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Jun 10, 2023 100 tweets 20 min read Read on X
#taekook #taekookau

"Victoria's Secret angel Kim Taehyung who was headlining their Paris show comes out with a scandalous baby bump where his ex of three months, Idol Jeon Jungkook was performing his new single 'Mine' which is speculated to be for his new omega flame-"
his head and his face. Jungkook feels numb and like he is underwater- adrift from the whole world and feeling like the water is separating him away from it. He doesn't hear anything except the white noise. He doesn't feel anything because his lungs are so full of water.
He doesn't bother wiping the water away as he blinks.

"What is the date?" He asks aloud. No one answers.

He searches for his phone- left on the water, beside his stale drink and tries to open it but it refuses to turn on. The battery was dead.

Jungkook starts tidying up.
He scrubs himself clean as he showers. Then takes the clothes to his laundry room and washer them. He does the dishes and cleans the whole table and charges his phones. He finds out its has been two days- almost running to three days since he had sat on the edge of his apartment.
Jungkook looks up when he hears the door ringing. He narrows his eyes as he walks there only to find the hallway empty. It is empty except- he looks down and finds boxes of take outs kept in front of his door.

He frowns and reaches for the one closest to him. He just sees his
name on it.

Jungkook steps inside again, taking all of them in. Was it his manager?

He calls the alpha up. "Hey Jeon Jungkook, you shouldn't just take vacations this suddenly you know? You have to tell me or the company before you do, we have to manager your schedule before-"
"Vacation?" he echoes.

"Yes?", his manager sounds confused, "Taehyung-ssi told us you both were taking a vacation together and that you didn't want to talk to me because you know I would scold you."

"Oh", Jungkook's frown clears.
"Yes", he whispers.

"So, are you back? Should I get your schedule back on?"

"Yes", Jungkook says again before dropping the call. He sees there are at least ten missed calls from Yunae and more from his mom, and some from his dad even. And some random ones. There was none from
Taehyung. Nor Yoongi or Jimin but he doesn't expect it either.

He wears a hoodie and then some sweatpants before he makes his way to his drinks bar again- choosing the strongest of scotch and chugging it out till its halfway before he keeps it and walks away, taking his car
keys with him.

Its evening when he gets out and reaches the omega's place. He takes the elevator up to his floor and rings on the bell. A maid opens the door and lets him in silently- they know who he is. He pauses on the doorway when he hears Taehyung on the call.
"You saw him get out?" The omega is saying, "did he at least take the food?"

Jungkook just watches him.

"He left as soon?" Taehyung asks again, "that means he didn't eat the food", he sighs, "okay then. Make sure to bring him the dinner in case he comes back. I have to go
now." The omega throws the phone away as soon as the call drops, cursing under his breath.

Jungkook gulps before he steps in.

"You should not stress as much with the pup you know?"

The omega startles, gasping sharply as he turns around to look at him.
Jungkook looks away before their eyes match. He doesn't think he deserves to see his eyes.

"I wouldn't", Taehyung retort, "if my pup's father wasn't stressing me as much. I know I said I don't want you to be the pup's father but you don't have to kil! yourself to make that come
- Its going to be a really emotional scene so I need to completely be here to write it cause I don't want to mess it up. I will see you guys at 4pm EST!-

Jungkook shakes his head, "You should not worry about me. Your pup's father or not."

Taehyung just stares. The omega is wearing a fluffy cotton sweater that engulfs him more, hiding the little bump away from everyone. The tights he wears accentuates his legs below but
Jungkook doesn't dare drop his eyes below. He watches as the omega frowns slightly. "Why are you here?" the omega asks, crossing his elbows on his chest and raising his head.

The alpha gulps, he looks down as he intertwines his fingers together, "I had to tell you something."
Taehyung watches him, "what is it?"

"I have been thinking and thinking", Jungkook nods, smiles painfully, "seems like that was the only thing I was left to do and I realized there is no possible explanation I could give you as to why I let her do what she did."
"I myself don't understand because it was you I loved. It was you I wanted. It was you I was in that relationship with. So I don't understand why she was in the equation as well", he shakes his head, staring at his fingers a bit before he looks up, "no actually I think I do", he
nods before he lets out a derisive snort that hurts Taehyung, "because I was such an idiot, such an as*hole for not listening to his own omega and god", Jungkook looks away and curses under his breath, "I feel so ashamed to stand here in front of you", his eyes tear up, "I don't
deserve it."

