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May 31 23 tweets 5 min read
#taekook #taekookau

Taehyung looks at the time. His heart is beating slowly in his chest. Only an hour left to midnight. An hour left to his birthday.

"He is not coming, Tae, let's cut the cake", Jimin whispers, tone heavy with anger, "his 𝘸𝘪𝘧𝘦 must have done something."
Taehyung feels numb.

But he lets himself be dragged to the center. Where the table is with his pretty cake. The 23 candles are lighted up. There are people surrounding the table, cheering for him. They are clapping, wishing him a 'happy birthday'.
May 14 26 tweets 6 min read
#taekookau a drabble~

When Victoria's secret angel Kim Taehyung gets asked about who he is wearing tonight. He answers it and also takes it upon himself to clear out the ridiculous rumors about his relationship with Director Jeon Jungkook of the Jeon industries.

There are thousands of photos being clicked every second. Taehyung poses calmly, tilting his head from one side to the other. His hands are on his waist.

The paparazzi are screaming at him to turn this way and that, hurrying to fill up their camera reels. It is not
Mar 19 441 tweets >60 min read
#taekook #taekookau

BREAKING NEWS: Controversial rapper Jeon Jungkook, known for his string of scandals involving women gets seen kissing a /man/ in front of his residence last night. The man is speculated to be Kim Taehyung, our nations sweetheart, who has known to have never
being in a relationship before-"

"Kim Taehyung is Min Yoongi's brother, the world famous rapper who Jungkook is rumored to have stolen a song from for his debut album that later got diminished. What does he think of his adored brother dating a person he is known to dislike-"
Jun 10, 2023 100 tweets 20 min read
#taekook #taekookau

"Victoria's Secret angel Kim Taehyung who was headlining their Paris show comes out with a scandalous baby bump where his ex of three months, Idol Jeon Jungkook was performing his new single 'Mine' which is speculated to be for his new omega flame-"
his head and his face. Jungkook feels numb and like he is underwater- adrift from the whole world and feeling like the water is separating him away from it. He doesn't hear anything except the white noise. He doesn't feel anything because his lungs are so full of water.
May 30, 2023 36 tweets 7 min read
#taekook #taekookau

"Kim Taehyung tell me you had no idea about this", Seokjin curses. He shoos away the makeup artists, the camera men with a flip of his hand.

Taehyung raises an eyebrow, "about what?"

Seokjin shoves the iPad in his hands, "what the fuxk is this?"
The headlines flash across the whole of the screen:

"The famed greatest painter of the 21st century, Jeon Jungkook, is suing his now ex-fiancee for having put a 10 feet wide nude painting of Korea's sweetheart, the top model Kim Taehyung, on auction without his permission."
May 21, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
Snowflower; #taekookau #taekook

A story about loving as a snowflake falls. The one where Taehyung watches two souls find each other one snowy morning and become one.

A gift to @peupeusmom for being an incredible friend when I wasn't the best. I miss you. I hope you like it. ImageImage - it is completed
- the story runs in parallel to past and present
-best friend to lovers
-angst and nostalgia
- one of them almost gets married to someone else
- it is inspired by Snowflower by V (@peupeusmom said they wanted book based on that, so I did haha)
Apr 23, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Blurred lines;
#taekookau #taekook

People start to thirst over the star quarterback of their college Jeon Jungkook and his rival Class president Taehyung has had enough of it. So the next time they find themselves tangled in each other's sheets, Taehyung does what he does best:

1. ImageImage
Apr 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I realized that growing up I had my mom constantly with me, a good group of friends who always used to cheer me up in every little success I got. Told me they were proud of my achievements. They are not with me rn, we are too busy for me to share my achievements now and even when I tell them now they still cheer me up. I realized they have spoiled me rotten.

Where I stand now, in this bird app, I can't go and tell them about what I achieve here because they are not seeing it real time to understand what really I an achieving which
Apr 17, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Fanaa (to destroy yourself); #taekook #taekookau

Marriage hurts.

After struggling for so long, keeping that ring on his finger has become harder and harder as days pine by.

It makes Taehyung wonder, in the game of time, when did they lose the love? When did they lose Image themselves because of the love? To the point of no return?

If they did lose the love, why does it hurt so much still?

It was a love two years into the making. Two long years, Taehyung has only loved Jungkook. He knows he still loves him but it has become so painful; to love,
Apr 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
If you create contents- like you did consistently so for the past few years Amy, its natural to feel a burn out. I have felt it before too for many reason together but idk if this will help you, I would suggest maybe you could write just ideas for now? Maybe trick your brain into thinking even you are not interested in writing? Like just random ideas you get in your head and just write them out. I have a feeling you might feel the need to write more and more just to extend to some ideas and find your ground again. I am confident you can because, you
Apr 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
#taekookau kinda🔞where Taehyung is a millennial and Jungkook, a genZ

Taehyung is appalled as he glances at the other boy from head to toe, his smoldering glare hot even through the dark sunglasses he is wearing, "are you- excuse me, are you really hitting on me?"

