Seshan Ranganathan Profile picture
Husband of one, father of two, Trustee, Health, Education And Development (HEAD) Trust and in actual essence, a poet.
Seshan Ranganathan Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jul 1 5 tweets 1 min read
"SEBEX 2, an all-new explosive said to be two times more lethal than standard Trinitrotoluene (TNT), has been certified by the Indian Navy. Touted to be among the world's most powerful non-nuclear explosives"… "The new explosive is said to be two times more lethal than standard Trinitrotoluene"

"Sebex-2 aims at revolutionizing artillery shells & warheads, by further enhancing their destructive power without adding extra weight to them"
Jun 27 6 tweets 1 min read

"China expels 2 former defense ministers from its ruling Communist Party over graft allegations

Li Shangfu had abused his authority to enrich himself by taking bribes in exchange for granting favors in violation of… military and party discipline.
Li’s predecessor, Wei Fenghe, was also accused on similar charges."

WE ARE WAITING WITH BATED BREATH FOR @PravinSawhney to explain in his usual monotone, that THIS is a genius move by Comrade Xi.
Jun 27 5 tweets 1 min read
The problem is people like @SecBlinken don't know the first thing about India. Abrahamaics attach the greatest value to "conversion", that is taking God to the pagans.

As far as Sanathana Dharma or Hinduism is concerned, proselytizing and conversion are considered stupid & silly.

It never goes out to preach the Word. Sanathana Dharma believes that there are many paths to the SAME TRUTH.

What Hindus forgot is that other religions don't have such broad and noble views.
Jun 25 5 tweets 1 min read

"Finally, we believe in directly dealing with absolute poverty.

So, rather than get involved in corrosive debates about inequality, which is jamming up policies in the west, we are directly dealing with absolute poverty, whether it… is in terms of using direct benefit transfers, building houses under Prime Minister's Awas Yojana or whether it is Nal Se Jal and so on, so direct interventions that help the poor. So, the combination of these three things, these principles remain the same"
Jun 24 6 tweets 1 min read
The story itself says caste assertion among OBCs and SCs began 20 years ago.

That is 40 years after the DK/DMK came to power swearing to wipe out caste.

What they have achieved in 40 years is to encourage:

• Unfettered conversions to Christianity & Islam. • Takeover of Hindu Temples for loot

•  Perpetuation & deepening caste divides for political power.

This story by Johanna Deeksha is about a fight between a Thevar -OBC boy and an Arunthitar SC boy in which the Thevar boy was killed.
Jun 22 8 tweets 2 min read
Why did it take us so long to rebuild Nalanda?

Because we grossly underestimate:

• The power of selective knowledge to re-direct our minds thru distortion of facts & their interpretation, in which the use of language is a very important tool. • Take Nalanda, for example.

Simply saying that the great Nalanda University  was "sacked by Bakhtiyar Khiji", in a litany of such conquests does not give it great significance without amplifying
Jun 21 10 tweets 2 min read
If after this any Indian News Media quotes AlJazeera or any Indian works for @AlJazeeraWorld they should be jailed without inquiry… "a number of Al Jazeera journalists reporting on Israel’s war against terrorists in Gaza were — er — terrorists"
"Take Muhammad Washah, whom Al Jazeera presented as a stellar part of the press corps merely reporting the truth"
Jun 17 6 tweets 1 min read
This is a huge sweeping generalization statement that implies no one can build secure digital hardware. Wrong.

@elonmusk 's view may apply to US n other places - where they use regular compute platforms to build Internet connected Voting machines. But Indian EVMs are custom designed, secure and isolated from any network or media - No connectivity, no bluetooth, wifi, Internet. ie there is no way in. Factory programmed controllers that cannot be reprogrammed.
Jun 16 5 tweets 1 min read
Nothing changes for cow-killing Muslims in India.

"a tip off was received that a large number of cows had been held captive for slaughter in Bhainwahi area in Nainpur, Mandla Superintendent of Police Rajat Saklecha told PTI" "A team was rushed there and we found 150 cows tied in the backyards of the accused. Cow meat was recovered from the refrigerators in the homes of all the11 accused. We also found animal fat, cattle skin and bones, which were stuffed in a room,"
Jun 15 6 tweets 2 min read
This article is a classic illustration of a Commie "intellectual" being in possession of most facts, able to reason in fits & starts, but unable to reach the right conclusions because  s/he is blocked by lifelong indoctrination of a corrosive alien ideology. For example

"To imagine that Modi would be at the mercy of coalition partners is to overestimate the commitment to democratic morality in the likes of Naidu, Nitish, Eknath Shinde and Chirag Paswan, the foursome on whose support his government depends.
Jun 8 10 tweets 2 min read
In the yarn spinning business Commies, like Islamists are at an advantage.

In Class War the most selective, unfounded, vile propaganda passes muster.

