U must have observed from last few years
Suddenly newspaper, news article started to publish pro LGBTQ articles
Lot of movies, web series started to come on it
Brands, advertising, TV debates, cricketers, actors all started to support it
Nothing is random in this world
Everything is designed
LGBTQ/ Trans movement is well drafted, designed step by step movement n being implemented all over the world
In this thread u will know
- who r behind this
- what r different stages
- n what is ultimate target
Here r different stages of this movement
Stage 1 : They will start with Love n equally. Since it's considered wrong in many countries so in first legal hurdles will be removed n LGBTQ will be put as matter of love
In India it started with decriminalisation of article 377 n till now it looks right, it was right decision
Stage 2 : Here promotion of LGBTQ will start. It will be presented as cool. Same sex marriage will legalised. The idea of gender fluidity will be introduced.
Stage 3 : Real game will start here n it will start in schools. To create awareness among kids, content related to
Gender identity will be added in school curriculum n for that first teachers will be trained
It had already started in India. NEP 2019 already has provisions for it.
In 2020 NCERT prepared a teacher's training module that has all contents related to gender identities
I m not sure but as per sources
Two batches of teachers already have gone through this training
This training manual was prepared with assistance of LGBTQ activist Vikramaditya sahay
Now since these teachers r ready they will pass on this knowledge to students
Stage 4 : Now all education related to gender identities and sex education will be given to kids.
They will be told that gender is not be birth but by their wish.
If a boy thinks he is girl then he has full right to change his gender by surgery
In India this stage yet to come
Stage 5 : Now rules will be made for sex change surgeries of kids. Govt will support it
Kids will be educated about puberty blockers n will put on it
Stage 6 : If ur kids come to u n ask for sex change n u deny it then it will be considered exploitation of kids n state will have full right to take ur kids
Stage 7 : Last n final stage. Legalise pedophile
As Musk mentioned in his tweet
Kids groomed by this way will be highly vulnerable n can easily be sexually exploited
Target of LGBTQ movement is to groom kids for sex n normalise pedophilia
India is currently at stage 3 while
US is at stage 6 n near to stage 7
Many EU countries r also at stage 5 and stage 6
So a movement that started with Love between adults of same sex was actually intended to exploitation of kids
Deep State is behind this movement
Establish the NWO n Satanism is purpose
U can read these threads further to understand Deep State and Satanism
Why Foreign institutional Investors are leaving India and what can be done to bring them back (Explained)
Today Indian stock exchange nifty made such record which no one would like to remember
Nifty ended in negative continuously 5th month
It happened after 30 years
and first time in 21st century
Major reason for this continuous fall is Foreign Institutional Investors (FII)
Till last year Indian stock market was favorite markets for FIIs to invest then suddenly what happened that things changed so badly and FIIs are running from India
Reason No 1 : Bad earnings of Indian companies
The Q2 and Q3 earning numbers of Indian companies were not as per estimate. Their topline (Sales revenue) increased but despite of this their bottom-line (Profit) didn't increase much and reason for this is expenditure cost
After 250 years, the same vicious propaganda is again being run against India and this time its most dangerous coz this time they have added "Karl Marx" in this and their factory is at USA
From last 10 years suddenly US Woke Universities has got a lot on interest in Indian Caste System
A dedicated centers have been established in US Universities to study Indian caste system and they are not doing it to with some good intent
Keep reading the thread
Marxism says
- Divide society in two groups : Oppressor and Oppressed
- Empower Oppressed against Oppressor
- Create violent clash between Oppressor and Oppressed
- And let them destroy each other
In US they classified
White as Oppressor
Black as Oppressed
(Critical Race Theory)
Though answer is very simple and I can finish this thread in one post but I want to explain basics so that you yourself can analyze and don't become victim of any propaganda so let me explain in detail and simple language
This is Euro vs INR graph of last 1 month
Indian rupee is stable against Euro between 88 and 89
ok ?
This is British Pound vs Indian Rupees exchange rate of last 1 month
Here INR actually got stronger
1 month ago 1 GBP = Rs 107
Now 1 GBP = Rs 105
Even before assuming office on 20th January, Trump has created stir across the globe by his statements and appointments and has given clear hint about his plan
Let me decode and put in simple language for u
What's coming in the future
Trump broke the traditions and invited following leaders in his swearing
1. Xi Jinping (China) 2. Georgia Meloni (Italy) 3. Victor Orben (Hungary) 4. Nayib Bukele (El Salvador) 5. Javier Milei (Argentina) 6. Bolsenaro (Brazil) 7. Eric Zemmour (France)
Putin has not been
Invited yet but Trump has talked about him most
So what's common in all these leaders
If you are following my previous threads, I have mentioned
All these leaders are fighting against Deep State
So Trump is basically building an Anti Deep State ecosystem