Ten ways to help prepare Y10 before the summer- (...and not leave it until the mocks!)
1. Provide consistent revision - avoid that overwhelming feeling in Y11 by starting bite-size revision now in breaks & hmk. 2. Use past papers to understand the exam format & timings only
3. Build a schedule for the lead-up to Y11 mocks- having a structured plan can help them stay on track and prepare ahead 4. Share staff availability - give time for them to opt-in and ask for extra help or clarification on topics they're struggling with.
7. Promote breaks - important to recognise how to rest & recharge; taking breaks during revision sessions is crucial. Wkend/evening trips or pizza parties go a long way 8. Eating well & staying hydrated - time to start those breakfast clubs to improve concentration & attendance
9. Promote sleep - crucial for memory retention and cognitive function. Teenagers won't do this naturally!
10. Stay optimistic! NEA and feeling Y11 are leaving will be stressful- giving them confidence can help them stay motivated and focused on their goals.
Pride Month 2023:we continue to champion equality& diversity, which we strive to do all yr round. Leaders should be dedicated & visible with their responsibilities both inside & outside of sch to foster a sense of belonging for all. Heres how: #DiversityandInclusion#Pride2023
@GYCA_charter we believe in an inclusive approach that celebrates difference & fosters a sense of belonging through our house system, rewards & range of clubs, activities and interests, including our LGBTQ+ group that meets w/staff to help create a safe & supportive environment
Everyone can be their authentic selves through the curriculum regardless of their background or identity. We celebrate pupils' work and their triumphs through house assemblies, staff briefings, and pupil exhibitions. Our pupils @GYCA_charter excel in so many different avenues