They dwell among us with deceptive Hindu names like Apoorvanand, even as they plot & carry out it's destruction, quite openly in our midst, in media, academia...everywhere.
What had this same Apoorvanand to say about the actual ethnic cleansing of 400000 Hindus from the only Muslim majority state of Kashmir in India?
This NOT ONLY happened in so-called Hindu majoritarian India, there was not a yip out of these vipers we nurse in our bossom.
Why they did their damndest to pretend that NOTHING HAD HAPPENED. All was fine. Hindus could go to sleep again.
Not a single the Valley, in Jammu, in the rest of India, threw a single stone or picked up a gun.
Deracinated Hindus-in-name, the leftists & people like @BarkhaDutt actually implied that peaceful Kashmiri Brahmins were possibly themselves responsible for the ethnic cleansing.
Even now, 33 years after the event, the leftist Apporvanand & his ilk spring up, to rubbish
The Kashmir Files attempted to document the unbearable and continuing agony of Kashmiri Hindus.
Apoorvanand & his cowardly pack, cackled & yelped in criticism of The Kashmir Files but THEY DID NOT HAVE THE GUTS TO TAKE UP @vivekagnihotri' s challenge to dispute a
single fact portrayed in the movie.
33 years later, NO JUSTICE to Kashmiri Hindus, for the killings, rapes, loss of property, businesses & mental trauma.
And the Jihadis said, don't return to Kashmir. We'll let in tourists who bring money but if you
Hindu, try to settle here YOU WILL BE KILLED.
No sound, no reaction from our resident viper & his comrades who actually 'teach' our young.
What they do sitting in academia & media, is turn our own young against our culture, against Sanathana Dharma, against Bharat.
The Supreme Court says too late to seek justice and closes the door in the face of Kashmiri Hindus.
The same vipers who SAW NO ethnic cleansing, now imagine genocide under every stone.
They confidently predicted genocide on removal of Art 370, they wept for Kashmiri
Muslims deprived of internet.
They are unable to now stomach, that Kashmir is at peace, there is 5G, development & relative peace in Kashmir. There is no genocide there.
Am sure they'll have a perfectly valid explanation, such as, the gaps in bridge construction quality, were caused by political resource depletion.
Naturally, the public at large will want to know:
a) Who will bear the cost of the collapsed bridge?
b) Is S.P. Singla having enough money/assets to do so?
c) Or will S.P.Singla sink without a trace leaving the Bihari & Indian taxpayer to bail out PM hopeful @NitishKumar & young @tejashvi who looks like he knows how to wash his hands clean.
"23 women, including Professors, Post Graduate students and nurses have filed complaints against him. It is alleged that he misbehaved with the patients as well in the operation theatre."…
"He would insist girl students remove their masks inside the OT saying, “only then I will be able to see your faces well”. He would mock girls based on their skin tone & told those with fair skin their “parents did punya which is why they begot fair-skinned daughter”.
"Hussain would use obscene nicknames to call the students and that those who were posted to assist him during surgeries were visibly shaken and afraid of being in the same place with him."
India’s economic indicators telling a story—of growth, recovery, robustness
A 7.2 % growth coming on top of a base of 9.1% is a creditable performance, and a deeper look at the data revealed it to be true.…
Those who said the 7.2% growth was lower than last year's 9.1% omitted to add that 9.1% growth was on the back of pandemic year 2020-21 during which our economy contracted.
Also the Govt. managed the fiscal deficit at 6.3%, the target it set for 2023-23.
The manufacturing sector which grew at a just 1.3% for the full 2022-23, picked up pace at 4.5% in the last quarter, which hopefully signals an upturn in 2023-24.
Spending is still worryingly lower but there is enough anecdotal evidence to show the better-off are splurging.
Thus neatly side-stepping the self-evident supremacist, exclusive, expansionist and polytheist-hating creed he subscribes to;the belated wide-spread understanding of which among Hindus, is the reason for the current push-back.
Calling out "Muslim-hate" makes out Hindus to be communal, without a cause.
This is the kind of delusional behaviour common among the followers of Islam.
He seems to prefer Hindus to be afflicted by a collective amnesia about the evils inflicted on them by Islam right till