Yesterday, @MTAGKnudsen & assistants filed a "writ of supervisory control" - last-minute plea to the MT Supreme Court to stop the case from proceeding in district court (this is their 8th attempt to stop the case)
My Sidenote: This is same AG who inserted himself to dismiss charges against a guy who pulled a gun on people in Helena restaurant - same AG who played doctor by pressuring health care professionals who refused to prescribe ivermectin to covid patients (the list keeps going...)
@MTAGKnudsen argues because people are paying attention - it should be dismissed because there "are no relevant facts to find" (again- this is from the same guy who happily played doctor in favor of ivermectin)
The state very clearly lays out the facts to find in this list as stated by District Court Judge Seeley - these certainly seem like pretty substantive questions:
Judge Seeley put it pretty clear when she heard the Kid's case - but Knudsen really does not like this (and FYI - MEPA = Montana Environmental Policy Act & GHC = Greenhouse gases):
They again note @GovGianforte & his GOP Supermajority tried to kill case by late-night tricks - then prohibiting even consideration of GHG (it's like a "hey look....we changed the rules 3 seconds before the game starts - sorry gotta cancel - also, yes, we made the rules worse":
Lastly, they argue that they just realized they had a bunch of homework. "Hey Teacher - this is gonna be hard - please postpone!!!"
🧵 Dems are once again focused on top-down adjustments which will have no real impact. The problem is not the roof, it’s the foundation….the “progressive orgs,” the funders, the “advocacy” groups, the bloated Dem campaign apparatus. All broken and playing small ball.
In the states, dems are still rooted in a bygone era when the parties were quite similar (remember George Bush was a big planned parenthood supporter, until recently many repubs supported top marginal taxes of up to 91%, no party dared attack public education etc etc.)
So progressives funded orgs to operate in that old polite world….to not offend neighbors, to gently nudge policy a bit one way or another with bake sales and cordial visits to elected officials. When elections popped up, they’d spend a few months highlighting subtle differences.
Repubs are the party of selling our public lands. They are starting with “land transfer” from federal to state where land sale has happened throughout US history.
It’s rolling in UT and Repubs in most other western states have proudly placed the plank in their platforms.
A short 🧵 on Montana fires and the constant diversion from Daines, Zinke and Gianforte that “forest management” is to blame.
The East Fork Fire, west of Olney MT is burning in one of the most intensively logged/“managed” areas of Montana. This is a current fire map.
This is google earth image of same area before the fire. Clearly visible are dozens of roads new clear cuts, old cuts, thinned areas etc. According to Repubs, all we need to do is “manage more” and fire won’t happen. If that were the simple answer, there would be no fire here.
Here is a headline from a recent rant from Zinke making this claim. There are dozens more.
🧵A lot of you saw @propublica article by @CoreyGJohnson where I discuss gun industry / @NSSF fully embracing irresponsible marketing practices...Here are just a few examples: This is Black Rain Ordnance "BRO" Customized Three Percenter (for the aspiring domestic terrorist??):
Next, we have the ever-useful Wilson Arms rifle for the patriotic self-appointed vigilante savior of our American urban cities... which may or may not be populated with the "sorts of people" who need some "super sniping"
And just to make sure "god" is on your side, you may want to select the Spike's Tactical Crusader, complete with a lovely Psalm ... you know, because a real crusader must "hoist the flag of our faith and make a statement"
🧵Important Truths about AR15 & its central symbolism in Radicalized MAGA Culture
The right continues to spin myths. The left gets stuff wrong. If we want to make good decisions, then we must deal with reality.
#1 - The AR15 was specifically designed as a tactical weapon of war
"Tactical" was once prohibited by the industry-Why? Because "tactical" means "planned offensive military action" and reasonable people knew to avoid such marketing. Today, cops and security guards are killed in these shootings because that's what tactical gear is designed to do.
The Gun Industry has tried to deflect from this truth with contrived branding such as "MSR" (modern sporting rifle.) I was in the industry when this was cooked up, but the truth is belied in so many industry advertising campaigns that have zero to do with anything "sporting."
🧵KYLE RITTENHOUSE to face civil charges for killing in Kenosha. Despite his heroic status to the Authoritarian right, here's a thread featuring the teachings and warnings of respected firearms authorities that explains why Rittenhouse may be in for a tough time in civil court:
Rittenhouse was found not guilty in criminal court, but civil liability for his actions involve a much broader timeline. He was aware of and purposefully entered a known dangerous situation with a loaded gun. The most respected trainers preach the opposite.
Massaad Ayoob, the best-known gun industry authority repeatedly/clearly states: "Above all, Avoidance is the best plan." He even advocates for aps that warn of traffic incidents so responsible gun owners can change course/avoid conflict. Rittenhouse effectively drove right in.