Trump has retweeted many things over the years that has drawn the ire of millions. This was no exception.
A whistleblower accused Biden and Obama of having Seal team six killed. Let’s just say they set up the helicopter ambush and it’s as bad as this claim suggest: Why would……
Notice what Trump said when questioned about his retweet suggesting that the Osama Bin Laden raid was suspicious and Biden and company played a role in the deaths of seal team six members:
“I do a lot of retweets. And frankly, because the media is so fake and so corrupt, if I……
If you think this is simply hyperbole then ask the families of those seal members. They themselves were demanding to know why the government sent that helicopter into dangerous territory without special operations aviation or proper air support. It’s almost like they were sitting……
Nato chopper carrying almost two dozen members of seal team six crashes. No survivors. Was this a cover up?
They had a target on their back but it was from their own damn government.
They must have known something that would warrant such egregious actions.
So two Saudi hijackers were alleged CIA recruits, Osama Bin Laden was "ex" CIA, and when they took out Bin Laden they covered his ashes into the ocean, never showed us his body, and then a large portion of team that killed him ended up dying in a helicopter crash shortly after.……
Listen to the rhetoric coming from the man who oversaw the Osama Bin Laden raid and tell me you don’t see some red flags immediately get raised. Admiral Raven wanted his security clearance revoked in solidarity with John Brennan, the same man who helped push the Russia gate hoax……
So the man who oversaw the Osama Bin Laden AND the overthrow of the Iraqi government says that Black Lives Matter and Trump must be voted out. I'm sure it's not cause he's a complete fraud or anything and his missions were complete black operations. Notice how he says Trump……
The Taliban insisted over the years that Osama Bin Laden did not plan 9/11. What if they were telling the truth? Well, now we know for a fact that it was Saudi Arabia and not Osama. So the media lied to the people for all these years in inexplicable fashion. They’ve lied about……
Hussein says that they he consulted the experts and decided that we shouldn't show the body and be respectful to Islamic traditions. How convenient! Why is it that they were really so insistent on not showing the body, the footage, or the pictures?
Listen to this clip from CNN:
"It would be a leap of faith by Navy Seals, the CIA, and Osama Bin Laden.."
Why did the CIA get so involved in this?
Osama was living in a compound with 18 foot walls, security cameras and a mansion. Why did it take them so long to find this man……
Hillary Clinton told Howard Stern something very interesting about the Osama Bin Laden raid:
"You watched Bin Laden die?"
"No. The video ended when the seals got into the complex. Into the buildings."
According to Hillary Clinton herself, the feed was not shown to them due to technical issues so I’m not really sure what they are looking at here. As far as I’m concerned, this entire thing is a fraud of epic proportions.
In 2013, CNN reported that the CIA was recruiting Gitmo detainees to become assets for the intelligence agency. Remember that ISIS was almost immediately eradicated by Donald Trump yet Obama couldn’t seem to find a way to stop them. I wonder why that was?
In Hillary Clinton’s own words:
“The people (terrorists) we are fighting today, we funded twenty years ago.”
Did I mention that Trump eliminated ISIS almost immediately after coming to office but Obama inexplicably couldn’t make progress and was drone striking children because……
Bin Laden was supposedly buried at sea yet people were demanding proof that he was killed.
"The photos have to be released to get rid of any conspiracy theorists."
The head of the CIA agreed that they needed to do this.
But what ended up happening?
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
The mainstream media wants you to take their word on it that the Osama pictures are brutal and a Seal saying he took the pictures is proof that it totally happened the way they say it did. How about you just show us the pictures instead of saying “just believe us.” But that never……
Trump asks a simple question: Why can't we find Osama Bin Laden:
"Pakistan probably has Osama Bin Laden. Think of it. You have a six foot six Arab and we can't find him. Who's on a dialysis machine. With all of our so called intelligence we can't find Osama Bin Laden. There's……
Low energy Jeb says he's so proud of what his brother did to keep us safe as he committed war crimes and took away freedoms via the Patriot Act.
Trump responds by putting blame on the Bush family.
"The World Trade Center came down on your brother's reign. Remember that. That's……
Coincidentally the Bush family had financial ties with Osama’s half brother in the form of an energy company called Arbusto Energy. But where this gets very interesting is that Arbusto Energy failed and merged to become Harken Energy. This company was saved by an offshore……
But it gets worse, guess who was reportedly with Bush Senior for business meeting on that fateful day? Bin Laden’s brother. What are the chances?
Now remember: This was all tied to Saudi Arabia. They were the head of the snake and the puppet masters behind this entire crime against humanity. Even official reports say this now but what was Bush doing back then? He was covering for them and he was financially in bed with the……
We now know that fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were Saudi Arabian citizens which is almost all of them.
