Denis Zakharov Profile picture
Jun 14 5 tweets 1 min read
What made me think so? Well, for the first time, allies reacted the way they should.
Old Poo: - Look I am so nuclear!!! TOXIC HELLFIRE IS WAITING US ALL! I am craaaaazeeeey!
The world: - Oh, right, ok. It received no attention even when he decided to play the Caribean crisis. Putin's actions? Quote:
They came up with the idea that Russia wants to attack NATO. You've gone completely crazy, haven't you? Dumb, like this table. Who came up with this? This is nonsense, bullshit.
May 11 10 tweets 2 min read
The topic of Gaza is polarising and complicated, so many people (including me) choose to remain silent. This contradicts my incentive never to turn a blind eye to cruelty. So I will at least try to speak. Honestly and calmly. I feel shitty about the extremely ignorant pro-Israel tweets I made - not because you can’t be pro-Israel but because at the moment I had no information at all. Later I learned that no matter how much you read it doesn’t get any less convoluted and intricate.
May 10 18 tweets 3 min read
What’s the most important Russian book for the Russians themselves?

It’s not War and Peace. As monumental as Scorsesse’s “Taxi Driver” it was destined to become a book everybody claimed to like but never read. It’s not Crime and Punishment. It's is a great glimpse into the hive mind of the early urban population. Sadly, it’s written terribly and works better in Bakhtin’s analysis.

There are two candidates for a prime ‘Russian’ novel: “Dead Souls” and “The Master and Margarita”.
Feb 23 13 tweets 3 min read
I've seen some tweets recently about the Ukrainians deported to Russia being not a huge issue. They can work right? They know the language. Let me describe what it is in greater detail. The person who gets to Russia is not a 30 y. o. tech entrepreneur. Usually, it is a woman in her sixties who is not really good with gadgets. At first, she goes into a former children's camp where she receives all sorts of bullshit from other scared people.
Feb 16 11 tweets 2 min read
It was a very cold day in Moscow. I know for sure, wandering through the streets all day - from one spot to another, from Nemtzov Bridge to Lubyanka. Everywhere I found these people with eyes red from tears, totally lost, just like I am lost right now. Navalny was killed today. I can't call myself Navalny's supporter. The war in Ukraine became this watershed that just grew bigger over time - with days, then months, then years of idiotic fixation on Russia and Russia only, he and his team lost me completely. And still, it hurts like hell.
Feb 10 10 tweets 4 min read
Oh boy, I think it's time to explain, what's wrong with dictators and history lessons, but in a very friendly manner.
Image The most simple description of life is a long road with milestones on it. Flag after flag, one important thing after another, they conclude your personal timeline. Image
Jan 27 7 tweets 2 min read
OK, so now you know the basics. But what does this all mean? Is this "hope guy" actually hope? Is Russia rising out of apathetic sleep? Will Putin finally lose? Are we going to see protests? Or maybe this is all an act? Political scammers like Maxim Katz or Nadezhdin himself will say for sure that it's a civil uprising and Russia got a unique chance for a democratic president who is against the war. All we need is to show every bit of support possible.
Jan 26 10 tweets 2 min read
So what happens in Russian politics right now is slightly entertaining. Autocratic regimes love their elections, and Putin's regeneration episode comes this spring. The most transparent and fair president election is on the way and, boy, this is going to be a shit show. Fun (no) fact: there were never two elections following the same rules in Russia. A fucked up snowflake, each of them, with a unique set of caveats, catches and tricks. It's designed so to make any planing impossible.
- But it works in both dir...
- Oh, shut up, buzzkill!
Nov 19, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
The tweet I am thinking about for hours. Hear me out. As a person you belong to many different groups and sometimes this needs to be articulated. When a person faints on the street, you yell "Back off, I am a doctor" to do your job. Sometimes, when I am scared, I say "I am an idiot" and it's empowering.
Nov 6, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
Was out from Twitter to skip the reaction to Zaluzhny's interview and have more of a measured response instead of yelling at people. But there are still some things I wanted to note.
So... Zaluzhny made a detailed essay, a smart and realistic one. It was about the current situation as well as the next steps for improvement. Here's the summary of the text: stop looking for summaries and read the whole fucking essay. It's not long.
That's not what happened though.
Sep 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Привет, я помню тебя и твою позицию, поэтому отвечу развернуто. Я не отказываю никому в травме, но вижу отличие нормальных людей от безумных в наличии эмоционального интеллекта. Называть нас беженцами - это закрывать глаза на беженцев реальных. Тех, кто бежал из под бомбежек. Это кажется несправедливым фашизмом, но называть нас одними словами сейчас нельзя. Мы не жертва даже когда очень хочется.