"But its the only thing I can do for letting her be the third person in our relationship", he finally admits.

Taehyung feels a weight release from over his chest. he inhales the clean air sharply and fully- as if the weight had been keeping him from breathing
since forever. He looks away from the alpha to hide his emotions.

"I am sorry", the alpha says slowly, "I know words mean shit but I am so fuxking sorry, I am so sorry", he bows his head down, "I am so sorry, Tae for everything that you went through for her, for me. Everything
that you were forced to go through because the alpha you trusted was so dumb, was so thick on his head to understand your needs, your demands", he gulps, "heck even your fuxking words. I-", he breaks off, "fuxk, I should be arrested and thrown in some dinghy jail for all the sh*t
I put you through and you know what the funny thing is?", he laughs, tears cloud his eyes and one of the drops fall, rolling down his cheek, "I think a part of me knew did doubt her at the end of our relationship when I accused you then but I still did it. I let my worst
judgement come forth, let my insecurity, my possessiveness get the best of me."

Taehyung frowns, quickly wiping away the tear that falls, "what- what do you mean you doubted it?"

Jungkook nods, "After you told me the things you did at the airport and I stopped hanging out with
her, you noticed it right? That our relationship was better. My insecurities weren't there, yours weren't there as well. But as soon as I went with her and she started to come to all my concerts, I felt detached from you. She was there. It let my insecurities back in and I
doubted that maybe she was why I got the insecurities in the first place. That maybe listening to her opinion bout what you would think of my moves, or our relationship wouldn't be the wisest thing to do."

"Then why did you?" Taehyung accuses, "why did you listen to her and ruin
our love for us?"

Jungkook feels the sting in his chest like a slap on his face. He withers.

"She-", he pauses, gather his words and lets the tears fall freely. "She is a bit older than me", the alpha nods, looking faraway, "when I was little, I remember one time when I was a
little pup, she saved me from a few older alphas even though she herself was an omega and was just a bit older than me. Then she taught me what to do to not be the shy little pup in the park- how to be cool enough so I don't get bullied. I learned it all up. I started looking up
to her when her advice worked like magic. Fast forward to our days together, my parents started trusted me with her, I", he laughs, "started trusting myself with her. Everything I did, I felt secured to ask her opinion on all of it because from then I just believed she knew
better and she did. Even my mom used to make me ask her opinion. When I wanted to be an idol, my mom and dad had to listen to her opinion first before they let me and it didn't irk me then because she said what I wanted to hear then you know? So many years have passed, and it
just gave me a sense of security, you know like if I was making a bad choice, I would have her pull me out of there. She became my safety net. Like I could go in and be blind about it and her opinions would save me." he lets out a breath, "so when I started doubting, a bigger
part of me refuted the whole thing because she has never being wrong. Everyone thought her opinions were good, secured than why would I think any different. When you started doubting she liked me, it was so ridiculous to me because I don't even- in my head, you are an omega, I
didn't even consider her as one, because she was like my sister, my best friend who I only had platonic affection towards and why would I ever be attracted to someone like that?" he makes a face that makes Taehyung suppress a watery giggle as the omega looks away.
Jungkook nods, "so I didn't doubt her and that is my fault, that is why I", he falls on his knees all of a sudden and bows his head as hot tears fall from his eyes, "that's why I am on my knees, saying sorry to you without even expecting forgiveness. I am doing this selfishly
to appease my mind."

Taehyung gulps, he opens his mouth, "I want to", he whispers, "I want to so much because I know it wasn't fully your fault. I knew what she was, how it was- which is why I held on but I can't Jungkook", he tears up, his voice shakes, "I can't forgive you
when I can't trust you won't do this to me again."

Jungkook's chest starts to hurt, but he nods, "I know, I know, you don't-"

"I want to", Taehyung whispers frightfully, "but I have been there already. I was trying so much, so hard and it never worked so its hard for me to
think you will choose me and our pup. You never chose me and I don't want my pup to go through the same thing, the same pain as I did because he deserves a father who would choose it over everything. You said it yourself. You knew her your whole life. You didn't even have a
proper conversation with her about this. You never called out both her and your mom about it so I can't, at least not until you figure everything out and choose our pup over everything else and do what is the best for it. You understand right?"

