🧵 Anti Islamic ʼReforms’ a.k.a.
The Crimes of Mustafa Kemal #Atatürk Pt2
1. Ataturk banned the fez/topi and made it compulsory for people to wear western clothes, hats, and suits.
2. ‘Ulamā’ were killed because they refused to wear western clothes.
3. Some ‘Ulamā’ stood up against Ataturk and they were supported by ‘Ulamā’ from other countries too. Many were captured and hung.
4. The regime of Ataturk spoke ill of the ‘Ulamā’ in the newspapers, drew cartoons of them, and portrayed them as villains and traitors.
5. Ḥajj and ‘Umrah were also forbidden, but this was repealed.
6. Ataturk allowed Muslim women to marry kufar7.
7. He legalized slander and criticism of Islām in schools.
8. Kemalists portrayed Ataturk as better than Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
9. The newspapers were allowed to curse Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam and ridicule Islām.
10. People were encouraged to idolize Ataturk to the degree where they almost worshipped him.
11. Ataturk claimed that the Noble Qur’ān was fabricated by Rasūlullāh ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam and it was not divinely revealed.
12. Every person was forced to embrace and follow Kemalism. The six principles of Kemalism are: Republicanism, Populism, Secularism, Nationalism, Statism, and Revolutionism.
13. The regime of Ataturk opened liquor factories and legalized the sale of pork.
14. The weekly holiday was changed from Friday to Sunday. ‘Īd was removed as an official holiday and it was replaced with Christian holidays.
15. The Hijri calendar was replaced with the Gregorian calendar.
16. Women were encouraged to dress in short skirts and skimpy dresses. Men were told to wear tight-fitting western clothes.
17. Nude swimming was allowed and Ataturk himself would swim in the nude.
18. Ataturk enforced tight controls on all religious learning within the country.
Bushnak Arabic: بشناق, meaning "Bosniak", is a surname common among Levantines of Bosniak origin.
Those sharing this surname are the descendants of Bosniaks apprehensive of living under Christian rule after the 🇦🇹🇭🇺 occupation of Bosnia in 1878, who immigrated to Ottoman #Syria.
While not originally from one family, most Bosniaks who immigrated to the Levant adopted Bushnak as a common surname, attesting to their origins. Bushnak is also used colloquially among Palestinians to refer to someone who is fair-skinned.
The Hat Law which intended to regulate men's head-covering practices and make them compatible with the norms in Western countries.
Thus, the fez abd turban were banned and men were encouraged to wear hats in its place.
On 24–25 November, a march attended by many was held in Kayseri under the leadership of Sheikh Ahmet Efendi and his four friends, and 300 people were arrested. Ahmet Efendi and his four friends were tried in the Independence Court and sentenced to death.
On 25 November, all the mukhtars of the city were arrested for hanging posters and leaflets against hats on the walls in Sivas; those who were found not guilty were acquitted; Imamzade Mehmet Necati Efendi and Abdurrahman Efendi were sentenced to death.
🧵 Anti Islamic ʼReforms’ a.k.a.
The Crimes of Mustafa Kemal #Atatürk Pt1
1. He was the person who abolished the Caliphate in 1924. This system was in motion since the time of Sayyidunā Abū Bakr As-Siddīq raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu. After abolishing the Caliphate, he forced the Caliph and his family into exile.
2. The official religion of the Ottoman Empire was Islām. Ataturk removed Islām as the official religion and replaced the laws with Western ones, based on the Italian and Swiss systems.