Refat Chubarov, the Head of Crimea Tatars’ Mejlis, tells a story of how his mother was deported as an 11 years old girl. He points at a 2,5-yo girl amid the audience - and says: she is an internal displaced person now, born in exile from Russia-occupied Crimea. /1
“I remember how my mother told me stories of how she remembered Crimea. When I came to Crimea first time, it looked different. Many things were destroyed. The same is happening now. The Russians destroy wells, forests, the whole hills. We will not recognize Crimea”. /2
Tamila @T_Tasheva, representative of @ZelenskyyUa in Crimea, reminds on how important it is to keep contact with Crimea, also by establishing places of remembrance here in Kyiv, like this Crimea part in the Botanical Garden. /3
Amazing @SDanylov is presenting a sociological study of the occupied regions
- We did not only talked in low voice. We thought in low voice;
- I realized what free people we are. We disputed with the Russians, we made fun of them.
These were impressions of the same person. /1
Serhii @SDanylov:
- The Russians invested a lot of different, contradicting narratives, just to spam the discussion;
- One of the most massively produced Russian narratives: "it is the Ukrainians who shell you", this is 3/4 of all Russia-produced rumours; /2
Serhii @SDanylov further on the sociological studies of the liberated territories, how they lived under the Russians:
- It was very hard for people to wait for the liberation, they did not know how long they need to carry on;
- Amid blackouts radio was most available media; /3
German Süddeutsche Zeitung @SZ spread false info that music by the Russian/Soviet classic composers is "banned" in Ukraine. It's a lie. Right now the Ukrainian public radio offers in its program: Tchaikovsky, Musorgsky, Prokofiev... (see screenshots in the next tweets)
Dear @SZ, why do you spread anti-Ukrainian lies? Here is a music offer by the Ukrainian public @suspilne radio, classic music desk: Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Borodin, Khatchaturyan... /2
...further Russian/Soviet composers, offered by the Ukrainian public classic radio @suspilne: Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev. Why do you spread anti-Ukrainian lies, @SZ? You say in your column, that this music "may not be played in Ukraine anymore". Why do you do this?
THREAD I think the “Kremlin UAV attack” is a false flag. Here is why: 1) Several videos in high quality and color appeared, from CCTV cameras. All CCTV cams around Kremlin are under full Kremlin control. Nobody may leak them without permission. The Kremlin wants us to see it. /1
2) Kremlin gladly confirmed the attack within a few hours. They never do it, preferring to look stupid, not humiliated. Remember all the stories about “the Flagship Moskva sank because of the storm” and “it was a fire because of smoking, not a missile attack” Now it’s different/2
3) Last week, there were rumors, the Ukrainians tried to kill Putin with a drone amid his province visit. They were spread by a Ukrainian person close to an institution with a… special reputation. From the today’s perspective, it looks like a preparation of media landscape. /3
Weißt Ihr, dass es im ÖRR fremdsprachige Podcasts gibt, welche Migrant*innen die deutschen Nachrichten in ihren sprachen bringen? RBB hat im April 2022 einen ukrainischen Podcast gegründet, diesen aber im Dezember geschlossen. Zugunsten des russischen. /1…
Wirtschaftlich war das Programm extrem sparsam produziert, kostete eine 5-stellige Summe pro Jahr, laut ehemaligen Mitarbeiter*innen. Das Programm war trotz kurzer Existenzzeit nicht weniger populär als viele andere Sprachprogrammen aus der Reihe. Trotzdem wurde es geschlossen /2
Am Ende ist es eine Katastrophe: 1) den Ukrainer*innen in Deutschland hat das ÖRR klar signalisiert: ihr seid uns gar nicht wichtig. Wir respektieren weder euch, noch eurer Sprache; 2) die russische Redaktion, welche keine Ahnung von der UKR hat, "bedient" jetzt das Publikum /3
OTD four years ago, in a small town of Sibay, Russia-occupied Bashkortostan, I saw these hundreds of perfectly drilled school kids marching in perfect groups, and said: "in top 5 years, many will return home in body bags, but before they will kill a lot of civilians". /1
I my age of 19-20, I had my obligatory military drill at my university, and after two years of that drill, I have not marched nearly as good as these school kids. It was obvious for me, they have undergone at least 200-300 hours of marching drill (and 200-400 of other drill) /2
I said back then: it is clear that Russia is on war path. These kids will be cannon fodder in a few years, they will kill civilians, and than die, and come back as "200th" (Russian slang for KIA), if RU decided to bring their bodies back. I was right in every single assessment /3