Jungkook nods numbly, "I do.
That's the thing I told you I don't deserve it so I can't expect-"

Taehyung shakes his head, "that make yourself deserve it", he gulps, breathing out as his scent softens, "I can't guarantee you me but do whatever you have to do now that you know to find your way back to our pup
because that's when I will forgive you for what Yunae did to me, to us."

He doesn't say what Jungkook did to them. He can't bring himself to say it because he knows Jungkook isn't at fault but he can't bring himself to trust him either because the alpha did not listen to him.
He had threatened to take the pup away.

So how could he?

Even if ignored his worth, could he ignore his pup's worth?

He feels like a bird now that Jungkook has realized it. He knows it. He knows the alpha is hurting and he shouldn't feel the lightness he feels for the alpha
losing all his people but he does because he finally feels like he got a justice he had been yearning for so long. Taehyung had only ever wanted the alpha to see and understand /him/ and now he did. And that made him feel so free.

For selfish reasons of course.

𝘕𝘰𝘸, 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘴; 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘴

A voice whispers in him and he feels selfish for that. Yes, he is pushing the alpha away but he needs to push him away to get him back fully as his alpha or just as Jungkook, he had too. Image
"Can you do that?" he whispers, "can you do that for our pup?"

For me?

Jungkook nods hastily, "I can, I can", he trips over his words, "I promise I can. I will sort everything out, I promise and you don't owe me sh*t, not even our pup but I will take it as a blessing from you."
Taehyung purses his lips, "Show me, only then I will believe you", he turns around.

"Okay", Jungkook whispers. He opens his mouth, "Can I-", he whispers almost inaudibly before shaking his head and getting up, "I will leave."

And he leaves.

- We are just starting;). I want to know all of yours thoughts so please share? I will see you guys soon!

- If you want to support me:

There is something comforting in the way Seojoon treats him; has always treated him. The alpha had always treated him with utmost care.

He was like sunshine. His scent was soothing, like it would calm Taehyung down.

Before he told Jungkook who the pup's father was, he felt
guilty, guilty enough to have ignored the way Seojoon doted on him, the way he looked at him sometimes when the alpha wasn't really thinking.

But he is four months pregnant and finds himself at a crossroad when Seojoon asks to court him, catching him off guard.
"H-Hyung", Taehyung looks up with wide eyes.

Seojoon's eyes are twinkling as he looks at him softly, "You don't have to say yes", his voice is gentle, "you did get out of a relationship four months before, I won't mind if you don't say yes but I just had to say it to you."
Taehyung's fingers curl into themselves in his lap. He looks down again.

"From when?" he asks, his voice careful.

The alpha contemplates, "From when I met you I think", he nods, "you were just so mesmerizing and beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes of off you."
So from even before he met Jungkook even.

Taehyung looks up again, "why now?" he asks.

Seojoon shrugs, "Back then I was too nervous to ask you out, then Jungkook came in and now he left, and we are still here."

It stings. The way he said Jungkook left.

Taehyung gulps.
"That's a funny thing to hear", Taehyung says, pulling his legs up so he can rest his face sideways against his knees. He looks at the alpha, "because I had a crush on you when I met you as well."

Seojoon's eyes widen comically, "what? You did?"

Taehyung nods, hums.
"You were this mature, handsome alpha who looked like he was always in control, always calm and collected about everything. So", he shrugs, "it was only natural."

"Then Jungkook-ssi came in?" Seojoon questions.

Taehyung nods, "we clicked instantly yes, but it took a bit of
of time for me to like him", he looks away, "but for that to turn into love, it didn't take that much time."

Seojoon nods like he understands, "you felt like found your soulmate in him didn't you? I remember you telling me that."

"I did", Taehyung gives a sad smile, "I felt
like if soulmates existed, he would definitely be mine. I considered him as my alpha, as my mate even though it hadn't been that long since I met him."

Seojoon pats his head softly, brushing his hair back, "when you told me that, I wished he was too. For you to be happy, I
wished that too."

Taehyung blinks, he gives a snort, "clearly his best friend didn't."

"You think he thought that as well?" Seojoon asks, curious.

"He said so a few times so I think he did too", Taehyung nods, looking distant as his eyes unfocuses, "but I found it hard to
believe because if that was the case, why wouldn't he choose me? Why wouldn't he listen to me?"

