Are you still supporting @Oxfam? Really? Well, maybe you're just a kind, well-meaning person and you're not aware of their "work". Here's a few things that have kept Oxfam busy for the past few years.
1. @Oxfam staff has been guilty of intimidation, fraud, and corruption. They used donated funds to organise staff parties with prostitutes, for example. This happened in Haiti in 2010, and in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2020/2021 (that we know about).
2. @Oxfam have accused female victims of rape, and in particular what they call “white feminists”, of being part of a criminal system that harms "black and other marginalised people". They say white feminist tears harm black rapists.
This is part of staff training materials.
3. @Oxfam have been bullying and harassing their female staff if they don’t submit to queer tyranny and newspeak. From volunteers to employees at HQ, women are punished if they don't submit: ostracised, vilified, and pretty much forced to quit.
4. @Oxfam embraces gender ideology, and it is therefore an active part of a misogynistic and neoliberal movement that prioritises the feelings of men over the safety of women and children. Because of this, they use language that dehumanises and erases women, e.g. pregnant people.
5. Similar to @AmnestyUK, @Oxfam refers to prostitution as "sex work", and calls prostitutes and survivors “sex workers”. This is an attempt to legitimise an industry based on violence against women and children, and built on human trafficking.
6. @Oxfam staff is guilty of sexual exploitation of girls and women in Haiti, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Chad - which they tried to cover up.
Funny they don’t know what a girl or a woman is until they want to sexually exploit one, eh?
7. #OxfamHatesWomen so much, that in 2021 they dropped the Wonder Women bingo game that featured Marie Curie, Valentina Tereshkova, Emmeline Pankhurst, Ada Lovelace... because @jk_rowling was there, too ✨ AnD iT MaDe PeoPle fEeL UnSafE ✨
What is happening in Spain? In 2019, PSOE and Podemos formed a coalition government. PSOE is like the Labour party, while Podemos is a party that was born out of the 15M movement (Occupy). Together they were "the most progressive government in history", or so they claimed...
Podemos came to power thanks to the left-wing and feminist vote. And what happened? The equality minister, @IreneMontero, decided to focus on identity politics, in particular her Trans Law, allowing self-ID, the transition of minors, and establishing heavy fines for "transphobia"
@IreneMontero also brought out the antipunitivist Solo Sí es Sí law ("Only yes means yes"). What's the consequence of such law? So far, 1,179 reduced convictions for sexual offenders and 108 rapists released from prison.