After an operational pause yesterday the Ukrainians resumed attacks, with a large push north of Bakhmut and a smaller one on the border in Belgorod.
The main effort, however, materialized south of Orekhovo attacking towards Tokmak.
The Ukrainian Army appears to have thrown a division-sized element at the Russian lines south of Orekhovo, with large attacks reported (Ukrainian time) yesterday afternoon (image 1), last night (image 2), and another one as I write this in the morning (image 3).
The attack last night was reported by WarGonzo (a Russian "voenkor" war correspondent group) as being a full brigade attacking with four battalion groups of some 30 vehicles each.
It was preceded by a large GMLRS strike on Tokmak itself.
Thanks to stiff Russian fire and air superiority, the excellent Russian air defense system swatting incoming missiles from the sky, and a stubborn defense at the front line, these attacks all broke down with heavy losses and no to minimal gains.
Russian aerial forces showed particular distinction. I understand there were a large number of Russian attack helicopters and close air support aircraft on station last night supporting the defense. Russian loitering munitions also played a large part.
Pictures and video of the carnage have been emerging all day. Some highlights: 1. Eight AFU vehicles knocked out near Bakhmut 2. German-donated IRIS-T battery destroyed with artillery in Kherson 3. Abandoned T-64BV 4. Knocked out Swedish-donated CV90 (?)
More highlights from yesterday's fighting, this one of Russian attack helicopters engaging vehicles and an AFU mechanized company bogged down in a minefield.
Another video that emerged yesterday of abandoned Ukrainian armor following another unsuccessful attack on the Belgorod border.
Of interest, Russian troops recovered Black Hornet micro-drones from Ukrainian commandos in the Belgorod region. This is high-end gear and shows just how lavishly-equipped these troops have been.
Totally normal patch in #4 that wouldn't get you kicked out of the US Army.
The usual suspects in the pro-Ukrainian information sphere have been silent all day about this attack or are attempting to write it off as a "probe" or "reconnaissance in force," which is ridiculous. Much more of this and they won't have a "counterattack force" left.
A meme:
In all likelihood the plan looked something like this (credit to the redoubtable @MNormanDavies whom you should all follow immediately) and after initial failures the AFU blew the Khakovka Dam and is now working on a scaled-down "branch" operation aimed only at Zaporozhe.
Ukrainian losses appear to have been extremely heavy, with reports coming in last night of at least one unit refusing to attack.
A now-rare "refusenik" video surfaced today of Ukrainian troops complaining they had been sent into combat with no support.
What's particularly damning to me is the failure of Ukrainian long-range fires assets to affect the battle, which - given the level of control EUCOM apparently exercises over targeting - is a direct failure of NATO. They have a lot of their real assets allocated to this mission.
The battle continues. The scene from one Russian position in Zaporozhe:
Top 10 pro-Ukrainian talking points - and why they're nonsense.⬇️
10. Ukraine is a democracy!
False. The last free and fair election in Ukraine - not held under an ultranationalist jackboot after the 2014 coup - was in 2010.
All elections in Ukraine have been suspended since 2022, and Zelensky's five-year term from 2019 expired months ago.
9. Russia is an autocracy!
False. Vladimir Putin and United Russia enjoy approval ratings among the Russian public that are extremely high, even in polling conducted by Western-backed, anti-Putin organizations.
Putin is popular enough to win any election held in Russia handily.
How many plans has NATO gone through to try to beat Russia in Ukraine?
Let's count 'em!
Plan A: The FGM-148 Javelin
It seems absurd now, but in late 2021 NATO's leadership thought Javelin was a tank-deleting magic wand that would deter Putin from challenging Zelensky's scheme to conquer the LDPR.
Javelin failed in service and is a rare sight on the battlefield.
Plan B: The Kazakh Gambit
The West quite obviously fomented an uprising in Kazakhstan in January 2022 in hopes of distracting Russia from the then-boiling Ukrainian crisis.
Didn't work. CSTO troops arrived and helped the Kazakh government crush the would-be color revolution.