"That was his mistake", Seojoon nods, "thats why he lost you. That's why he lost three months of your pregnancy. Three months worth of seeing ultrasonography pictures of your pup."
"It was", Taehyung nods, "even so, his mistake does not erase my feelings for him. It should", the omega gulps, feeling his eyes sting, "I know it should because where did my pride go? Where did my self worth go? It should erase everything for him till nothing remains but as
pathetic it is, as sad it is, I can't. I can't choose to turn of my feelings, I can't choose whom to love either. My heart chooses him, my omega chooses him still. What do I do?" Taehyung chuckles as hot tears drop from his eyes. "My functioning mind knows what to do but my
heart refuses to comply so what do I do?" He furiously wipes away the tears that falls.

"You give yourself the time to move on", Seojoon whispers, pulling him into a tight hug.

"You considered him as your alpha. As your soulmate. You are carrying his pup even. You cannot
think that only four months is enough Don't beat yourself up for that. Just breathe and take the time."

"I still love him, how could I...?" he trails off, staring at Seojoon with wide, tear stained eyes.

"Hey" Seojoon shakes his head, "I told you, if you don't want to, its
okay. I will understand. I will still remains as your friend though, won't you allow me that?"

Taehyung huffs out a watery laugh, "of course hyung, but-"

"No, trust me, I get it. Just focus on yourself please. Thats all I want."

Taehyung husg the alpha back, "when I do
move on, I will come find you hyung."

"I am sure you will", Seojoon says, sighing against the omega as his hands cup the omega's head. "I am sure you will, just give yourself the time."


Taehyung is freshly showered. He wraps a bathrobe around himself as he walks out, rubbing
at his stomach. The skin is stretching because of the pup growing bigger and the pull is hurting him slightly. He should rub oil on it to sooth it. He cracks his neck as he looks at the mail he received. He hasn't been home the whole day so he had to check them now.
The doorbell rings.

Taehyung looks up with a frown. No one was supposed to come now. He is supposed to have his alone time.

"Who is it?" He asks on the intercom. The reply doesn't come for a bit but when it does, Taehyung feels his heartbeat slowing.
He opens his door, "Its late," he leans against the doorframe to watch Jungkook toe his shoes open.

"I know", the alpha nods, he hesitates before he pulls up a packet. "I got you ice cream; the strawberry one. Read it in a book that it helps sooth the pain you might feel from

Taehyung nods as he moves away and gestures at the alpha to come in, "only because you brought the strawberry flavored one."


"It doesn't look right to me", Taehyung shakes his head, feeling frustrated. Jungkook finds himself biting his inner cheeks to stop
the sigh that wants to get out. He thinks if he breathes a bit loudly even, Taehyung might turn his frustration on him and he would rather not have it.

"I shifted the clothes and pillows a few times, Taehyung and the bed too, what else do you want me to do?" Jungkook asks,
keeping the pillow down again.

Taehyung whines from the settee he sits on as he scoops a spoon of ice cream and puts it in his mouth, "well, it doesn't look right!"

Jungkook nods, "Okay, okay, it doesn't. What do I do to make it look right then?"

The omega hums for a bit.
- I need to sleep for a bit. Just too tired to update more. I will be back tomorrow . See you guys!
"I think its the color," Taehyung pouts as he puts the spoon down, "the beige is too boring. I want golden sheets."

"Golden?" Jungkook echoes.

"Golden", Taehyung reaffirms, "it would look so shiny. Like I am sleeping in gold, like one of my sets."

Jungkook looks back at the
assortment of sheets Taehyung has and looks back at the omega. He watches as Taehyung's eyes shine at the ridiculous idea, he hasn't seen them shine like this in so long.

He nods, "Okay."

"Okay?" Taehyung looks dubious, "but I don't have those sheets-"

"I will bring them for
you from wherever I find them", Jungkook lets out a deep breathe, "just give me until the morning, I will find them."

Taehyung looks surprised but he seems to find himself as he sits back and picks up the spoon, "very well. Its what the pup craved for anyways."

Jungkook looks
away, "I am sure."

Taehyung resumes eating the ice cream as Jungkook tidies up the bed again like it was before he came. Taehyung builds his nest up on it again.

