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Independent researcher to counter Disinformation, Best Threads on Twitter, Behaviour Psychology, Mind deprogramming
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Jul 22 18 tweets 7 min read
IPS Media Foundation (Expose)
Chande ka Dhandha

How US Deep State created leftist digital news media ecosystem in India in last 10 years to target Modi govt and Hindu nationalism

Who funds The Wire, Caravan, Mojo, Alt News, News minutes

Read this expose

1/18 Image In 2014, First time in Indian history a RW party formed govt with full majority and as they formed they started crack down on foreign funded NGOs
Deep State was controlling India from long time via these NGOs only

Take over of News 18 by Reliance also made them worry
Jul 12 15 tweets 6 min read
Agenda behind LGBTQ movement (Explained)

LGBTQ/ Trans movement is well drafted, designed step by step movement n being implemented everywhere

In this thread
- Who r behind this
- Sevan stages
- What is ultimate target

When u will know whole game, U will be shocked

1/15Image U must have observed from last few years Suddenly newspaper, articles started to publish pro LGBTQ articles

Lot of movies, web series started to promote it

Leaders, Brands, TV debates, cricketers, actors all started to support it

Nothing is random in this world Image
Jul 8 4 tweets 2 min read
The Fall of Europe (Thread)

I wish Europeans had listened what an Italian writer Oriana Fallaci said 25 years ago in her book
"The Rage and The Pride"

She predicted 25 years ago that soon Europe vud fall to Islam and reason will become the liberal democracy of Europe

1/4Image She mentioned in her book

She said
"Western and Islamic civilization are incompatible. This time invaders would not come on Horseback with spears;
instead They would come as immigrants and refugee and would win Europe"Image
Jun 24 14 tweets 6 min read
How Foreign powers helped Opposition in 2024 elections (Expose)

In this thread with proof
- How caste narrative was created by foreign researchers
- Who funded this research
- What is connection of them with Rahul Gandhi
- How opposition used this narrative in elections

1/14 Image Recently a French journalist Francois Gautier exposed that how French govt run anti Modi agenda during elections and tried to influence 2024 election

He specifically named
CNRS (French state research org)
and its head Jaffrelot Christophe (@jaffrelotc) Image
Jun 19 11 tweets 4 min read
Indian Railway : UPA (Indi Alliance) vs NDA
Who performed better ? (Analysis)

I will analyse on these 4 parameters-

1. Money spent
2. Infra building
- ROBs n RUBs
- New track building
- Electrification
3. Modernisation
- Signal System
- Crossing
4. Safety

1/11 Image Part 1 : Money Spent

I don't think so there is any comparison here

NDA's railway budget for 2023-24 was Rs 2.40 lac crore that is way higher than total budget of 10 years of UPA

UPA spent Rs 57,635 cr in 5 years during 2009-14

NDA spent 10 times more money on Railway than UPA Image
Jun 18 7 tweets 3 min read
Operation Tupac (Thread)

If you want to understand the kundali of these five star Kashmir separatist like Arundhati Roy then you must be aware of Operation Tupac

They all are products of Pakistan sponsored and produced Operation Tupac

1/7 Image Operation Tupac is world's longest running military operation

This operation was started by Pakistan during 70s against India

The objective of this operation was:
"Bleed India with thousands cuts"

After two consecutive defeats, Pakistan had realised that it can't defeat Image
Jun 14 7 tweets 3 min read
Gun Powder and Spark (Thread)
Inside story of Congress "Constitution and Reservation" campaign

Congress run a vicious fake campaign of "BJP will end constitution and reservation" and SC/ST and OBC trusted this narrative and voted against BJP

But story started 3 years ago

1/7Image Question is BJP did so much welfare and gave so many benefits to SC/ST/OBC in last 10 years still why they trusted Congress and moved away BJP ?

Answer is this election campaign was just a spark

Congress had already laid gun powder (Barood) in last 3 years for this explosion Image
Jun 12 18 tweets 4 min read
Why BJP failed in Mission 400 (Explained)

Let me say it loud n clear
Modi's was the best PM of history, His 2014-24 tenure was amazing
No political leader of world could develop his country, The way Modi developed India in his 10 years

Mission 400 was completely realistic

1/18Image BJP could easily get 350 seats and NDA could easily get 400 seats and this mission was looking very easily achievable till March 2024 but election completely changed during elections and BJP faced loss of more than 100 seats

Here are top five reasons for this
Jun 11 13 tweets 3 min read
Most important ministries for Hindu Civilization (Thread)

In these thread-
which are the ministries in Govt of India that are most critical for Hindu civilization and that can help most to revive and to protect Hindu civilization and can help BJP to win forever

1/13Image 1. Education Ministry

This is the single most imp ministry for any civilization.
Islamist and Leftist both know the power of this ministry and this is the reason out of first five education minister of India, four were Muslim

This is favorite ministry of Leftist
Jun 10 5 tweets 2 min read
What is difference between Cabinet Minister, Minister of State (MoS), MoS (independent charge) - Explained

It's actually very easy, just spend 2 mins
To understand difference between then first you should understand what is the Union council of minister or Cabinet

1/4 Image Cabinet

Its also called Union council of Ministers is a group of Ministers who take all the decisions of govt.