Late last week the Ukrainian command, seeing their offensive in Sudzha-Koronevo bog down, tried to expand the flanks of their salient into Russian territory in Kursk. Part of this was an attack on the Glushkovo district to the west.
The Glushkovo District is somewhat isolated from the Russian interior by the Seim River.
Having learned the wrong lessons from their 2022 counteroffensive in Kherson, the AFU command decided to try to induce a wholesale Russian withdrawal by attacking the bridges over the Seim.
The large road bridge at Glushkovo, the district center, would be their first target. As in Kherson two years ago, HIMARS fired on the bridge with GMLRS. As in Kherson two years ago, it was ineffective.
Unlike in Kherson two years ago, the Russians killed the HIMARS launcher.
Today was probably the worst day for the Armed Forces of Ukraine since February 2022.
Let's walk through it.
The Russians started the day off by destroying two HIMARS launchers at their hide site in Sumy. This has likely ended GMLRS support for the Kursk operation temporarily.
Next to emerge was a video of a MiG-29* struck at an airfield near Dnipropetrovsk, just as it was being armed and the pilot had climbed in for preflight.
Once again the Russians coldly waited to cause maximum casualties among key AFU personnel.
* initially reported as an Su-24
13 Ukrainian soldiers were caught on camera surrendering in Kursk, and today was the first day I didn't even hear substantive rumors of new AFU advances in the area. Instead they seem to have lost considerable ground.
Top 10 Failed Wonderweapons of the Ukrainian War⬇️
My criteria are simple - these are weapons (defined loosely) that were heavily hyped by Western pundits that actually failed in service.
So, for example, the Leopard 2 isn't on here because it's actually a perfectly functional tank that has performed in line with other tanks.
10. The Ukrainian Foreign Legion
After the war kicked off, Western outlets began encouraging adventurous foreigners to travel to Ukraine to fight. These new recruits were housed in barracks at the Yavorov Training Ground.
One Russian missile strike largely ended the project.
Apparently four missiles were shot down at sea, with one hit far enough into its final dive that falling submunitions still killed several civilians.
As this occurred on a Sunday afternoon and the nearest military target is three miles away, this was likely a terror attack.⬇️
First of all, I'd like to note the speed with which Ukrainian propagandists, while still celebrating the deaths of Russian vacationers, have come around to a remarkably pro-Russian position while commenting on this event: (1) that Russian air defenses shoot down pretty much everything fired at Crimea; (2) that the Russian Ministry of Defense generally puts out accurate information to the public; and (3) that civilian casualties from downed enemy missiles and malfunctioning interceptors are the responsibility of the defender rather than the attacker. I'm sure they won't immediately do another 180-degree turn as soon as they are presented with a less convenient fact pattern.
Secondly, the range at which this attack was delivered (>160km from any point of UKR-held territory) indicates that the Ukrainians have received a number of M39A1 extended-range ATACMS missiles with cluster warheads. There were only a small number of these manufactured around the turn of the century and apparently most were subsequently converted to unitary models, suggesting that the US is already scraping the munitions barrel to keep Ukraine supplied with missiles (and explaining our reluctance to hand any over previously). ATACMS activity has certainly fallen off dramatically in the last two weeks.
Thirdly, as I pointed out upthread, the nearest obvious military target is an airfield located three miles north of this particular beach. There's also an area of farmland about a mile and a half to the east that may serve as a SAM positioning area. Ballistic missiles that get clipped late in their flight don't fall three miles away from their intended targets, and if the Ukrainians had been interested in a military target they would have done what they always do and attacked in the middle of the night. They struck instead on the afternoon of Orthodox Pentecost Sunday, when the streets and beaches would be crowded with civilians. As such - and in light of a pattern of Ukrainian attacks targeting civilians in Russia gathered for holidays - it is likely this attack was intended to terrorize civilian residents and vacationers in a wealthy Sevasopol suburb and the work of Russian air defenses prevented an enormous number of deaths and injuries.
Addendum: Just to provide some visual context on exactly how far this beach is from the airfield in question - it's farther from it than from the harbor!
Addendum 2: It's not clear from the way I wrote it, but there were five missiles in total - four shot down at sea plus one over the beach in question.