The idea that French theory is revolutionary “68 thought” is a myth whose purpose is to promote anticommunist theory as radical while invisibilizing the actual theorists and actors of revolutionary politics.🧵1/9 #Marxism
My latest in @monthly_review:…
#Foucault didn't publicly support the 68 movement & for good reason: he had participated in the Gaullist academic counter-reform that triggered the student uprising. He was thus clearly on the opposite side of the barricades in #May68. 2/9
#Bourdieu was absent from the streets in #1968. Following the tradition of his mentor, the anticommunist CIA asset Raymond Aron, he preferred so-called “empirical evidence” to what he dismissed as the “revolutionary posturing” of leftism. 3/9
#Derrida was not, as he himself clearly explained, a ’68er, and his “heart was not ‘on the barricades.’” In fact, he didn’t even think the category of “social class” made sense 🤔4/9
#Lacan occupied the position of the stern father in #May68 who invoked “the inability of any revolution to free the subject from his servitude.” He described himself as an “antiprogressive” “liberal” in his critiques of the movement. 5/9
The marketing of #FrenchTheory by Ford Found. et al changed 68 into a symbol for a product of US-driven cultural imperialism. The real social relations at work in 68 disappeared behind the enchantment with the commodity of French Theory (historical commodity fetishism). 6/9 #Marx
The social function of the historical commodity fetishism around #68 is to excise the work of the more radical side of French theory, if it be the marginalized anarchists, Maoists, Trots, or Marxian thinkers, or the largely excluded MLs. 7/9 #Marxism
This article foregrounds the thinkers who were engaged in #68 & who continue today the revolutionary tradition overshadowed by #FrenchTheory: Michel Simon, Michel Clouscard, Georges Gastaud, Annie Lacroix-Riz, Aymeric Monville, etc. 8/9 @PRCF_
Opposed to #socialism in #Yugoslavia, #Zizek wrote for a ‘dissident’ mag accused of being CIA. He founded the
*LibDem* Party & ran for Pres against the communists, advocating for privatizations: “more capitalism would mean more social security” (sic). 2/7
The Eastern liberal was for pro-West civil society & against the Yugo. state when the latter was socialist, whereas he was against civil society & for the state when the latter turned capitalist (& sought membership in capitalist & imperialist orgs like the EU & NATO). 3/7 #Zizek
1/11 This @CTW_ATC discussion outlines my book on how the Western intelligentsia of the global theory industry has helped consolidate the "compatible" Left (i.e. compatible w capitalism & imperialism). 🧵 #FrenchTheory#Postmodernism#FrankfurtSchool
2/ I explain the work of #Derrida w "anti-totalitarian" dissidents funded by the NED (a CIA cutout), while rehabilitating an unrepentant Nazi (Heidegger), collaborating w a Nazi collaborator (De Man) & foreclosing any analysis of "context." #PostStructuralism#Postmodernism
Frankfurt School critical theory has been—w #FrenchTheory—one of the hottest commodities of the global theory industry. They are the political & ideological source for so many trend-setting academic discourses: #pomo#poco#DecolonialTheory#QueerTheory#Afropessimism etc. 2/16
Adorno & Horkheimer directly contributed to the CIA’s imperial project of reinforcing the non-communist Left. Horkheimer participated in its junkets while Adorno published in CIA journals, corresponded w their operatives & liaised about expanding their activities in Germany. 3/16