Are you seeing the picture yet? Bush knew it was SA and he was covering it up? Why would he do that?
The CIA and the FBI have a history of shady dealings. Remember that Mueller is the same man who spent years attempting to shut down Trump and frame him for treason. We now know that the Steele Dossier, the basis for the entire Russiagate hoax, was bought and paid for by Hillary……
The director of the CIA said that the evidence showed a slam dunk that Iraq was carrying WMDs.
Reporter on the sham Iraq war:
"It seems that no one ever paid for that (WMD lie). We went to war largely on that basis...We sent young men and women there who were killed... So the……
Bush felt "terrible" about the fact that there was no WMDs in Iraq in hindsight. But remember, Saddam had the capacity to make the weapons even though he didn't make them! So it was worth it!
The CIA, the establishment and the military industrial complex played the people for……
But it isn’t just Bush.
Obama carried on his legacy by drone striking and killing innocent people at a rate even W. would be proud of.
Even the fake news was reporting that Obama killed children and unwitting bystanders. Can you imagine what would happen if Trump killed……
But guess what the media did for Obama as he was actively committing crimes against humanity?
They gave him the Nobel Peace Prize award.
They really do believe that the people are this stupid. If we do not learn to educate and think for ourselves then they will continue to get……
Julian Assange himself discovered the war crimes committed in Iraq and exposed them for the world to see.
Why do you think the establishment came after him with such fervor?
Without his bravery, we would not have been given near the kind of information that we see today. He truly has become the epitome of a journalist willing to publish the truth no matter the cost, someone willing to take on the establishment war machine and for that he has garnered……
But why did they really invade Iraq if it wasn’t to stop them from possessing non existent weapons of mass destruction.
Did you know that Saddam Hussein ditched the US dollar for the Euro in October 2000? He wanted to trade oil with Euros instead of the fiat debt note. This……
Now that you know that it was not Iraq that even perpetuated 9/11 you have to ask yourself this simple question: Why the hell did we invade Iraq?
There was one person who was asking that question and pointing out what a sham it all was and that resonated with the people so much……
Trump pointed out that ISIS took control of the oil from Libya. This is the same ISIS that Trump was able to take out in partnership with King Salman almost instantaneously. It's almost as if Clinton, Obama, and Bush did not want ISIS to be dismantled and they empowered them.
So Bush invaded Iraq under the pretext that they might commit another 9/11 all while knowing that they had no weapons of mass destruction, blocking investigations into SA, and then when all was said and done: Terrorism thrived in Iraq like never before directly AFTER their……
After giving the establishment the proverbial middle finger, Trump came into power in the political upset of the century. But would he stick true to his word and make the changes necessary to stop these never ending wars? Would justice be had?
Well you’re not going to believe what happened next. On his first global trip as President of the United States he made the unexpected decision to travel to none other than Saudi Arabia.
That same Saudi Arabia that we now know did 9/11 as the Bush family covered it up.
Eleven senior princes, owners of three television stations, the head of the most important military branch and more were arrested.…
Ask yourself this question: What if the people arrested and detained in this massive purge were the masterminds of 9/11? How would we know? Why did Trump say that we have yet to get to the bottom of 9/11 while he was at a Saudi backed golf tournament? Was the old guard replaced……
Hypothetically: If Iraq was invaded to stop the fiat system from imploding under the guise of 9/11 justification then what can we make of what is happening in our day now? Saudi Arabia is currently looking to back the Brics alliance and essentially destroy the central bank fiat……
When will people fully realize that Obama, Clinton, Bush, and the globalist elite have been deceiving the people for decades and their war machine is nothing but something based on a complete lie.
Bush knew, Obama continued, Clinton praised, and the Clowns In America pushed war……
• • •
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Clinton and George Soros decimated Haiti through Humanitarian Foundations, plundering the wealth of an entire nation.
Since the 2010 earthquake, USAID has allocated over 2 billion dollars to help rebuild Haiti.
Trump knew exactly what she and her cronies had done and slyly told the world to her face that she had "taken villages in Haiti."
Anyone awake knows exactly what this means. 🧵
A younger Pete Hegseth discovers through Judicial Watch that Chelsea Clinton used finances that were supposed to be used for homeless people in Haiti but were used on her own wedding. Clinton cronies were getting corrupt telephone contracts from the Haitian government.
“You need a special counsel alone to investigate the Clinton machine’s connection to Haiti. You talk to Haitians about the Clintons; it’s the one thing that sets almost everyone off. We spent billions of dollars in aid through the United States, 35 million through the Clinton Foundation and it didn’t result in much. The aid didn’t help…”
What really happened with all that money?
