A closer review of the SCOAZ Remand Opinion makes clear that you missed a huge HINT when they VACATED ¶26-30 in the AppCt Opinion. Neither the SCOAZ Opinion, nor the 5 vacated AppCt paragraphs mention ballot review speed issues. SCOAZ instead...
2/3...acknowledged that the original @KariLake complaint said magic words: "In Count three of her
complaint, which alleged a violation of A.R.S. § 16-550(A)..." SCOAZ then turned to "registration record" & whether MC violated 16-550(A) by misapplying sig ver "policy" thereto...
3/3 MC gave sig verify policy in '22 Election Plan re multi-sig history. But MC never published a speed of review policy so there's NO WAY to attack application of "policy" that doesn't exist. SCOAZ wants to review MC application of reg record. @BlehmLawAZ made Rey fumble. USE IT
Maricopa County APPLIED an Illegal Definition Of "Registration Record" To Their Signature Verification Process...and they knew it 💯.
EXHIBIT #1 to SPACE (later today): Recorder Richer's official page as of MAY 22, 2022
A Voter's registration record contains a registration form or forms if they reregistered, driver's license & other documents related to registration. But the signature "on" the registration record is the sig used to register.
Now compare 16-550 w 16-153: "in" vs "on"👇
EXHIBIT 3: Fontes ALSO published at the official Maricopa Recorder site that an Early Ballot affidavit signature must be compared to THE SIGNATURE on what? Anybody? The "original registration form"👇
You've heard from the Court, the attorneys, the pundits, and now you're going to hear complete LEGAL CLARITY about the 2d trial in Lake v Hobbs just completed May 17-19. You are going to UNDERSTAND the law, precedents, mistakes and best chances for appeal. twitter.com/i/spaces/1mrxm…
Reyes v. Cuming
191 Ariz. 91 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)
1/2 @JenWEsq You said Maricopa should "NOT" have used "real-time Provisional Ballot" process in past, but that you saw no evidence they used it in '22 or in Abe & Kari's races. Here's proof MC still uses RTPB since 16-579 was updated...AT THEIR SITE NOW👇 elections.maricopa.gov/voting/just-th…
2/2 @JenWEsq We need your integrity and expertise to EXPOSE this illegality in Maricopa Elections. See👇at MC site. On same page it says "tabulators cannot read provisional ballots" but later says "the voter is issued a real time provisional ballot" - which IS tabulated on site.
That Maricopa etal didn't rest after @KariLake rested May have been a strategic error bc Liddy's exam of Valenzuela opens the door on 2 key points:
1. He testified 25 heads have Level 2 review login credentials. The strongest chance Kari has is by proving...
2/3...that L2 couldn't possibly do legit review of 267k ballots in time allowed. Her witnesses testified there were only 3 L2 heads. High MC officials like Rey may have L2 power but he only did 1600, while the main 3 were doing bulk. Kari is entitled now to log discovery as to...
3/3...EXACTLY how many ballots were sig reviewed in '22 by top level login IDs. It's probably ZERO for most. RICHER & JARRETT have L2 authority but they weren't doing much grunt work.
2. See my previous tweets👇about putting Rey on clock and crossing him on this 1ballot/sec BS.
So Valenzuela just said he can do accurate signature review in less than a second. Ok, request a real demonstration in Court ON THE CLOCK with a random sample of ballots. Make him prove it @KariLake attorneys 💯🚨
On cross-exam ask Valenzuela if there are log files showing him personally conducting signature review in a second or less. You can't just let him say drop that PREJUDICIAL CRAP without PROOF. They have log records. Did he approve sigs THAT fast this election? DEMAND LOG FILES🚨
THEY MUST CHALLENGE THAT 1sec/ballot Valenzuela super ballot review hype. IT'S MEGA PREJUDICIAL. @KariLake deserves DISCOVERY.