDFL is on the verge of collapse for his ABUSE of a DC GJ. Judge Cannon identified a problem & DEMANDED briefing on the issue by Nauta, inviting Trump's attorneys to also respond. They joined Nauta's response. I'm NOT happy they failed to file separately. 2/3 Smith's 8.22.23 response is an attempt to GASLIGHT Cannon:

"When the [Govt] started the [GJ]
investigation in [DC], it could not know the full scope of the evidence that
would be gathered, but from the outset, the investigation encompassed conduct that spanned [DC & FL].." Image
Aug 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨This sounds like a blanket pardon to me👇. POTUS doesn't have to use the word "pardon" or "reprieve" from text of Constitution. POTUS can commute sentences; grant clemency; & give amnesty. SCOTUS held all are valid uses. EXECUTIVE power of US said, "Go home with love & peace." Image 2/3 POTUS might've said, "Fleeing the Capitol to avoid prosecution could violate 18 USC 1073. Peacefully turn yourselves in."

The tweet is obv clemency. EXECUTIVE POWER is vested in POTUS.

WAPO oped agrees POTUS can tweet pardon👇
Aug 9, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read… EXHIBITS FOR SPACE:


Aug 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

3 USC §2 was repealed in '22 but is relevant to '20 POTUS election. It states that a failed election occurs if electors aren't appointed by election day. Read the👇NYT article:… 2/3 No Court has defined what a "failed election" is. Two federal statutes were enacted in 1872 to extend extra time for Texas & Louisiana to choose electors. This law rev👇article explains that the federal election statute was a fraud prevention measure:…
Jul 8, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Q: Why does CORCORAN use "custodian of records" in his filings while having Christina Bobb sign the 6.3.22 Certification as "Custodian of Records".


🚨Why did CORCORAN tell Court that "staff" conducted the 6.2.22 search - when he alone conducted it?

2/2 Why does CORCORAN use "Custodian of Records" (also Bobb) re June 22 subpoena to the "Trump Organization" while using "custodian of records" as to her re Office of FPOTUS - while preparing Certification for HER to sign as "Custodian"?

WTF🚨 Those aren't typos. Wake up, folks.

Jul 6, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read

This looks VERY bad. I've attached 4 screenshots indicating DOJ perpetrated a FRAUD on the Court in its warrant application affidavit. These show Trump's attorneys KNOW there was fraud. Where are the Motions to Dismiss Indictment & to Suppress evidence?

2/4 The May 5 warrant app affidavit👇states that Trump Attorney 1 (Corcoran) "was advised" that only the "STORAGE ROOM" contained documents responsive to the subpoena. The affidavit alleges that such advisement obstructed Corcoran's search. BUT on Aug 30, DOJ altered this fact...

Jun 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/3 🚨WTF NARA?

I present the current NARA faq on classified docs donated ILLEGALLY to private institutions from former government officials OR contractors. NARA says govt will "respect your rights to maintain...collections of donated personal papers."👇… 2/3 🚨WTF NARA?

Read this and your blood will boil:

"Former government officials and contractors have been known to retain papers containing classified national security information and eventually donate them to private archives."

NARA doesn't mention criminal referrals👇
Jun 27, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
1/2 The Indictment hoax re staff handing Trump a pile of "papers" in NJ on Iran put my memory back to an article about 45 being an old school hard copy newsPAPER fiend. Staff had stacks on his desk each morning. This Politico article "The Print Reader In Chief" kills the hoax..👇

2/2 If you now go back to the Indictment transcript & tape, it makes PERFECT sense when he says they just brought me this stack papers "This was him. This was Milley." The article👇tells you that's exactly how he used "papers" to push back on his enemies:…