JFK wanted to dissolve the usury of Federal Reserve and end the illegal secrecy of the CIA, withdraw U.S. troops from Vietnam (the war America was fighting for Israel), make nice with the USSR, and stop Israel from obtaining nuclear arms.
A President RFK Jr would mark a new era.
In 1963, the CIA murdered JFK for Israel and Jewish power in America.
In 2023, RFK Jr is discreetly taking on Jewish power structures.
Before the 2024, it will become patently obvious to absolutely everybody else that it’s only the Talmudic Jews today who hate #Kennedy24.
I was born in the shadow of JFK’s death. The CIA murdered JFK for Israel. This means that up until a few years ago my entire life was subverted by Jewish power structures. Did I know at the time? Absolutely not. Can I go back 55 years and give examples for each year? Absolutely.
In 1962, RFK, then Attorney General, indicted the American Zionist Council (AZC) as a long-arm of the Israeli government.
To "magically" resolve this, the AZC heads met in the Allen Dulles’ office at the CIA. They created the AIPAC and hardwired the "Israel lobby" to the CIA.
Up until recently when the CIA was forced to admit it murdered JFK for Israel, the phenomenon of “martyrdom” could not be explained to an American because it demonstrates that Jewish power is purely religious and people in the U.S. have been mass conditioned to believe otherwise.
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It is a good day to remember that Christ flipped tables in the temple in Jerusalem to drive out the merchants and money changers and to restore the temple to its original purpose as a house of prayer. Nothing has changed in 2,000 years. Judaism is incompatible with Christianity.
I don’t care what religion you follow, just don’t tell me you are one thing (a Christian), when you are, in fact, entirely another (a Jew). Then there will be trouble. I will flip your table every single day and twice on Sunday!
Jews and the CIA stupidly opened the world’s biggest can of worms. Judaism and the criminal activity of diaspora are the same thing. Criminals spend their time sneaking around. You’ve only got to watch them and look for patterns to identify their crimes and how they achieve them.
This one tweet is going to extinguish what was left of the alleged “MAGA” phenomenon. And, in turn, is going to out every fascist cunt in the Dem party from Yonkers to San Diego.
The key to understanding Judaism is the history of “secular” art. In 1980s, the CIA covertly set out to globalize the art world, primarily through overseas culture interchange programs in countries with allegedly “repressive regimes” that “stifled artistic expression.”
Prior to the Civil War, banking in the U.S. was based on Christian principles. After the system was federalized two days before Christmas in 1913, it gradually became more and more of a Jewish banking operation. In the 21st century it fully supports Jewish diaspora and Israel.
There’s a historical connection between Jewish high society and Impressionism in the 1870s and 1880s. A disproportionately large number of its early patrons were Jewish. The style’s understood as the visual language of a patronage network of salons juifs in and out Paris, France.
Prior to the Civil War, banking in the U.S. was based on Christian principles. After the system was federalized two days before Christmas in 1913, it gradually became more and more of a Jewish banking operation. In the 21st century it fully supports Jewish diaspora and Israel.
Jewish finance is a religious apartheid built entirely from the 613 statutes of, the Babylonian Talmud, covenant law.
As with Islamic finance, Christian finance supervises banking operations and financial activities with principles of conscience that prevent a banking apartheid.
The Islamic conceptualization of finance is built around a set of core principles which give primacy to honesty, fairness and accountability in trade and transactions. As such, Islamic finance seeks to uphold justice, transparency, and shared prosperity in economic systems.
Donald Trump is certainly not the worst president in my lifetime. Unlike other politicians, his campaign promises became first term realities. Any bad feelings I have about him presiding over the U.S. have nothing to do with him and everything to do with the financed hatred.
I’ve simply no tolerance left for the so-called “intelligence community” who is clearly operating the mammouth hate operation.
Trump rejects everything the CIA stands for and instead embraces a world of sovereign nation-states that cherish their independence and identities.
America has no divinely mandated mission to “democratize” mankind. That “rationalization” can be found in the Babylonian Talmud —Jewish covenant law— but Jews are all sworn to secrecy by their lunatic religion, so nobody mentions that religious doctrine of manifest destiny.
None of this is real. Jews are scapegoating blacks. Again. The media, which is owned by Jews and operated by the CIA for Israel, is intent on making this a black/white thing when it is not. Read Maimonides. Judaism’s criminal racket of “racism” was formalized in the Middle Ages.
Judaism’s a religion. It says so much about the political turmoil that such things need to be said. As long as Judaism drives our political debate, we won’t have our Constitutional freedoms. The same threat that caused the American Revolution, Civil War and Civil Rights Movement.