“In 2010, the whole world has given billions of dollars to the Clinton Foundations for the Haitians. Not even 2% of that money went back to Haiti. So, Mr. Trump, we are asking you, begging you, the Haitian community will side with you if one day, you ask Hillary Clinton publically to disclose the audit of all the money they have stolen from Haiti after the earthquake.”
Dick Durbin accidentally makes Kash Patel seem awesome.
"Kash Patel has published a list in the back of his book who he calls members of the deep state. Among them are Democrats and Republicans... Then there is Mr. Patel's plan to shut down the FBI Hoover building on day one. He has said quote, we are going to come after the people in the media. We are going to come after people in the media. We are going to come after you. We are putting you all on notice...
Does this sound like someone who should lead the FBI?"
You don't have to sell me on Kash.
I already support him.
Chuck Grassley explains how Kash Patel helped expose the greatest political scandal in modern history: RussiaGate.
Where the media, the Democrats, and the establishment worked in tandem to frame Donald Trump for treason.
Kash Patel was at the center of exposing the truth to the world.
No state funeral has been scrutinized, analyzed, and combed over more than that of the late George Bush. When Donald Trump came onto the scene, he openly declared war against the establishment, and to their dismay, this meant every single former President was now in the crossfire. So much so, that they all gathered together and showed their true allegiances as what many now refer to as a uni party. Michelle Obama and Bush hugging and holding hands is not a sign of goodwill but rather reveals who they really are: A cabal as Trump so aptly called them. 🧵
Trump sitting next to Obama, Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Joe Biden there in the back looking half asleep. This is incredibly intense for multiple reasons. One, Obama and Clinton had committed a coup against Donald Trump by using the FBI to frame 45 for treason. Hillary Clinton paid a British spy to insert “evidence” that Trump was essentially a stooge for the Russian government. The upper echelon of the FBI took this and ran with it as a pretense for everything we saw with the now-debunked Russia Gate scandal. The mainstream media, at that time, was a goliath that decided which enemy they wanted to destroy. There was little anyone could do to combat the smear jobs that they could pin on people, often ruining good people’s lives. Trump knew this all too well and labeled them the now synonymous “fake news.” Most Americans now understand just how decrepit the mainstream media is, they are a tool of the Epstein Island list if I had to sum it up into one concrete sentence.
In retrospect, Clinton and Obama used the media to enforce their facade upon the people and the tension was understandably high as they sat in their pew. You can tell how much these people really know yet they put on their little masks for the viewers. This is a bloodthirsty battle, a winner-takes-all struggle for the future of America. Take Big Mike, for instance, the dude doesn’t even pretend not to be utterly displeased to have to sit next to Melania and company. At least, Obama, the fraud that he is, can put on his fake smile and act like he is somewhat comfortable. But we all know the truth, and what would come next would not be a reaction they could hide from the cameras. The notes...
Fox News was hoping for a peaceful era between Trump and the former Presidents. How wrong they would prove to be as all hell was breaking loose behind the scenes. Trump proved to be an existential threat to the former guard’s power. They thrived off the ignorance of the masses, that they were righteous good people who wanted nothing but the best for the world. Trump pulled back that curtain and showed who they really were. This took tremendous courage and, in the end, nearly got him killed. Yet, in many ways, he won against all the odds. Proving that he was one of the most courageous people to ever take the White House. I truly believe that.
Humanity's ancient history is shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
Genesis 6, 1 Peter, Jude, and the Apocrypha book of Enoch allude to Nephilim, giants of old created from fallen angels before the flood.
Tucker recently came out and told us that he believed the Genesis 6 Nephilim story and that many of the UFO's were insinuated to him by an insider to be something more akin to the Genesis 6 Nephilim.
Are we to take this seriously or is this a tall tale that we the modern mind can write off?
Let's do a deep dive.
Let’s just walk through a thought experiment here. Take the Biblical flood story and begin to digest it in a different way than the mainstream narrative. Let’s say that the Watchers that slept with mankind and created these legendary “heroes of old” were not human and that the reason the children of these beings were so powerful is that their DNA was tainted in some way. What if I told you that is exactly what the book of Enoch suggests? Did Peter, Jude, and the other disciples of Christ believe this to be the case? It certainly seems likely to me.
What were the actual claims of Enoch then? Essentially, a subset of angels referred to as Watchers looked down from their abode and saw that the daughters of men were beautiful. They lusted after them and descended (this is an important term for later) on Mount Hermon (remember this place) where they swore an oath to all go into this together. They slept with these women to create hybrid warrior giants of old. This severely tainted the DNA of mankind, so much so, that few in the world at the time were free from the distortion.