Самое важное: каждый раз, когда мы это говорим, мы не только обесцениваем, но и травмируем.
Sep 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I see a lot of comments like "Hope these ru PoW's are dead" or "This %russian war criminal% will face his fate when Ukrainians get him". But you know what? When Strelkov's wife was distressed about Girkin sharing the space with Ukrainians, I knew nothing was going to happen. Even in this bloodbath they remain who they were before. I see it from the reports, I notice it myself as a volunteer. This insane empathy is everywhere in Ukraine. And it is still there - after a year and a half of genocide. I don't get it. But it's something worth fighting for.
Sep 4, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
A lot of people from the West try to respond Russians in Russian, but they use the same old 'cyka blyat' formula. Here are 10 expressions that will show your swearing prowess and inventiveness in any Twitter replies. Тебя, хуепутало, забыли спросить.
We don't care about your opinion.
- John, I don't think US should allow Ukraine to strike Pskov.
- Тебя, хуепутало, забыли спросить.
Sep 3, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I want to speak about Latvia and Russians. I am not from there and not an expert for sure. But I want this shitshow to be recorded.
It's a story of opportunistic dickheads who will never learn. Literally. A law was passed last year. In order to prolong your residents' permit, you need to get through A2 language exam. It doesn't sound tragic or unfair, it's perfectly understandable. Imagine being obliged not just to have doctors but doctors speaking Russian. Clusterfuck.
Aug 29, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Minutes ago I concluded a long thread about the recent article in @NewYorker by @keithgessen. It started as an exercise in crude humor and basic logic, but it got darker as I moved further. This thread will be dead serious as I expect some reaction from those involved. I am a pro-Ukrainian activist from Moscow, so I have some understanding of one side and love for the other. My line of work here is connected with getting as much aid for Ukraine as possible. Mostly through digital media. Such a set of interests makes it extremely personal.
Aug 29, 2023 30 tweets 10 min read
Benjamin, so here is a short summary. Hope it's not piracy if I swear a lot. At first, they have this picture that poetically screams "NO MORE DEATH, LET'S TALK". At this point, you understand that the article is more than "Ukraine needs to win". Here you can either quit or rage quit. Image
Jul 28, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Fencing scandal is yet another ugly microcosm perfectly illustrating the role of Russia in the world. An ignorant russian idiot, who got hey right to sit on the chair for an hour because of corruption, while Ukrainians receive sanctions. Russian "athlete" is not used to disrespectful treatment - Russian fencing team is insanely privileged with a silver spoon in every body cavity. For years, a russian oligarch was the president of the FIE, covering for the team on every possible level.
Jul 20, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Twitter doesn't like the threads being that big so we begin part two. Part one is in this thread.
Navalny was poisoned. The yell of pain recorded in the plane was echoing in my ears for days. "This is the end", I thought, "we will be hunted down one by one". But somehow, Navalny survived. And not just him but his political instinct too.
Jul 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I get asked about russian opposition a lot. This series of threads will be about them. It won't be complimentary most of the time, with the only exception of "volunteer groups" episode, and the one about russian investigative journalism.
#herewegoagainst: Navalny team "Yabloko" was popular. It's impossible to believe from 2023 but back in the 90's this opposition party called "Apple" was resonating with public opinion. The first generation of young adults raised in a semi-democracy turned 18 and were desperate for political representation.
Jul 11, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
A terrifying yet important article, which shows a 1% of 1% of what happens when Russians invade.… I am not trying to be dramatic or say about Russian "special barbaric genes" but the combination of factors makes systemic sexual violence inevitable. And until Russia is stopped it will only get worse.
Jul 10, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
I just can't get over this attack on NAFO. While russian opposition was yelling at the whole world for being unfair, cartoon dogs were collecting real money, running real projects, and doing real stuff that saved lives. Do you know how many concerned russian politicians supported my project to collect generators for Odesa? With people dying not from sharks but from being incapable of drinking fucking water. Zero. None.