246 CV-90mk.IV, most of them IFVs armed by 30mm D-series turret with Trophy APS were bought. Plus 29 mobile workshops on Tatra 8x8, for almost 2,5 billion Euro. There will be 7 versions of CV-90 for Czech Army.
190 with 30mm turret and Spike ATGM:
141 - IFV 31- command IFV
18 - recon IFV
56 with heavy machine gun RCWS (minus 16 ambulances)
These versions really make me happy, because thats enough for whole 7th mechanized brigade, plus reserve pieces to replace damaged ones (broke down in peacetime or destroyed in war). Also both combat units, engineers and medical unit will get new unified IFV/APC
That all means 2 things. 1) Thanks to reserves there will be greater operational readiness and unit can replace some of its losses. 2) Because all needed versions are bought in one procurement, there is lower unit price and whole 7th will be rearmed in one single step
All CV-90 will be equipped with Czech-made multispectral camo nest and also about 60 IED jammers are bought as part of the deal. Czech industry will produce turrets, cabels, optics, sensors and more and final completion of CVs and testing will be done domestically by VOP CZ. 5/x
About 30 companies of Czech defence infustry will participate and some of them will also become part of production chain for all CV-90, both present and future users. About 40% of the industrial share will be done by Czech defense industry companies. 6/x
Czech Republic also gained CV-90 license, thanks to this Ambulance and Artillery recon versions will be developed and produced by Czech companies, also service of new IFVs will be done domestically. 7/x
As part of current deal, there is also short-term service, sets of spare parts, training and small batch of ammo for initial training and testing purposes
Contract for service of IFVs with Czech defence industry and contract for more ammunition will be signed later on. 8/x
Czech Army already has some 30mm and Spike ATGM in stores, since it is using this ammo for its Pandurs II CZ wheeled IFVs
About these 29 mobile workshops to keep CV-90s operational in field, most likely it will be something like T-815-7 D 8x8 that is already used for Pandurs of 4th rapid deployment brigade.
Together with new signals and command Titus 6x6, new logistics T-815-7 8x8 and 6x6, infantry modernization and of course Leopards 2A8, 7th brigade will be the modern backbone of Czech Land Forces (also new self propelled mortars, VSHORAD and C-UAS will be bought)
It was on 24th February 2022 when I stayed awake and in the late night/early morning I saw first videos of Russian invasion into a sovereign state.... Russia attacked its neighbour. After Russians have been telling for months, that they won't and its just...
"scare tactics" and "war mongering" of the West... Well. Russians lied in 2014, in 2022 and they will continue to do so. Treaties are just a piece of paper.
Europe has changed that day. Sadly. We had 3 years. Yet changes, are only coming slowly...
We still don't treat this seriously enough at many levels and in many states yet the threat is very real
Aggressor isn't intimidated by promises, grandiose speeches or empty words. He is intimidated by actions, determination and real industrial and military capabilities
PBV-Pz (recce will be equipped with Czech MIZAR electroptical and battlefield radar reconaissance complet.
Now POV (APC) variants. It seems based on this that only Forward Artillery Observer is APS equipped. DP, Ž and V variants are then equiped with Czech-Slovak Gladius 12 RCWS with 12,7mm MG.
As this year comes to an end slowly. Lets look at what will happen in the next one.
2025 for 🇨🇿 Czech Armed Forces.
Spyder GBAD 🕷️. Yes, some parts of this Air Defence system are already in the Czech Republic, next year first complet should be presented and tested. 4 batteries will be fielded in 2025-2026 with more advanced munition for LR configuration (100km range) coming in 2027.
Caesar 8x8 CZ SPH. In coming months, first Caesar 8x8 CZ prototype should be arriving to Czechia for military trials.
Czech Armed Forces will receive 62 Caesars till 2027. Together with them, there will be complex package of support vehicles
1) EW suite. Both Czech and Slovak CV90 (CV9030CZ and CV9035SK) will utilize anti-drone and C-RCIED jammers from URC Systems and Jisr Institute 🇨🇿. These along with other solutions are deployed all around the vehicle, including both turret and hull.
2) 🇨🇿 industry. Czechia is receiving technology transfer of addon armor, so it will be another part that will be made here. Along with chassis, C4I, turrets, sights, RWS, LWS, multispectral nets, electromechanical components, cabling, simulators. That is nice.
and also build new CV90´s for the needs of Czech Armed Forces. This is one of the key aspects of strategic security and domestic sustainability of the CV90 fleet during the whole lifecycle.
According to 🇨🇿 defence minister Jana Černochová.
Ths was the last part, and the hardest part of the negotiations with BAE Systems, but it was absolutely crucial, because in her view and the view of the MoD
"We as a state cant be reliant (and blackmailable) on private subjects. License must be owned by the state or