1. In today's news from "Theories That Go Hard But Maybe Are Completely Plausible In Post Covid Clown World": Are the #CanadianWildfires cover for real-world bio wea pon testing?
After perusing @whitneywebb's research, reading some of her exposés & listening to several podcasts/interviews, the big takeaway is truly how thin & blurry the line is between Gov & organized crime.
How bad is it? However bad you think it is, it's worse.
Then, go listen to any of a number of other interviews of Whitney, like this one by @glennbeck, which he called maybe his most important interview ever:
Beware the purveyors of LIES about America & their noble-sounding platitudes designed to DECEIVE & DISTRACT you while they separate you from your birthright & heritage, then PLUNDER your wealth & sovereignty.
TRUTH: America is a specific land, country & people--w/borders, English language & rich cultural & genetic heritage--created, shaped & won by hard work, sacrifice & bloodshed. America is 100% tangible, not some theoretical or academic abstraction.
3. LIE: "America is a nation of immigrants."
TRUTH: America is a nation of citizens & our Founders' posterity.
"To OURSELVES and our POSTERITY" is not an abstraction. They formed a Nation & left it to their posterity.
Sometimes, America has allowed immigrants to be adopted in.
1. In the wake of #TwitterFiles, lots of people have finally spoken out about their follower counts being frozen & wondering if Twitter was doing it. The answer is 'YES.' I tracked it for months. For every account that followed me, Twitter would de-follow another account from me.
2. But that wasn't all, b/c Twitter wasn't random in the accounts it de-followed from me. I noticed that many of the accounts it de-followed from me were ones that tended to engage more. So not only did it freeze my growth, but it reduced my reach.
3. Some have attributed this follower freeze ban to Twitter just deleting bots or to a software snafu. I can assure you this wasn't the case. It was quite intentional & targeted. Some of my followers told me they had to refollow me 2 or 3 times over the 2+ years I had this ban.