Head of Cabinet is Prime Minister
U must have read many times these decisions were taken in cabinet meeting

All ministers are not part of cabinet
Jun 7 12 tweets 3 min read
Modi 3.0 (Thread)
How Team Modi Nitish Naidu will drive India

Modi 3.0 will be three time more powerful
Reason for this is perfect synergy

There are lot of similarities between these three leaders
This positive thread is on little known aspects of Nitish and Naidu

1/5Image Chandrababu Naidu

Naidu was CM of Andhra during 1995-2004 and 2014-19 and he was also convener of NDA during 1999-2004

Naidu is highly pro development, pro reforms
When he was CM, people used to call him CEO of Andhra

U must have heard that fake news that Rajiv Gandhi broughtImage
Jun 5 21 tweets 6 min read
Hindutva Decade - The Lost Opportunity (Thread)

In 2014, Frustrated from appeasement of Congress, Hindus united and gave full majority to BJP and gave again in 2019

This 2014-24 was the Hindutva decade
There was a govt in power chosen by Hindus with full majority

1/21Image It was the 1947 moment for Hindus

The opportunity to revive Hindu civilization that faced 1000 years oppression from Islam and Britishers but they lost in 1947 due to betrayal of Nehru

Hindu got this opportunity again in 2014
It was once in a life time opportunity
Jun 4 4 tweets 2 min read
Sensational inputs are coming from Ajmer blackmail case

They have trapped 100 girls and all girls are Hindu

Police have arrested 4 more boys

Arrested boys till now - Irfan, Arbaz, Aslam, Rajjak, Mubarak Khan, Imran Khan

Image All 100+ girls are Hindu so Police is exploring Love jihad angle in this case Image
May 13 20 tweets 7 min read
Direct Action Day (Thread)
Part 2 - Gopal Patha

He proved Gandhi's methods were wrong

Muslim League hates him
His name was deleted from every history books, internet, Wikipedia

Today no leader wants to talk about him
But due to him, Kolkata is still part of India

1/20 Image Jinnah chose Calcutta for his Direct Action day coz he wanted it in Pakistan

Calcutta was major business city of India that time n Jinnah didn’t want to lose it

Job to make Calcutta Hindu free was given to Suhrawardy who was CM of Bengal n loyal to Jinnah
May 12 17 tweets 5 min read
Direct Action Day (Thread)
Part 1 : Butcher of Bengal

This thread is based on communal riots happened in Calcutta from 16th Aug 1946 to 21st Aug 1946 which led to partition of India

Part 1 will cover events of 16th - 18th August 1946
Part 2 will cover 19th Aug - 21st Aug

1/17Image Muslim League (ML) n Congress were two main political parties in Constituent Assembly of India in 1940s

ML had demanded, since its 1940 Lahore Resolution, that Muslim-majority areas of India in the northwest and the east, should be constituted as 'independent states"
May 7 16 tweets 3 min read
Gujarat Files (Thread)
How Congress destroyed Gujarat by Muslim appeasement

Many people think that Godhra train burning was the only reason of Gujarat riots but they are wrong.

It was just a spark but gun powder was spread by Congress during their rule of 50 years

1/16 Image Story of Godhra train burning starts from 1946. That train burning was result of what was happening in Gujarat since 1946 on name of secularism

A truth that no one told u till now.
The real Gujarat Files

First communal major riot happened in Gujarat at 1946 at Ahmedabad.
Apr 11 4 tweets 2 min read
The Real truth behind Caste census

Rahul Gandhi's Caste census is actually Joshua Project of Vatican to convert Indians into Christianity

Joshua Project is part of conversion mission in which they want to compile data of all ethnic groups of non Christian people

1/3 Image Data collected in caste census will be used by Christian missionaries under Joshua project to plan out strategy for conversion

It's like carrying out Joshua project on Indian taxpayers money Image
Apr 10 10 tweets 4 min read
How Deep State ecosystem works
Read this thread

On 8th and 9th April, University of Michigan organized a workshop on :
"Social media and society in India"

For this event they invited 20-30 people from India.

Who were those 20-30 people and why they were invited ?

1/9 Image This event was organized by Joyojeet Pal

He is former Microsoft analyst and current associate professor at School of Information, Michigan University (USA)

This was not first workshop of Joyojeet, He already have organized four workshops and in every workshop Image
Apr 9 6 tweets 2 min read
Today Delhi High Court smashed the agenda of Aam Aadmi Party that they have been shouting from last 15 days

Check in this small thread What AAP and Indi Alliance parties have been saying abt Kejriwal and how High Court slapped them

AAP claim: There is no evidence against Kejriwal

Court : There are enough evidences against Kejriwal Image
Apr 9 11 tweets 4 min read
Wealth Redistribution - The Communist manifesto and The NWO Agenda (Thread)
Why Rahul Gandhi is most dangerous man for India ?

Read this most shocking thread

Rahul Gandhi is just face. The real game is being played the invisible team which controls Rahul Gandhi.

1/11Image The Marxist team that writes his speeches, that prepared Congress manifesto, that planned his yatra, that fix his foreign meetings and most imp the persons sitting outside of India who always wanted to control India.

RaGa is completely under control of Marxist Image
Apr 4 10 tweets 3 min read
NATO - The military alliance of Globalist (Thread)

In this compact thread
-What is NATO
-Why it was formed
-Its structure and working
-Its bloody history
- Reason for Russia Ukraine war

Wont go much in detail, will cover these topics very briefly

1/10Image Today is diamond jubilee anniversary of NATO

NATO was formed 75 years ago on 4th April 1949. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is basically military alliance of 32 countries of Europe and America.
U can say joint army of these 32 countries Image