@matmedicine presents the first NOVEL content session of #SOAPAM2023 virtual #OBAnes highlights: Trauma in Pregnancy for the Non-Obstetric Provider. Objectives. Goals. All live from Italy - somewhat jealous @matmedicine
Physiological changes during pregnancy (1): Cardiac/ hemodynamic changes. Haematological changes. Are these protective? #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Physiological changes during pregnancy (2): Respiratory effects - displacement of diaphragm is key? ABG changes important - lactate the same in pregnant and non-pregnant @matmedicine? #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
@matmedicine touches on epidemiology. Trauma a leading indirect cause of maternal mortality. MVC’s, falls and other accidents = leading traumas. Risk factors predictable. #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Injury Severity Score (cf. AIS score). GCS still applies in pregnant trauma patients. Maternal outcomes (1) Certain injuries more common. #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Blunt vs penetrating trauma - the gravid uterus has an impact on both. #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
No autoregulation at placenta, what you see is what you get. Abruption overt and covert - potential for large EBL. Mechanism of placental abruption - uterus has give and is quite malleable, placenta is rigid. What minor trauma is is unclear in pregnancy - tbh is a NPV of 80%… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
The big three pregnancy and fetal outcomes. Traumatic uterine rupture is NOT same as L&D uterine rupture - with grave consequences. Direct fetal intuited can occur. #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Treatment guidelines. EBM-free world? @acog has no formal trauma guidelines, imaging guidelines worthwhile. EAST - avoid MRI is out of date, as is 24 week cut off (not a fetal indication). ATLS no alteration (manual uterine displacement?) #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Management (1) Trauma team and OB team (incl #OBAnes). Level 1-3 classification for general trauma. Level A-C for OB trauma. #SOAPAM2023
What about incidental pregnancy in trauma patients? Fetus less likely to survive if unknown pregnancy. Fetal radiation doses for common investigations, and health effects on fetus dependent on gestation. #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
As concerned as you may be about the radiation effects on the fetus from a necessary investigation, please remember the fundamental truth below: #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Perimortem cesarean section. Who: anyone who’s uterus is palpable at the umbilicus. Why: delivery results in massive maternal autotransfusion. When: initiate at 4mins, delivery by 5min. #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Perimortem cesarean section. Where: at the site of the arrest, increased survival, especially in hospital. How: midline vertical abdominal incision, pick a uterine incision, deliver, can leave placenta in situ and pack abdo until ROSC. #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Pregnancy-associated mortality ≈ maternal mortality. #OBAnes 0.2% - doing well (wonder what the denominator is?), so Elmo could ask why are we worried? #SOAPAM2023
@JenDominguezMD kicks off first session of #SOAPAM2023 virtual #OBAnes highlights Day 2 with the best case reports. Learning objectives. #SoMe embargo on content (@AnaSjaus ahem). Divided into 4 topics.
Distinguished judges!
Cardiac: 2 cases of PHTN in #OBAnes - interesting cases, here are the allowed #SoMe slides.
Right, let’s get to it. The #OBAnes airway - shifting the paradigm; a @dasairway & @OAAinfo masterclass. Two Profs in the corner… this should be interesting. @noolslucas kicks off the webinar.
What is a difficult airway? @ASALifeline definition: a clinical situation, conventionally trained anesthesiologist, difficult face mask ventilation/ intubation/ both.
@rr_metabolicmed presents the Bruce Scott Lecture 2023 at #OAA23ASM: Obesity & diabetes in pregnancy - legacy for the child. #OBAnes
Study of 1.3 million pregnant women reveals global obesity crisis: 75% pregnant women fail to achieve healthy weight gain during pregnancy, leading to preventable adverse health consequences for both the women and their babies. Obesity has strong evidence for increased risk of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Maternal obesity and offspring cardiovascular disease: maternal obesity increases offspring cardiovascular death (Hazard ratio [all cause mortality] = 1.35). At current UK maternal obesity rates, this equates to extra 650 deaths before age 50 each year. The Hazard ratio for type… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…