Here's the thing, though, & it should be 🚩🚨. Rez & presumably other churches w/in UMD *do* require members agree to obey clergy in their extraordinarily unconventional "New Member Covenant."
It opens with a commitment to obey and support those in spiritual authority, particularly the bishop and clergy.
Nowhere in this document does it discuss informed methods of issuing a complaint about clergy, only a members responsibility to comply.
Concerns with leaders are to be kept private, not even to be discussed with friends or other leaders in the church.
Instead, the concerned layperson is to attempt to privately confront the leader, something that disregards power dynamics & safeguarding best practices.
Note this entire subsection about honoring leaders including:
-obedience & submission to their authority
-idea that obedience prevents conflicts (!!!)
-preemptive dismissal of *common & dangerous* allegations against leaders.
This is highly irregular & controlling.
Again, people who have concerns or issues are directed to privately go to someone in leadership, presumably so they can persuade them to stay.
I don't know what kind of church discipline was going on at the parish level, but the way it is addressed here is foreboding.
The signature page includes agreeing to the extensive rules on conflict (the focus itself a 🚩) and again a reminder to honor leaders.
I don't know if all UMD churches sign this membership covenant but to my knowledge they are required to include the Unity Pledge.
If you are wondering why people in UMD/Rez are not speaking about these matters directly, well, this is why.
Members have been taught this from when they joined the church, and the church culture supports it.
This is wrong & weirdly controlling.
It's also unbiblical, despite the fact that the entire document is prooftexted with Scriptures to bolster these points.
There are many NT examples of Christians confronting problematic teaching & much of it involves public discussion.
If you are in @MidwestAnglican or another @The_ACNA diocese that attempts to muffle your concerns or funnels all information through the clergy, please know this is a mark of unhealth.
The alleged pattern in @MidwestAnglican is that it is acceptable to ordain or put in visible leadership positions men who have past felony charges of violent domestic abuse, confessed grooming & sexual predatory behavior, or criminal sexual activity.
…and the capacity to hold grace/forgiveness/healing alongside wise safeguards & boundaries, it appears that a man’s vocational ministry aspirations/“calling” is more of a priority than the well being of the ppl under his care.
I am distressed to read ⬇️ response from @MidwestAnglican Bp Ruch who skillfully redirects from inciting incident: 🧵
Multiple survivors still allege they were neglected, ignored, mistreated & ultimately villainized by the @MidwestAnglican leaders they turned to for help.
There are outstanding & unanswered allegations of irresponsible & domineering leadership w/in UMD.…
The failed response to a minor's disclosure of abuse by Mark Rivera, now convicted of multiple counts of felony sexual assault, remains unaddressed.
Yes, fast and pray, but rend your hearts while you do it.
Thinking more about how high control religious comms have rigid formulas for everything from scheduling 30 min increments of each day to clothing rules to purity of the food one eats.
Disordered eating becomes an outlet for control & representative of broader home economics. 🧵
Someone replied that diet/appearance were heavily monitored in IBLP to meet expectations for girls/women to have pleasing countenances & achieve a certain type.
But the inclusion of food rules struck me b/c I came across them here too:
In researching these communities I've seen a kind of orthorexia, an obsession with the "right" kind of eating in everything from milling your own wheat to fasting/elimination diets to no sugar/processed foods to growing your own produce & a return to homesteading.
Digging deeper into parenting ideas exposed in #shinyhappypeople & came across old transcript of Mother's Panel talk given at IBLP Knoxville conf.
I want to spotlight the horrible ideology that supports IBLP abuse & is a kernel of broader Xian parenting teaching in long🧵⬇️
CW: abuse
You can access the full transcript here, about halfway down, after an interesting discussion about ways Gothard's "Character First" curricula was taught at public schools & implemented via "Cities of Character" program by Sarah Palin & others.…
Things to note: panel includes four women & one man who describe their large families: 9 children, 6 children, 8 children & 5 + *we work w/a lot of other children*
Unsurprisingly, all panelists are exhorters/prophets, a spiritualized term enabling them to tell others what to do