I had a day to read what happened on a dam. Right now I think that was a deliberate well-understood war crime authorized by Russia but in a very russian way. It looks like a 'fuck-it-whatever-happens' scenario.
Familiar with russian problem-solving and knowing water level data, I can see that they knew for quite a while dam was problematic. What they decided to do is to ignore the potential catastrophe - if it crashes, well that's bad for Ukraine. If it doesn't, we don't give a shit.
That doesn't excuse anyone, they knew what was going to happen and basically said 'we are ok with this tragedy'. But I am not really into the "perfectly timed response to Ukrainian counter-offensive" theory. Nothing that is perfectly timed does sound russian to me.
Why do I think so? Prepared military/non-prepared civilians situation. Even in a small timeframe, it's quite easy to point the mobile group of idiots with weapons where to shoot. Any other evacuation, including the one of "important people and property" requires a skill.
We didn't see any kind of preparation (even though a massive part of the flooded territory is occupied) but the legal one - they made this new decree. Once again it looks like "fuck it, whatever". publication.pravo.gov.ru/document/00012…
What does it mean in the end? Am I trying "to paint Russia in a better more innocent way"? Fuck no. They had all the data. The decision not to use it is still a decision. But even a more awful and more signature russian one.
Waiting for the chain of events to conclude. Not being responsible because there was no direct decision. Ignoring endangered people from both sides. That's how Russia kills. Like a stupid pathetic idiot without any decency, care or control. But it's not gonna work this time.
This is not "criminal negligence" with 'Oh, we are just clueless". That was DELIBERATE criminal negligence - a war crime and yet another act of russian violence. They knew that it will happen for a long time and simply watched people dying.
Exactly. Nihilistic cruelty is the only concept that Russia wholeheartedly embraces. Come the flood and solve my shit for me. Thread over.
As you can see some differences from the yesterday's thread, the new facts might change my opinion yet again.
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I made a tweet that went viral. More than a million people saw it and quite a lot of Trump voters got upset enough to react. I'd say, hundreds - even by counting the replies where they tagged FBI, you can see quite an impact. Who are they?
I picked the derogatory term used for "russian patriots" for a reason. Their American compatriots share the same inconsistent naive worldview, they are very homophobic and, I'd say, childishly cruel.
But there are differences and it was interesting to explore.
1) They think that they are the winners and can't wait to benefit from the new regime. While russian Vatnik trusts nobody, american one still thinks that what happens is done in his best interest. That optimism is amusing, especially for rep states.
It's gonna get worse, as they will lie twice as much about things we remember ourselves. So I will recap.
Three years ago my home country, Russia, invaded Ukraine. It was a bloody and brutal escalation of the war that began with Crimea annexation.
Nobody provoked Russia to do this, hardly anyone thought such a war was even possible. Russia did it by itself and gave the laughable excuses that didn't fool anyone. Denazifying a country with a Jewish president was a gesture of nihilistic disregard.
Internal explanation of 'NATO getting too close to the border' makes even less sense as NATO was a redundant and weak organization before the war. Russia was not a victim, Russia was not reacting. Russia decided to destroy Ukraine.
I was crying my eyes out. Then I decided to 'real-politic' myself out of this. I will not mumble that "any peace is still better". Let's leave it to political analysts who took the anal part of their title too serious. But hopefully, together we can breathe in and breathe out.
1. We see Trump for what he is most of the time with an exception. When it comes to war we act like Donald is not a lying egomaniac piece of conniving cumsnot. People start perceiving him as a human being who takes death of thousands seriously (for once). That's very wrong.
He gives zero fucks about Putin or Russia, or Ukraine, or people or war. I can call a single person he ever showed appreciation to. That was his daughter. On the second thought even this doesn't seem like genuine incestuous affection. More of marveling at his own Trump Semen™.
Hey, Elon. So there was a boy, a founder of an IT company, who got really rich selling cars. He quickly understood, that money is not the only asset.
Very soon he started to use his business ventures as an instrument of political leverage. Politicians understood they need him at their side. He got very famous for his flamboyancy and unprecedent business practices.
But something was missing - the crown jewel of power at the time. So our boy got in the media. It was not just investment, he was manufacturing news by owning the platform.
In the moments like this we see media, smart experts and random people screaming :"We crossed the line, Putin is escalating and we are on the brink WW3".
It's easy to fall for that but we know the real answer:
Dropping missiles on Ukraine? Every fucking day. Using extensively dangerous weapons? Sure. Causing unprecedented nuke-like damage? Kakhovka dam.
Threatening NATO with new nuclear doctrines? Once a month. Claiming this is the war against America and Europe? Oh my dude.
Russia used a bigger missile to do what it does every day in desperate hope for more fear. Giving Putin what he wants will only enable this practice of escalation. It was not the strike of power but yet another demonstration of the lack of any understanding or self-awareness.
I just finished my annual Politkovskaya articles binge. Every year I can't help but compare her - one of the best human beings, who died on October 7th, with the pathetic coward, Vladimir Putin, who was born on October 7th,
Every year I find another little thing that shows how polar these two are.
She was born in New York, he was born in Leningrad. The main thing left after her was a computer, while Putin can't understand what an iPhone is 25 years later.
Every gangster knew that Vladimir could solve their problem for money. Desperate and poor were waiting in the lobby of the Novaya HQ, where Politkovskaya worked. Both faced Kadyrov, one chose to fight back. One lives. One was murdered.