The man- boy- ImageImage smirks, tilting the snapback cap he is wearing upwards to show his eyes off to Taehyung. So that the elder notices the obnoxious wink he gives him.

Taehyung scoffs.

"Why?", his smirk widens, "Haven't seen a person hotter than you in a while. You are so hot," the boy says,
Mar 25, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
a #taekookau where there is a very famous poem in the works of history- with Shakespeare level of artistry and symbolism- but the writer only ever released one work of his.

"It is said that the work is about an imaginary prince born to the emperor of Joseon. It speaks about Image a prince of immense beauty. The poem portrays the beauty of the prince with such godly expressions that the critics of that time believed him to be unreal. He was unreal", the voice pauses, breathes out, "because the emperor was childless. We do not know why he chose to speak
Mar 21, 2023 1332 tweets >60 min read
Down in flames; (a/b/o)
#taekookau #taekook

"Kim Taehyung has just been granted bail again. This has been the third time this year the chaebol omega has been arrested. This time it was for having donned on inappropriate clothes. From the event, a gentleman filed for nudity-" ImageImage Someone switched the TV off. Jungkook's eyes are twitching- like he is having an aneurism and everyone knows the alpha is only a whisper away from bursting in flames.

Rage blinds Jungkook as he stares at the TV, teeth gritting, muscles flaring.
Mar 15, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
The Modern Little Mermaid;
#taekookau where Chaebol Jeon Jungkook, only son of the most elite family on the whole of South Korea finds mermaid Taehyung when he wakes up in his yacht, hungover pretty badly, screaming at him for having kil!ed his lover last night. ImageImage tw//minor character injury

He was driving the yacht last night, he realizes with dawning horror.

Everyone in the party were too drunk to realize what they crashed into, Jungkook himself was too drunk to check it but he felt the graze in the hull. They stopped the yacht in the
Mar 15, 2023 25 tweets 3 min read
(stole from Lovie)

One like, one answer? Les go! Btw, I am doing this in the middle of an update because an idea came to me, and I need to write it down fast without live updating, sorry for that (~_~メ)
Mar 9, 2023 50 tweets 10 min read
Weave; #taekook #taekookau

“Let’s end this.”

Taehyung’s heart gives a horrible twist, “end what?”

Jungkook watches him, moves his gaze away, his eyes wander all over the room, Taehyung’s room, the same room he has fuxked Taehyung in every surfaces of, the same room that ImageImage held their thickening giggles, the same room that watched them become /this/.

“This,” Jungkook says, gesturing towards the space between him and Taehyung.
Taehyung’s heart cracks as he feels his whole body numbing- he had a feeling this was coming, for a while even, but
Feb 23, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
Heaven only knows; (a/b/o)
#taekook #taekookau

The conch horn blows and causes the omega to open his eyes haphazardly.

They widen when he remembers why the pack guards are blowing the horns so many years later- the alpha warriors were here.

Taehyung gets up. ImageImage He wears the prettiest hanbok from his bunch and ties the laces in a bow. Washes his face with the cold water from the water stored right outside his hut.

Taehyung hurries down, following the horde of omegas to see the alpha warriors. His stomach queasy with knots, and heart
Feb 16, 2023 74 tweets 14 min read
Two Twenty Two; (a/b/o)
#taekookau #taekook

Taehyung's hand shakes as he holds the kit tightly between his hands.

It was positive.

Jimin is looking at him with horror filled eyes, he meets his eyes, "not now Tae, you have a show now. Calm down, let's think about this later"
In collaboration with @loviewrites , we present to you: Image
Feb 4, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Mirror Mirror On The Wall;

#taekook #taekookau (a/b/o au)

Not so classic tale of love & pain.

"He is just perfect for you, Taehyung," the hand grips around his shoulder- as if to strangle him. Taehyung smiles, his face rid of any emotions as he meets his stepmother's eyes on ImageImageImageImage the mirror, "I know."

She smiles down at him, and against the light, it looks downright threatening, "do you? King Min has a very distinct reputation."

Yes, he wants to say, because kil!ing off people and showing it off at the fore front of his castle walls was very unique.
Jan 29, 2023 865 tweets >60 min read
Whispers Unheard; a #taekook #taekookau

Taehyung's mother blows the candle out, making Taehyung flinch. "It is me, I am just blowing the candle out so you can sleep."

He gives a meek nod, "could you part the curtains to let the moonlight in? I want to see the moon." ImageImage She does so while giving him a meaningful look and whispers, "pray to her. She will listen to you when no one else does."

Taehyung glances at her, blinks, "pray what to her?"

She sits beside him, her hanbok rustling softly as the moonlight filters across her face, giving her a
Oct 12, 2022 31 tweets 7 min read