The idea that French theory is revolutionary “68 thought” is a myth whose purpose is to promote anticommunist theory as radical while invisibilizing the actual theorists and actors of revolutionary politics.🧵1/9 #Marxism
My latest in @monthly_review:…
#Foucault didn't publicly support the 68 movement & for good reason: he had participated in the Gaullist academic counter-reform that triggered the student uprising. He was thus clearly on the opposite side of the barricades in #May68. 2/9
#Bourdieu was absent from the streets in #1968. Following the tradition of his mentor, the anticommunist CIA asset Raymond Aron, he preferred so-called “empirical evidence” to what he dismissed as the “revolutionary posturing” of leftism. 3/9
#Derrida was not, as he himself clearly explained, a ’68er, and his “heart was not ‘on the barricades.’” In fact, he didn’t even think the category of “social class” made sense 🤔4/9
#Lacan occupied the position of the stern father in #May68 who invoked “the inability of any revolution to free the subject from his servitude.” He described himself as an “antiprogressive” “liberal” in his critiques of the movement. 5/9
The marketing of #FrenchTheory by Ford Found. et al changed 68 into a symbol for a product of US-driven cultural imperialism. The real social relations at work in 68 disappeared behind the enchantment with the commodity of French Theory (historical commodity fetishism). 6/9 #Marx
The social function of the historical commodity fetishism around #68 is to excise the work of the more radical side of French theory, if it be the marginalized anarchists, Maoists, Trots, or Marxian thinkers, or the largely excluded MLs. 7/9 #Marxism
This article foregrounds the thinkers who were engaged in #68 & who continue today the revolutionary tradition overshadowed by #FrenchTheory: Michel Simon, Michel Clouscard, Georges Gastaud, Annie Lacroix-Riz, Aymeric Monville, etc. 8/9 @PRCF_
Some online “Marxists” seem confused about what a principled critique of "woke" identity politics looks like. It is NOT a rejection of the Marxist project of recognizing the *universal* dignity of ALL: women, racialized groups, LGBTQ+, etc.
Short 🧵 on #Marxism #IdentityPolitics
As Domenico Losurdo has brilliantly demonstrated, the best elements of the Marxist tradition have always been dedicated to lifting up the most oppressed of the world through recognition &...…
...the struggle to reconfigure the material relations of production & reproduction to alleviate racialized groups from slavery or super-exploitation, women from domestic slavery and the “double day,” etc.
My latest in @monthly_review covers themes in my next book & future projects: #propaganda, #FrenchTheory, #FrankfurtSchool, #IdentityPolitics, #Zizek, #BourgeoisDemocracy, #fascism, #Jan6th, #ClassStruggle. 🧵has highlights. 1/11
Thx to Zhao Dingqi!…
The CIA’s Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) was, according to Hugh Wilford, nothing short of one of the largest patrons of art and culture in the history of the world. The breadth & depth of the CIA's global propaganda network is extraordinary. 2/11
The CIA celebrated the contributions of French #structuralism & the #AnnalesSchool: “we believe their critical demolition of Marxist influence in the social sciences is likely to endure as a profound contribution to modern scholarship.” 3/11…
Opposed to #socialism in #Yugoslavia, #Zizek wrote for a ‘dissident’ mag accused of being CIA. He founded the
*LibDem* Party & ran for Pres against the communists, advocating for privatizations: “more capitalism would mean more social security” (sic). 2/7
The Eastern liberal was for pro-West civil society & against the Yugo. state when the latter was socialist, whereas he was against civil society & for the state when the latter turned capitalist (& sought membership in capitalist & imperialist orgs like the EU & NATO). 3/7 #Zizek
1/11 This @CTW_ATC discussion outlines my book on how the Western intelligentsia of the global theory industry has helped consolidate the "compatible" Left (i.e. compatible w capitalism & imperialism). 🧵 #FrenchTheory#Postmodernism#FrankfurtSchool
2/ I explain the work of #Derrida w "anti-totalitarian" dissidents funded by the NED (a CIA cutout), while rehabilitating an unrepentant Nazi (Heidegger), collaborating w a Nazi collaborator (De Man) & foreclosing any analysis of "context." #PostStructuralism#Postmodernism