JFK wanted to dissolve the usury of Federal Reserve and end the illegal secrecy of the CIA, withdraw U.S. troops from Vietnam (the war America was fighting for Israel), make nice with the USSR, and stop Israel from obtaining nuclear arms.
A President RFK Jr would mark a new era.
In 1963, the CIA murdered JFK for Israel and Jewish power in America.
In 2023, RFK Jr is discreetly taking on Jewish power structures.
Before the 2024, it will become patently obvious to absolutely everybody else that it’s only the Talmudic Jews today who hate #Kennedy24.
I was born in the shadow of JFK’s death. The CIA murdered JFK for Israel. This means that up until a few years ago my entire life was subverted by Jewish power structures. Did I know at the time? Absolutely not. Can I go back 55 years and give examples for each year? Absolutely.
In 1962, RFK, then Attorney General, indicted the American Zionist Council (AZC) as a long-arm of the Israeli government.
To "magically" resolve this, the AZC heads met in the Allen Dulles’ office at the CIA. They created the AIPAC and hardwired the "Israel lobby" to the CIA.
Up until recently when the CIA was forced to admit it murdered JFK for Israel, the phenomenon of “martyrdom” could not be explained to an American because it demonstrates that Jewish power is purely religious and people in the U.S. have been mass conditioned to believe otherwise.
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I am thankful for the support I receive. I try to take good care of myself and others. I estranged myself from my family to protect them, not because I have anything less than love for them. We are wedged into a conflict rooted in religion, not some sort of trivial family spat.
War is rooted in a religion’s total rejection of objective truth. Thus, thinking means being able to hold two or more opposing viewpoints in your mind simultaneously without determining which, if any, is the truer, wiser, or even more plausible of the conflicting arguments.
Humanity is rooted in objective truth. We need objective truth in the world. This is how I feel. If I am completely isolated because of my views, that is fine. Humanity is more important to me than being part of a club of liars, thieves and cheats who govern by abusing religion.
The Talmud is the primary source of Jewish religious law and practice.
The Babylonian Talmud is the handbook for the occult creation of “Judaeo-Christianity” and cults, in general.
The Talmud is not concerned with belief, but with what Jews do, down to the smallest detail.
Judaism strips its followers of humility, self awareness, and individual free will. No matter theist or atheist, a Jew is totally encumbered with his religion. He is encumbered with its laws. If one fails to realize and appreciate that, there is really no reason to discuss Jews.
There’s no larger source of an occult (hidden) religious framework (law) than the Babylonian Talmud. Via its “Daf Yomi,” Jews study to distract from the criminal instruction manual and from the secret society of Judaism with pseudo-intellectualism.
Will we compare Trump’s second term to the presidencies of FDR and LBJ? Domestically, the U.S. was fundamentally transformed, between FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society. Since Trump lacks the Congressional majorities which FDR and LBJ had, he is governing by executive order.
The Constitution limits a president’s direct control over domestic policy. But with foreign policy, a president can change course, even significantly, at least in spurts, without direct pushback from Congress or the judiciary. Indeed, Trump is indirectly changing domestic policy.
Essentially, like FDR and LBJ, DJT is now delivering shocking new changes to instantly update our old map of reality. We do need a map. Only three weeks in, the Trump admin has secured a new sovereign mandate for America and peace in both Ukraine and Palestine now seems possible.
Think of the CIA as communist Russia. The size of the two was similar but the spread of the CIA mirrored the USSR in its shadow, mainly the “West.” Their buffoons, like @RadioFreeTom, @20committee, John Sipher, @michaeldweiss and @edwardlucas, have been giving it away for years.
@RadioFreeTom @20committee @michaeldweiss @edwardlucas It all happened in Russia. Read Slezkine. The NKVD (Jews) manipulated the bourgeois middle-class arts/uni movement into creating a "narrative" for the USSR that millions accepted. The CIA did the same thing in the “West” in support of Israel and Jewish diaspora.
There is no larger source of occult (as in hidden) religious framework (as in law) than the Babylonian Talmud, but Jews, like @gosselin_b👇, are prescribed to distract from that criminal instruction manual and from the secret society of Judaism with their pseudo-intellectualism.
The issue is religion. The Jewish lunatics study the Talmud for eight years.
While Christianity and Islam prohibit any kind of “playing God,” Judaism not only encourages it, Judaism provides a how-to manual (the Babylonian Talmud), and a license to harm non-Jews for big money.
Resisting Judaism’s occult framework
means facing our inner truths and remaining steadfast in our faith, beyond any external religious beliefs or cultural practices. Followers of the religion of Judaism will do anything, no matter what, in order to avoid facing their truths.
Do you know why Jewish diaspora are going so insane right now? They know. They see it happening. The criminal racket of Judaism, worldwide, is falling apart. It is all coming down. They are freaked. Because Jewish governance only lasts about 80 years, buried by the sands of time.
Degeneration seems to be the best descriptor for Israel. Jewish power only lasts one saeculum—80 years—spanning the lives children who were too young to know they were growing up in a world built on lies. Now the next generation isn’t buying unwarranted Jewish world governance.
The Strauss-Howe generation theory says an 80-year cycle is crucial, and every four generations is associated to a crisis that impacts the ongoing social order and creates a new one. This explains the collapse of Israel and Jewish diaspora. This explains the collapse of the CIA.