Sergej Sumlenny, LL.M Profile picture
🇩🇪Eastern Europe expert. Founder of Ex @ua_boell director. Speak🇩🇪🇺🇸🇺🇦🇷🇺
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture Geoff B Profile picture Sue Strong 🇺🇦 Profile picture Vincent Jappi Profile picture LabRat 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 Profile picture 144 subscribed
Jun 21 6 tweets 2 min read
Germany's intelligence agency BfV says, islamist terrorists had entered Germany under cover of Ukrainian passports, pretending to be Ukrainian refugees. These terrorists can attack soft targets amid the EURO football cup. Most probably, this is a Russia-run operation. THREAD: /1 Image Amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Russia has seized thousands of authentic Ukrainian passports. The seizure was so massive, even Russian private persons were selling Ukrainian passports online stressing that this helps to enter the EU. Of course, the GRU used them too. /2 Image
Jun 14 5 tweets 1 min read
The Ukraine-US security agreement is not a mutual defense agreement (see the title). It's a security agreement, and as such, it creates very broad fundament for cooperation in all possible fields: from intelligence to weapons development. Let me elaborate in this short THREAD: /1 The mutual defense mechanisms are clearly linked to the NATO future of Ukraine, as reaffirmed in the Preamble. The same Preamble stresses the goal of restoration of Ukraine's full control of its territory and a right for self-defence in accordance to the Art. 51 UN Charter. /2
May 29 20 tweets 5 min read
Social Democrats' top candidate for the European Parliament @katarinabarley enjoys a clear parallel to "Catharine the Great" ('Katarina die Große' in German), a Russian tyrant of German origin, @EFDavies points out. Putin's Merkel was also Catharine-obsessed. More in this THREAD:

Catharine II, self-named "the Great", was a Russian-German tyrant. Catharine was a murderer, usurper and authored the the most cruel slavery laws for Russia. She was also admired by both Angela Merkel, who had her portrait on her table, and Putin. /2…
May 17 12 tweets 6 min read
New drone fundraiser, together with @BrennpunktUA & @frontlinekit to defend #Kharkiv 🇺🇦 launching now‼️

German 🇩🇪 developers together with "Achilles" 92nd", & Ukrainian 🇺🇦 production created a "custom made drone", & now they need your help.🫶

PayPal 🔗… Over 10% raised within less than one hour. Image
May 14 5 tweets 2 min read
Ok, I observe Varwick at a panel discussion in Hamburg (will debate with him later today). Within the first 30 minutes, he manages to say that:

1) Russia has legitimate security interests, and the West hat massive violated these interests;
2) There is nothing bad in German economic cooperation with Russian high-tech companies which develop surveillance device in Russia, because economy. International trade with dictatorships is necessary. Otherwise Russia buys it from China anyway;
3) NATO with all its 10-times higher military resources comes closer to Russia's borders, "invaded Kosovo against Russia's will", bombarded Lybia etc.

And this looks to be just an appetiser. 4) praised Nord Stream 2 as a tool of mutual dependencies and improved climate policy;
5) smears opponents as "activists" and names himself an expert and a scientist;
May 12 8 tweets 4 min read
A destruction of a multi-storeys building in Russia-controlled #Bilhorod (#Belgorod) could not be a Ukrainian hit. It is either a Russian attack (deliberately or not), or a Russian false flag operation (most probably). Let me elaborate on this. THREAD: 1) This could not be a Ukrainian attack. Until now, Ukrainians have not attacked civilian buildings in Russia. If it was a missile or a dropped bomb, it came from the north-east, i.e. from deeper Russia's territory. For the same reason, it was not "a 🇺🇦 intercepted missile". /2

Apr 28 7 tweets 2 min read
A Russian male murdered two Ukrainians in Germany yesterday. Before, reportedly a Russian couple killed a Ukrainian mother to kidnap her baby - in Germany. Before, two Ukrainian teenager were stabbed in Germany allegedly out of anti-Ukrainian hate. German politicians keep silent. Image Early this full-scale invasion, one obviously Russia-staged “arsonist attack” in the night at a Russian school - with one door damaged - was enough for our federal politicians to make a public statements on how they support the Russians in Germany. But not this time. Priorities.
Apr 22 6 tweets 4 min read
In Russia, May 9th is coming, a holiday of the most disgusting death cult. Russia does not celebrate the WWII end, as many believe, but suffering and death, as their slogan says "we can (gladly) repeat it" (можем повторить). On this day, they dream of death for their children. /1 Since years, Russians paraded their children, even toddlers, in WWII military uniforms and let them play suffering and death. Russian mothers enjoyed seeing their children playing suffering. It is a sadistic dream of sacrificing even their own children, not speaking of others. /2