It takes Jungkook till the next afternoon to find the sheets but when he comes back to the omega's penthouse, he
finds Taehyung sleeping on the couch instead of his bedroom. He goes into the bedroom and changes the sheets from the beige ones to the golden ones and puts the pillows all around it. He makes sure the pillow cases are golden too.

Jungkook goes back and picks Taehyung up to
take him to bed. Taehyung squirms in his hold just a bit before he sighs against his chest and remains sleeping. The alpha puts him down gently, brushing his hair back.

Jungkook had left pretty late last night.

He had ensured the omega had been sleeping in his bed before so
he has no idea how he ended up there in the living room.

Jungkook hesitates as he watches him before he presses a kiss onto his forehead. the omega's eyes flutter open slightly as Taehyung stares at him with half lidded eyes, "Jungkook, what-"

"Shh", Jungkook whispers gently,
"Go to sleep."

Taehyung lets out a soft breathe as he tries to flutter hi eyes open, "you- you-"

"I will be here", Jungkook says, "I will cook something for you to eat when you wake up but now, you need to rest, Taehyung."

"Your scent...", the omega trails off before closing
his eyes again and then his eyelashes flutter again, "leave me your scent, the pup", he says softly. Jungkook understands.

He opens the shirt he is wearing and lets the omega holds it to himself. Jungkook watches as Taehyung sniffs it before sighing and going back to sleep.
There is an ache that spreads over him. That takes control over him.

The pain that grips him leaves him breathless.

His chest hurts; physically.

Jungkook sits on his knees, in front of the omega to watch him sleep peacefully.
"I know I shouldn't be allowed here", he whispers in a barely audible voice, "allowed to be where you are this weak, where only your trusted ones should be."

His eyes tear up, "I know you are not one to rid me of this if I want it. You are too kind, too kind for this world, for
me but you should punish me. You shouldn't forgive me. After everything I did by not listening to you, you shouldn't forgive me this easily. You shouldn't even forgive me but I am selfish", he sniffles, "I am selfish enough to hope that you will forgive me but", he shakes his
head, "but you need to punish me. Punish me severely. Only then I can think of deserving your forgiveness. I was so blind", Jungkook's voice shakes, "I can't believe I couldn't see right from wrong when it came to you, even after you told me, I didn't understand. It doesn't make
sense why I didn't but I can't turn back time no matter how much I wish I could so I have no option but to take your punishment and get your forgiveness." He gulps.

Jungkook wipes the tears away furiously.

"When I heard you were in that accident, I felt a part of me die
inside. I got so numb. Apart from everything that happened, I did consider you my one and only. I did- do still love you. I considered you my life so when I heard you were in an accident, that life seeped away and only came back when I saw you again", he bends more on his knees
as he bows his head.

"With how weak you were looking back then, I couldn't gather up the courage to visit you there anymore. I spent the whole week locked up in the office- writing up lyrics, crying, drinking to help myself breath. The image of you wasn't letting me breath so
I-I couldn't breathe", his voice thins out, "until I saw you again that day."

"I realized the hatred towards you that I was preaching though you didn't deserve it was for the naught because seeing you like that had made me realize, even if you left me, even if you broke me by
saving yourself, I would never want you to suffer even an ounce. Ever."

He breaths out, "I just want you to be safe and happy, Taehyung." He nods, "With me or not, I want you to be happy always and be safe. Please forgive me, if ever, after punishing me", He watches if the omega
wakes up or not or if he listened or not- he has not so he gets out of the room.

The things Taehyung is supposed to hear remaining unsaid between them as they hang in the air.

Jungkook does not get to cooking as soon as he gets out. He lies face down on the futon Taehyung was lying on instead and inhales, feeling his tears slipping out still and wetting the futon.

He does not realize when he turns and when he sleeps with his face sticky from the
remaining tears.

It is hours later when he wakes up from hearing movements around him. He tilts his head sideways to see Taehyung standing just beside him, looking down at him with an unreadable look in his eyes.

"What?" he murmurs, trying to wipe of the sleep from his eyes,
"Are you hungry? I will just cook up-"

The omega watches him, wraps the shirt Jungkook has left on him tighter around himself, "I want to sleep more."

"You- Is something wrong with the sheets again? They were the closest to golden I could find, I am looking more," He sits up,
"I can go shopping and look for some more if you want-"

"If you feel sleepy too, why don't you come sleep on the bed as well?"

