"People think that God's beloved ones used to pray a thousand Rakats a day to reach out such a status. No; They only got here due to having great (#moral) qualities. The great (moral) qualities help the one to go ahead much sooner than normal." 1/3 🧵
"A single quenching of anger brings a person to God sooner than a thousand Rakats of prayer. Making happy a heart brings you (to Allah) much sooner. Making happy one's #mother brings you sooner. We have to start from this point."
"Fix this, then a thousand Rakats of prayer will come, you will be eager."
1. #Hussain (as) stopped in the middle of the battlefield to perform his obligatory #prayers with arrows shooting at him… the least we can do is perform our daily prayers on time.
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2. #Hussain (as) #sacrificed his family including his six month old for the sake of Allah (swt)...the least we can do is sacrifice our worldly desires for the sake of Allah (swt)!
3. Lady #Zainab (as) prayed Salatul Layl (the night prayers) in the state of sitting down on the night of #Ashura after the tragic loss of her entire family… the least we can do is pray Salatul layl in our peaceful nights!