So according to nameless colleagues "during the Ekta Yatra, “not only was Modi… accompanying Joshiji on his
vehicle, but would, at every stop, address the crowds along with the BJP president.”

Again "In an editorial for the local press, Pravin Sheth, Modi’s former political science professor at the University of Gujarat, explained this attitude in the
Jun 8 5 tweets 1 min read

* Indian citizens need to be aware that this will be the modus operandi of the coalition of regional dynastic parties , the Stalin's, Sonia's, Lalu's, Akileshes, Mamatas etc

* Take an incident, however small. CISF constable slapping @KanganaTeam.

* Farmer groups allied to I.N.D.I.A take cudgels on behalf of the assaulting constable, against the victim Kangana.

* Never mind. Once the agitation starts and even one farmer is hurt, the entire,
Jun 7 6 tweets 1 min read

The recent elections in India in which the West & entities such as @openfoundation of George Soros, tried their damndest to effect regime change in India, in concert with mass Media
@nytimes @BBCWorld @aljazeera @TheEconomist
@CNN @dwnews @dw_hotspotasia etc & the partiality of certain SM sites BUT FAILED.

Not just that, the way a purposeful nation gave an unprecedented 3rd Term to PM Modi, but with a reduced mandate and the peaceful
Jun 1 5 tweets 1 min read
Zubair has a simple problem.
How to diminish the horrible reputation which Jihadi terrorism & other well-documented foibles brings to his community, across the world.

His job is to present such a daily litany of:

* Crimes committed by Hindus * Any connection it has to @BJP4India or its sister organisations

* In a population of 1450 million people of whom 200 million+ are Muslims, if we want, we can daily, definitely find, one grievous crime committed by a Muslim or a Hindu, right?
May 30 11 tweets 3 min read
Let talk values shall we?

Check the exquisite values laid out with much candour by former Secretary of State @hilaryclinton who was famously said to have cautioned Napakistan, against rearing snakes in their backyard.

Oh! The delicious irony of it all!!!

American values include being a genocide enabler. With full knowledge of the ongoing genocide, two mentally sick men, Nixon & Kissinger, sent the 7th Fleet into the Bay of Bengal to threaten & browbeat India in a war they swiftly won against the Pakistanis…
May 29 8 tweets 2 min read
Tell me one very simple thing. When the first thing you learn in Islam is that

* There is only One God and you have him

* The rest are Unbelievers, Kaffirs destined to hell.

* And you believe & accordingly behave with the rest of us on that basis & expediency. * When you lie thru your teeth that 400000+ Kashmiri Hindus were not ethnically cleansed from Kashmir, the only Muslim majority State in India.

* When your hypocritical heart bleeds only for Palestinians, but not Uighur Muslims or Yemenis bombed by Saudis, we understand!
May 28 5 tweets 1 min read
L&T Powers up Global Engineering: Delivers World’s Heaviest EO Reactor to China.

Weighing 1,136 MT each, these are the world’s heaviest EO Reactors based on BASF’s technology.… The reactors have been manufactured by deploying hi-tech engineering, Industry 4.0 manufacturing technology & world-class quality processes.

Mr Joachim Thiel, Senior Vice President & Senior Project Management New Verbund, BASF China, said: “This equipment, weighing 1,136 MT each
May 25 5 tweets 1 min read
Secularism refers to the "separation of the State from religion".

The Indian State has NEVER BEEN SECULAR.

* It selectively codified ONLY Hindu Personal Law.

* It unconstitutionally brought in an Act by which selectively, ONLY Hindu temples, temple lands & revenue were taken over and administered by the Govt.

* The State, again selectively, has made the Right To Education (RTE) compulsorily applicable ONLY to Hindu Educational institutions.

It is a double whammy:
May 19 7 tweets 2 min read
The truth is @BJP4India has restored Vallabhbhai's legacy [stolen from him by Nehru/Gandhi] & took it forward 60+ years later.

* How Vallabhbhai was cheated and PM'ship snatched by Nehru with Gandhi's help. "As the war was coming to an end, it became clear that India’s freedom was not very far..also very clear that Congress president, shall be invited to form the interim Govt at the Centre — due to the number of seats in the Central Assembly the Congress had won in 1946 elections"
May 14 4 tweets 1 min read
"Sources said that the Nijjar killing could be a case of rivalry between Khalistani Tiger Force, Sikhs For Justice and Dashmesh Gurudwara Surrey."… "Sources added that both the groups had been fighting for some time and were getting drugs, weapons and money from Pakistan, which they were using for local use. Sources said that these were given to the groups by Pakistan Embassy in Canada"
May 12 6 tweets 2 min read
"Celebrated by Hollywood stars for its health benefits, rising demand for the ‘miracle grain of the Andes’ is pushing its nutritional equal – traditional millets – further into a corner in India."… "groups promoting Indian varieties of millets, the small-seeded grasses that are the staple food of indigenous communities of the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa, are concerned over the possibility of quinoa eventually taking over locally grown millets."