"On the bed?" Jungkook asks, dumbfounded.
"Your scent", the omega lets out slowly, "the pup did not let me sleep without an alpha's scent for the past few months. I refused to have Yoongi hyung scent my nest so I couldn't sleep. You are here", Taehyung nods, "so sleep in the bed and scent it."

Jungkook does not want to
angry the omega so he stands up swiftly.

He only pauses when he sees the nest in front of him. Jungkook had only done is haphazardly. It had looked shit. When they were in a relationship before, Taehyung didn't need to teach him because Taehyung was there to keep the alpha in
his nest. So he was shit at making one.

Taehyung must have made the nest when he woke up because it looks comfy.

Jungkook's heart throbs- it looks like his home.

"Why?" Taehyung asks, turning towards him, "why are you pausing-", he must have seen something in his expression
because his own eyes turn hard, "You look like you dont want to be here."

Jungkook feels his mouth dry. He takes a step in, "let's sleep, I am really sleepy."

He walks towards the bed and pauses again with a foot inside the nest. Jungkook looks up at the omega watching him,
"You are sure right?"

Taehyung follows him to stand on the other side of the bed, "I couldn't sleep properly for four months just because of your scent. You think I won't be sure?" He watches as Jungkook lies down on the other side- the side he always slept on before. "You are
the one who seems unsure", as he lies down on the other side, facing the alpha as the alpha faces the other way.

"I am not", Jungkook says silently. Taehyung frowns, "I think I can smell your scent for a bit, you might consider going a bit further", he says sarcastically.
Jungkook shifts so he is facing him before he rolls himself towards him till he is just inches away from the omega. He matches his eyes, "I am not unsure", he says again, quietly. "I am thinking of how many nights you must have wanted to sleep yet you couldn't just because the

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#taekook #taekookau

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"He is not coming, Tae, let's cut the cake", Jimin whispers, tone heavy with anger, "his 𝘸𝘪𝘧𝘦 must have done something."
Taehyung feels numb.

But he lets himself be dragged to the center. Where the table is with his pretty cake. The 23 candles are lighted up. There are people surrounding the table, cheering for him. They are clapping, wishing him a 'happy birthday'.
But the sound of those claps and those cheers pass his mind like a breeze.

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Mar 19
#taekook #taekookau

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"Taehyung would never date that disgusting man! He is straight! He is the straightest man I know!-"

"I never expected this of Taehyung. After everything Yoongi did for him, this is how he repays him?"

"Tae oppa is straight, he only dates women, stop with this sh*t-"
Read 441 tweets
May 30, 2023
#taekook #taekookau

"Kim Taehyung tell me you had no idea about this", Seokjin curses. He shoos away the makeup artists, the camera men with a flip of his hand.

Taehyung raises an eyebrow, "about what?"

Seokjin shoves the iPad in his hands, "what the fuxk is this?"
The headlines flash across the whole of the screen:

"The famed greatest painter of the 21st century, Jeon Jungkook, is suing his now ex-fiancee for having put a 10 feet wide nude painting of Korea's sweetheart, the top model Kim Taehyung, on auction without his permission."
Taehyung's eyes widen in horror. His face pales. He opens his mouth but no words come out. Seokjin lets out a moan in agony as he sees the look on Taehyung's face, "you knew about this? Taehyung, I didn't even know you knew Jeon Jungkook!"

"H-hyung", he stutters. His hands are
Read 36 tweets
May 21, 2023
Snowflower; #taekookau #taekook

A story about loving as a snowflake falls. The one where Taehyung watches two souls find each other one snowy morning and become one.

A gift to @peupeusmom for being an incredible friend when I wasn't the best. I miss you. I hope you like it. ImageImage
- it is completed
- the story runs in parallel to past and present
-best friend to lovers
-angst and nostalgia
- one of them almost gets married to someone else
- it is inspired by Snowflower by V (@peupeusmom said they wanted book based on that, so I did haha)
Listen to this masterpiece while you read: ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Apr 23, 2023
Blurred lines;
#taekookau #taekook

People start to thirst over the star quarterback of their college Jeon Jungkook and his rival Class president Taehyung has had enough of it. So the next time they find themselves tangled in each other's sheets, Taehyung does what he does best:

1. ImageImage
2. ImageImage
Read 11 tweets

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