Apr 18 6 tweets 4 min read
THREAD The West still does not understand, why Ukrainians are insulted by the Western flirt with Navalnists. The problem is not only Navalnists' imperialistic mode, but the fact, that they repeatedly spoke against arming Ukraine. Navalny himself and his team did it. /1 Image After calling not to send weapons to Ukraine in 2015, in 2021, from his prison cell, Navalny criticised sending Javelines to Ukraine instead of financing his YouTube channel. Addressing the Russians via YouTube (which can easily be blocked) is more important, he said. /2 Image
Apr 14 4 tweets 2 min read
Some thoughts on #IranAttackIsrael:
1) #Iran has launched 185 drones and 36 tonight. This is comparable to what Ukraine faces during large Russian attacks
2) Many drones+missiles were intercepted by jets, with UK and US help
3) Ukraine has no jets, few AD, and no allies helping 4) Ukraine faces the same drones, and more sophisticated missiles from the same enemy alliance of Russia and Iran. In the eyes of Moscow and Teheran, it is a part of the same world war they fight against the West. Just give Ukraine jets and air defence, if we don’t send troops.
Apr 10 6 tweets 2 min read
THREAD Sorry, I cannot stop posting this. Russia commits horrific crimes on both occupied territories AND along the front line, deliberately bombing civilian population. Russia's goal is genocide of Ukrainians. Let me elaborate on this in the following thread: /1 2) Beyond attacks on Ukrainian civilians, Russia systematically violates Geneva conventions, torturing and executing Ukrainian POWs (more in the linked thread): /2
Apr 9 8 tweets 3 min read
THREAD Russian soldiers executed three Ukrainian POWs in Krynky, Kherson region, recorded the execution and published it. This is by far not the first execution of Ukrainian POWs, and clearly a part of Russia's strategy. Let me address it in this thread. /1 Image In March 2023, Russians have forced a Ukrainian POW Oleksandr Matsiyevsky to dig his own grave, and videorecordered it. As he exclaimed "Slava Ukraini" (Glory to Ukraine), he was executed by several bullets from an assault gun. /2 Image
Apr 6 14 tweets 6 min read
I've been to Kharkiv, hit by Russian missiles, this week, bringing power stations and construction materials. This was a campaign supported by @EuroResilience, @BrennpunktUA, @frontlinekit, @newuseenergy and @Ernest_UA. It was clear, the next strike comes soon. It came tonight /1

Not only in Kharkiv - in Zaporizhzhya, Dnipro, and other Ukrainian cities, Russians escalate constantly, deliberately hitting civilians, rescue workers, schools, kindergartens. This is Russia's strategy they developed in Syria, and use in Ukraine. Why they do this? It's simple /2
Apr 5 8 tweets 2 min read
THREAD Some thoughts on Ukraine-US tension amid Ukraine's Russia strikes:
1) US administration's first interest is to preserve Russia from defeat and collapse, not to ensure Ukraine's victory
2) Ukraine's interest to win is much stronger then the US Interest to keep status quo /1 3) Ukraine will continue striking Russia, as Ukraine has a lot to win and everything to lose if Ukraine stops, while the US has not that much either win or lose;
3.1) That is why the US will continue criticise Ukraine, but will have to accept Ukraine's strikes vs. Russia; /2
Mar 23 9 tweets 5 min read
Ok, what makes the whole "ISIS attack" story different? The Russian reaction.
1) After the US warning on terrorist attacks, Putin openly called it "blackmailing" and accused the West and Ukraine of preparation of the attacks.
2) Now, Moscow pushes Ukraine version at all cost. /1

Five days after Putins "election" and two days after he announced mobilisation, Putin desperately needs not only an event for Russia's consolidation. He needs an event which sparks sympathy to his nation in the West. And he got it. Even the most critical voices hug him now /2Image
Mar 22 6 tweets 2 min read
Ok, one sees what you knows. I know Russian FSB false flags. Björn knows ISIS.
My arguments: 1) Russia has a long history of false flag attacks; 2) 5 days after elections when Putin needs consolidation amid mobilisation; 3) Medvedev's threats today; 4) Peskov's statement today /1 Besides: Putin publicly addressed the warnings by the Western embassies and called them "a pressure attempt". So they checked the warnings (we do not know what exactly the US intercepted) and preferred to ignore them. Even it was not Moscow, Moscow decided to let it happen.
Mar 22 10 tweets 4 min read
Russia deliberately hit a water reservoir dam in Zaporizhzhya, holding 3,3 billion tons of water. In tonight's attack, the second in the row, 37 missiles and 55 drones hit Ukraine. Some bulletpoints:
1) These two attacks demonstrate that Putin feels encouraged by the West. /1Image
2) Putin announced mass strikes on Ukraine three days ago. Of course, he did't come to this decision after Ukraine's attacks on Belgorod (as he claimed) - for such attacks one needs weeks of planning. The truth is different: Putin waited for his marionettes in the West to act. /2
Mar 12 4 tweets 2 min read
Russian opposition fighting in “Legion Free Russia”, “Russian Volunteers Corps”, as well as “Siberia” Battalion crossed Ukraine-Russian border and are fighting at Tyotkino village, Kursk region. Reportedly fights also in Russia’s Bryansk region. /1

Here is a statement by “Legion Free Russia”:”we come not to punish but to liberate you from terrorists. Moscow oppressed you and used you”. What a contrast to Yuliia Navalny’s statement who urged Russians last week “to come to poll station, silently stay there and go back home”/2
Mar 8 23 tweets 10 min read
(THREAD) I heard today from a military officer, he knew only one female security expert in his country. I think, he did not pay attention. Therefore, on #March8th, I share all interviews we made with great female security and foreign policy experts we made by @EuroResilience: /1 1: Velina @vtchakarova Tchakarova on China and the EU:
Mar 7 11 tweets 2 min read
Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges @general_ben very clear in his key note at the #AnnualConferenceOnRussia in #Tartu: in 1941, the Allies set a goal: unconditional surrender of Germany. Now we need to act similarly: the goal must be to defeat Russia first. /1 Image Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges @general_ben: the situation on the frontline is bad, but the outlook is unfair gloomy. Russia started the 10 years ago, from the best positions, but it controls not more than 1/5 of Ukraine's territory. The Black Sea is just "a cool name". /2
Mar 2 19 tweets 5 min read
THREAD Some bullet points on "Bundeswehr/Taurus Leaks" by the Russian top propagandists.
1) According to Russia, in a "tapped call" four German high-ranked officers discussed technical details of delivering Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine, and how they can be used. /1 2) It's not clear if the 38-minutes call is authentic. Many details point out, it can be authentic, at least in parts
3) The talk itself is absolutely legal from the point of view of international & of Germany's law. Germany may deliver weapons to Ukraine for self-defence, and /2