I suggest that this causes the events of that day to make MUCH more sense than if it was just humans being vile. What did they say about Noah and his bloodline? That it was the only bloodline that wasn’t tainted. How could this be the case? Tainted with what? What if the Nephilim had distorted God’s plan so thoroughly that a flood was the only solution? What if the enemy foresaw Christ coming and wanted to taint the DNA of man in a way that would overthrow what God had planned? Of course, this did not work but when people say to me, wow God was so harsh with these people. Perhaps there was a much more clear reason as to why. For instance, did you ever consider the reason as to why Goliath was THAT tall in the legendary story with the Philistines? What if now hear me out, he was a distant relative of that ancient Nephilim bloodline? It adds up. Let’s just say the Nephilim survives somehow and now the Philistines were in bed with that same ancient enemy of God. It provides a better understanding of why God might be as harsh with those people as he was. If they had set themselves up in that land on purpose, continually attempting to stand against what God was doing, it all makes so much more sense.
You'd be shocked to see how many cases of giants and allusions to Nephilim there are in the Bible. Your entire theology and outlook on the Bible begin to change once you take this all into consideration. People used to assert to me that God sure was mean back in the Old Testament. I didn't have much to stay back then but now in light of the giant narrative, I understand it all so much clearer. The people dwelling in the Promised Land were literally in bed with Nephilim. That's why when the 13 spies famously peered into that land overflowing with milk and honey they said that we are as if grasshoppers to them. They were talking literally. It's right there staring at us in the face if we have the eyes to see!
The Canaanites also performed child sacrifice rituals just as the demonic forces backing them required. It all adds up when you consider adrenochrome, Epstein. And the unveiling of the spiritual war like never before in the modern day. It's the same story as it has always been. The seed of Satan vs God's unfailing light.
The sons of God vs the counterfeit sons of evil.
The enemy wanted a counterfeit of what God wanted to do.
Think about what Paul said: Creation groans in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.
Christ himself was said to be the firstborn of many brothers. That is us if we believe in Christ. A family of believers ready to take spiritual authority and come into victory over the enemy.
The sons of darkness have already manifested in countless ways. What God does in the future, His plans cannot be fathomed as it is said that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, what God has planned for those who love Him.
Let’s look at the infamous passage of Scripture for ourselves and break it down. Genesis 6:
Genesis 6 Hebrew:
“The majority of ancient biblical translations – including the Septuagint, Theodotion, Latin Vulgate, Samaritan Targum, Targum Onkelos, and Targum Neofiti – interpret the word to mean "giants".[18] Symmachus translates it as "the violent ones"[19][20][21] and Aquila's translation has been interpreted to mean either "the fallen ones"[19] or "the ones falling [upon their enemies]."
Kari Lake has been named Trump's Director for Voice of America designed to combat the fake news media and bring truth.
Here are some of her most savage takedowns of the establishment propaganda media that you might want to remember. Few are more skilled at humiliating the enemy of the people and ripping them a new one.
This is just too satisfying. 🧵
"You don't have a mask on anymore.. Wow...I'll do an interview as long as it airs on CNN Plus. Does that still exist?
I didn't think so because the people don't like what you guys are peddling. Which is propaganda."
Mic Drop.
"Do you think that Joe Biden garnered 81 million votes? Do you think the elections were fair?
The problem is that the American people don't have all the answers because the media is part of the problem....The media is doing a huge disservice to this country. The people aren't getting the full story but eventually I do think they will. And the media whose numbers are dropping like a rock are,gonna continue to drop and pretty soon nobody will be watching, because the media has turned their back on the people of America and not been honest, ABC News
CNN, MSNBC spent more than three years lying to the American people saying that Russia colluded with Donald J Trump to steal an election in 2016. And they knew that was false. They knew they were peddling lies and they did nothing to stop it. It was a complete hoax and it was a lie. And now they're doing the opposite. We have evidence of corruption in our election, and they refuse to cover it. They used to be honest with the people of this country.
It is disgusting what the media has done. And I think their days are numbered when it comes to surviving all of this. The business when you're lying to the people and you're in media, that's a bad business model…"
Pepe the Frog spends the day with Elon Musk. A story created by Grok. 🧵
Pepe and Elon began their day with a nice wholesome breakfast. They perceive that a crying liberal is watching them eat. This causes them to laugh in amusement because there is nothing anyone can do to stop the memes from flowing after Trump won the election.
Pepe and Elon meet with Donald Trump to discuss their plans to defeat the woke mind virus. Things are going extremely well but they still have much work to do. DOGE will be an tremendous success, says Trump. Pepe knows Trump and Elon are playing high level chess with their enemy.