1/ I just couldn't tweet after what I saw yesterday. I cried instead. And cried. And cried.
We are moving forward with treating human beings who need us the most in the worst ways.
We had 15 witnesses across the state & this is what we saw... #vtpoli#crisisinvt
2/ Yesterday we saw people who went to the street who were suffering from an aneurysm & collapsed lung, were on oxygen, had hip surgery, were in recovery, had severe mental illness, worked full time, & more.
3/ Yesterday people were exited who were not categorized correctly by DCF under Domestic Violence were sent back to their abusive ex or to the street. ESD is now not honoring the legislative guidance if they try to get categorized correctly through June 30. #vtpoli#crisisinvt.
4/ ESD supervisor kept refusing to tell me what rule she was following, until she FINALLY told me that they were not using the legislative guidance because the old rules are back. That is not correct or true. Certain categories should still be sheltered. #vtpoli#crisisinvt
5/ I called 211 on behalf of a man who was 72 & about to end up on the street. 1st call, I was yelled at "the homeless program is over today". I said, "not for him". & he hung up on me. 2nd call, I found him the last room DCF reserved & got him a ride there. #vtpoli#crisisinvt
6/ I listened to people being exited in July beg me for help for their June friends who won't make it. I took calls from witnesses across the state about how I could help people who are sick who were being kicked out. "What can I tell them"? The answer, there is nothing. #vtpoli
7/ All hotels were kind & compassionate with one exception that I know about. A manager who banged on people's doors, yelled at them for crying & as they were sitting on the curb with all their stuff, with advocates helping, she yelled at them relentlessly. #vtpoli#crisisinvt
8/ Also at that same hotel, the managers knew me, because I had been there. This was the 1st time she saw me, & I was just there to help the individuals, she said, "Ms. Siegel, at this point you are trespassing".... for helping #vtpoli#crisisinvt
I was trying to help from 8am until 930 pm. By the end, I was just trying not to show how much horror and grief I was feeling.
Is this what Vermont wants to be? Our government manufactured humanitarian crisis is well under way. #vtpoli#crisisinvt
10/ One more thing, there were no teams of AHS on the ground, anywhere. No one saw these pretend teams they have. No one. In some cases, many, no one was anywhere to help people at all.
1/ Again, couldn't talk about it last night. The dystopian nightmare we are living leaves me in tears each day.
If you are explaining & not helping. Called grandstanding. This is a crisis, we need help. Reach out to ask how.
Here is what we saw/did.... #vtpoli#crisisinvt
2/ I started day emailing esd @ 7am, make sure they had an authorized rep form & fella who fell through the cracks didn't fall through again. Waited hours for a call. Found him a ride to next place he may only have until Mon. We will do this again, Mon. #vtpoli#crisisinvt
3/While waiting for hours for the call, I helped another person from the team of witnesses, help another woman who had been miscatagorized. We were able to get her back into the program. #vtpoli#crisisinvt.
I wonder what it is like to have to argue that it is legally appropriate for people to be unhoused. It is part of the job. That said, I think I would have to resign in protest. #vtpoli
DCF has been doing no such thing as screening. #vtpoli